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  Full infrared spectrum of molecular hydrogen (Roueff+, 2019)
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1.J/A+A/630/A58/table2List of all infrared transition of the X H2 rovibrational states (4712 rows)

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  recno  Record number assigned by the VizieR team. Should Not be used for identification. (meta.record)
  vu  Upper state vibrational quantum number (phys.atmol.qn)
  Ju  Upper state rotational quantum number (phys.atmol.qn)
  vl  Lower state vibrational quantum number (phys.atmol.qn)
  Jl  Lower state rotational quantum number (phys.atmol.qn)
  sigma cm-1 Transition wave-number, σ (em.wavenumber;phys.atmol.transition)
  Dsigma cm-1 Transition wave-number accuracy, Δσ (stat.error)
  lambda um Transition wavelength, λ (em.wl;phys.atmol.transition)
  Dlambda um Transition wavelength accuracy, Δλ (stat.error)
  Aqua s-1 Electric quadrupole transition Einstein coefficient Aqua(vu,Ju ⟶ vl,Jl) (phys.atmol.transProb;phys.atmol.transition)
  Ama s-1 Magnetic dipole transition Einstein coefficient Ama(vu,Ju ⟶ vl,Jl) (phys.atmol.transProb;phys.atmol.transition)
  A s-1 Full radiative transition emission probability Einstein coefficient A(vu,Ju ⟶ vl,Jl) = Aqua(vu,Ju ⟶ vl,Jl) + Ama(vu,Ju ⟶ vl,Jl) (phys.atmol.transProb)
  Atot s-1 Total level emission probability of the upper level Atot(vu,Ju) = {Sum}(vl,Jl) A(vu,Ju ⟶ vl,Jl) (stat.probability;phys.atmol.level)
  Eu cm-1 Upper level energy (origin is the H_2 dissociation limit) (;phys.atmol.level)
  DEu cm-1 Upper level energy accuracy, ΔEu (stat.error)
  Tu K Upper level term energy (computed from (0,0) level with a dissociation energy of 36118.0695cm–1) (;phys.atmol.level)
  gu  Upper level statistical weight (Note 1)   (stat.weight;phys.atmol.level)

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