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  Habitable Worlds Observatory (HWO): 164 targets (Harada+, 2024)
Post annotation
1.J/ApJS/272/30/table4Expanded NASA Exoplanet Exploration Program (ExEP) Mission Star List (EMSL) catalog (original column names in green) (164 rows)

Query by Constraints constraints help applied on Columns (Output Order: + - )
Standard Original
ShowSortColumn  Constraint Explain   (UCD)
  recno  Record number assigned by the VizieR team. Should Not be used for identification. (meta.record)
  Seq  (n) [0/163] Sequential identifier (meta.record)
  TIC  Designation in the TESS Input Catalog (tic_id) (Note 1)   (;meta.main)
  HIP  Designation in the Hipparcos Catalog (hip_name) (Note 1)   (
  m_HIP (char) Hipparcos Component letters (hip_compnamer) (1) (Note 2)   (meta.code.multip)
  HD (char) Designation in the Henry Draper Catalog (hd_name) (Note 1)   (
  HR (char) Designation in the Bright Star Catalog, 5th Edition (hr_name) (Note 1)   (
  GJ (char) Designation in the Catalogs of Nearby Stars (see V/70; gj_name) (1) (Note 3)   (
  Const (char) Constellation ID (constellation) (1) (Note 4)   (
  Hostname (char) Common star ID (hostname) (1) (Note 5)   (
  Dist pc (n) [1.3/23.3] System distance, calculated as inverse parallax (sy_distr) (Note 1)   (pos.distance)

ALL cols
(n) indicates a possible blank or NULL column(i)indexed column
  plx mas (n) [42.99/751] System parallax (sy_plx) (Note 1)   (pos.parallax)
  e_plx mas (n) [0.015/1.1] Uncertainty in plx (sy_plxerr) (Note 1)   (stat.error;pos.parallax)
  r_plx (char) Reference bibcode for plx (sy_plx_reflink) (Note 1)   (meta.ref;pos.parallax)
  RA_ICRS deg (n)(i) Right ascension (ICRS) (ra) (Note 1)   (pos.eq.ra;meta.main)
  DE_ICRS deg (n)(i) Declination (ICRS) (dec) (Note 1)   (pos.eq.dec;meta.main)
  Vmag mag (n) [0.002/7.5] Johnson V apparent magnitude (sy_vmag) (Note 1)   (phot.mag;em.opt.V)
  e_Vmag mag (n) [0/0.04] Uncertainty in the Vmag (sy_vmagerr) (Note 1)   (stat.error;phot.mag;em.opt.V)
  r_Vmag (char) Reference bibcode for Vmag (sy_vmag_reflink) (Note 1)   (meta.ref;phot.mag;em.opt.V)
  B-V mag (n) [0.3/1.6] Johnson B-V color index (sy_bvmag) (Note 1)   (phot.color;em.opt.B;em.opt.V)
  e_B-V mag (n) [0/0.03] Uncertainty in B-V (sy_bvmagerr) (Note 1)   (stat.error;phot.color)
  r_B-V (char) Reference bibcode B-V (sy_bvmag_reflink) (Note 1)   (meta.ref;phot.color)
  Rcmag mag (n) [-0.4/6.4] Apparent Cousins Rc magnitude (RcF) (sy_rcmag) (Note 1)   (phot.mag;em.opt.R)
  r_Rcmag (char) Reference bibcode Rcmag (RcF) (sy_rcmag_reflink) (Note 1)   (meta.ref;phot.mag;em.opt.R)

ALL cols
(n) indicates a possible blank or NULL column(i)indexed column
  SpT (char) Stellar spectral type (st_spectype) (Note 1)   (src.spType)
  r_SpT (char) Reference bibcode for SpT (st_spectype_reflink) (Note 1)   (meta.ref;src.spType)
  Teff K (n) [3601/6990] Stellar effective temperature (st_teff) (Note 1)   (phys.temperature.effective)
  e_Teff K (n) [5/130] Uncertainty in Teff (st_tefferr) (Note 1)   (stat.error;phys.temperature.effective)
  r_Teff (char) Reference bibcode Teff (st_teff_reflink) (Note 1)   (meta.ref;phys.temperature.effective)
  logLstar [Lsun] (n) [-1.71/0.8] Logarithmic stellar bolometric luminosity (st_lum) (Note 1)   (phys.luminosity;phot.flux.bol)
  e_logLstar [Lsun] (n) [0.003/0.03] Uncertainty in logLstar (st_lumerr) (Note 1)   (stat.error;phys.luminosity;phot.flux.bol)
  r_logLstar (char) Reference bibcode logLstar (st_lum_reflink) (Note 1)   (meta.ref;phys.luminosity;phot.flux.bol)
  Rstar Rsun (n) [0.3/2.3] Stellar radius; where 1Rsun=695700km (st_rad) (Note 1)   (phys.size.radius)
  Diam mas (n) [0.5/8.6] Stellar angular diameter (st_diam) (Note 1)   (phys.size.diameter)
  Mstar Msun (n) [0.4/1.5] Stellar mass (st_mass) (Note 1)   (phys.mass)
  Met [Sun] (n) [-1.4/0.4] Stellar metallicity (st_met) (1) (Note 6)   (phys.abund.Z)
  e_Met [-] (n) [0.01/0.2] Uncertainty in Met (st_meterr) (Note 1)   (stat.error;phys.abund.Z)

ALL cols
(n) indicates a possible blank or NULL column(i)indexed column
  r_Met (char) Reference bibcode for Met (st_met_reflink) (Note 1)   (meta.ref;phys.abund.Z)
  n_Met (char) Type of stellar metallicity (st_metratio) (1) (Note 6)   (meta.note;phys.abund.Z)
  logg [cm.s-2] (n) [3.78/4.9] Logarithmic stellar surface gravity (st_logg) (Note 1)   (phys.gravity)
  e_logg [cm.s-2] (n) [0.02/0.3] Uncertainty in logg (st_loggerr) (Note 1)   (stat.error;phys.gravity)
  r_logg (char) Reference bibcode for logg (st_logg_reflink) (Note 1)   (meta.ref;phys.gravity)
  logRHK [-] (n) [-5.5/-4] Stellar CaII H+K chromospheric activity index log (R'HK) (st_log_rhk) (Note 1)   (phot.flux;arith.ratio)
  r_logRHK (char) Reference bibcode logRHK (st_log_rhk_reflink) (Note 1)   (meta.ref;phot.flux;arith.ratio)
  EEID-au au (n) [0.14/2.3] Earth equivalent instellation distance (EEID), (Lbol/Lsun)0.5 (st_eei_orbsep) (Note 1)   (pos.distance;src.orbital)
  EEID-mas mas (n) [50/926] Angular EEID, calculated as EEID (in au) divided by Distance (in pc) (st_eei_angsep) (Note 1)   (pos.angDistance)
  EEID-per d (n) [29/1081.4] Calculated orbital period for a planet at the EEID (st_eei_orbper) (Note 1)   (time.period;src.orbital)
  ETWIN-bratio (char) Calculated planet-star brightness ratio, 1{Rgeo} planet at EEID (st_etwin_bratio) (1) (Note 7)   (;arith.ratio)
  ETWIN-rcmag mag (n) [24.9/31.2] Calculated apparent Cousins Rc magnitude, 1{Rgeo} planet at EEID (st_etwin_rcmag) (1) (Note 8)   (phot.mag;em.opt.R)
  ETWIN-rvamp cm.s-2 (n) [4.9/36.2] Calculated radial velocity amplitude of star, 1{Rgeo} planet at EEID (st_etwin_rvamp) (Note 1)   (spect.dopplerVeloc;src.var.amplitude)

ALL cols
(n) indicates a possible blank or NULL column(i)indexed column
  ETWIN-astamp uas (n) [0.15/2.6] Calculated astrometric amplitude of star, 1{Rgeo} planet at EEID (st_etwin_astamp) (Note 1)   (src.var.amplitude;meta.modelled)
  WDS (char) WDS designation for multiple star systems in the Washington Double Star (WDS) Catalog (wds_designation) (Note 1)   (
  m_WDS (char) Component for star in WDS multiple system (wds_comp) (Note 1)   (meta.code.multip;
  SepWDs arcsec (n) [3.0/769.2] Angular separation between star and other WDS component (wds_sep) (Note 1)   (pos.angDistance)
  delmagWDS mag (n) [-2.64/19.17] Magnitude difference between target star and other WDS component star (wds_deltamag) (Note 1)   (phot.mag;arith.diff)
  Disk (char) Flag if star has an infrared excess indicative of a dust disk, as measured by IRAS, Spitzer, Herschel, WISE, or LBTI (Y=yes, N=no) (sy_diskflag) (Note 1)   (meta.code)
  r_Disk (char) Reference bibcode for Disk (sy_diskflag_reflink) (Note 1)   (meta.ref;meta.code)
  PlFl (char) Flag if star has one or more confirmed exoplanets in the NASA Exoplanet Archive (Y=yes, N=no) (sy_planets_flag) (Note 1)   (meta.code)
  Npl  (n) [0/6] Number of confirmed exoplanets in the system from the NASA Exoplanet Archive (sy_pnum) (Note 1)   (meta.number)
  TGroup (char) Tier group for target star (A, B, C) (target_group) (Note 1)   (
  Bmag mag (n) [0.6/9] Apparent Johnson B magnitude, derived from the 3 B-V color index, this work (phot.mag;em.opt.B)
  e_Bmag mag (n) [0.002/0.05] Uncertainty in the apparent Johnson B magnitude, this work (stat.error;phot.mag;em.opt.B)
  GaiaDR2  (n) Gaia DR2 ID (TIC via astroquery and MAST) (

ALL cols
(n) indicates a possible blank or NULL column(i)indexed column
  GaiaDR3  (n) Gaia DR3 ID (Gaia@AIP doi:10.17876/gaia/edr.3/4, {gaiaedr3.dr2_neighbourhood}; or Hipparcos) (
  Gmag mag (n) [2.6/6.6] Gaia DR3 (I/355) G magnitude (phot.mag;em.opt)
  e_Gmag mag (n) [0.002/0.005] Uncertainty on Gmag (stat.error;phot.mag;em.opt)
  BPmag mag (n) [3.2/7.7] Gaia DR3 (I/355) GBP magnitude (phot.mag;em.opt.B)
  e_BPmag mag (n) [0.002/0.03] Uncertainty on BPmag (stat.error;phot.mag;em.opt.B)
  RPmag mag (n) [2.3/5.7] Gaia DR3 (I/355) GRP magnitude (phot.mag;em.opt.R)
  e_RPmag mag (n) [0.003/0.02] RPmag uncertainty (stat.error;phot.mag;em.opt.R)
  AllWISE (char) Cross-matched AllWISE ID (Gaia@AIP doi:10.17876/gaia/edr.3/29, {gaiaedr3.allwisebestneighbour}; <WISEA> in Simbad) (
  W1mag mag (n) [3.7/4.6] AllWISE (cat. II/328) W1 magnitude (phot.mag;em.IR.3-4um)
  e_W1mag mag (n) [0.2/0.5] W1mag uncertainty (stat.error;phot.mag;em.IR.3-4um)
  W2mag mag (n) [2.5/4.3] AllWISE (Cat. II/328) W2 magnitude (phot.mag;em.IR.4-8um)
  e_W2mag mag (n) [0.1/0.6] W2mag uncertainty (stat.error;phot.mag;em.IR.4-8um)
  W3mag mag (n) [1.7/4.6] AllWISE (Cat. II/328) W3 magnitude (phot.mag;em.IR.8-15um)

ALL cols
(n) indicates a possible blank or NULL column(i)indexed column
  e_W3mag mag (n) [0.009/0.03] W3mag uncertainty (stat.error;phot.mag;em.IR.8-15um)
  W4mag mag (n) [1.4/4.6] AllWISE (Cat. II/328) W4 magnitude (phot.mag;em.IR.15-30um)
  e_W4mag mag (n) [0.01/0.04] W4mag uncertainty (stat.error;phot.mag;em.IR.15-30um)
  2MASS (char) Cross-matched 2MASS ID (Gaia@AIP doi:10.17876/gaia/edr.3/40, {gaiaedr3.tmasspscxscbest neighbour}) (
  Jmag mag (n) [-1.5/5.4] 2MASS (Cat. II/246) J magnitude (phot.mag;em.IR.J)
  e_Jmag mag (n) [0.1/1] Jmag uncertainty (stat.error;phot.mag;em.IR.J)
  Hmag mag (n) [-1.9/4.8] 2MASS (Cat. II/246) H magnitude (phot.mag;em.IR.H)
  e_Hmag mag (n) [0.02/0.7] Hmag uncertainty (stat.error;phot.mag;em.IR.H)
  Ksmag mag (n) [-2.1/4.6] 2MASS (Cat. II/246) Ks magnitude (phot.mag;em.IR.K)
  e_Ksmag mag (n) [0.01/0.4] Ksmag uncertainty (stat.error;phot.mag;em.IR.K)
  Tycho2 (char) Cross-matched Tycho-2 ID (Gaia@AIP doi:10.17876/gaia/edr.3/16, {gaiaedr3.tycho2tdscmergebest_ neighbour}) (
  BTmag mag (n) [3.5/9.4] Tycho-2 (Cat. I/259) BT magnitude (phot.mag;em.opt.B)
  e_BTmag mag (n) [0.01/0.02] BTmag uncertainty (stat.error;phot.mag;em.opt.B)

ALL cols
(n) indicates a possible blank or NULL column(i)indexed column
  VTmag mag (n) [2.8/7.7] Tycho-2 (Cat. I/259) VT magnitude (phot.mag;em.opt.V)
  e_VTmag mag (n) [0.008/0.02] VTmag uncertainty (stat.error;phot.mag;em.opt.V)
  P15  Display data from Paunzen 2015, J/A+A/580/A23 within 3" if umag is filled (meta.ref.url)
  umag mag (n) [2/11.4] Stroemgren u magnitude (Paunzen 2015, J/A+A/580/A23) (phot.mag;em.opt.U)
  e_umag mag (n) [0.004/0.3] umag uncertainty (stat.error;phot.mag;em.opt.U)
  vmag mag (n) [1/9.9] Stroemgren v magnitude (Paunzen 2015, J/A+A/580/A23) (phot.mag;em.opt.V)
  e_vmag mag (n) [0.002/0.2] vmag uncertainty (stat.error;phot.mag;em.opt.V)
  bmag mag (n) [0.4/8.5] Stroemgren b magnitude (Paunzen 2015, J/A+A/580/A23) (phot.mag;em.opt.B)
  e_bmag mag (n) [0.001/0.2] bmag uncertainty (stat.error;phot.mag;em.opt.B)
  ymag mag (n) [0/7.5] Stroemgren y magnitude (Paunzen 2015, J/A+A/580/A23) (phot.mag;em.IR.J)
  e_ymag mag (n) [0/0.2] ymag uncertainty (stat.error;phot.mag;em.IR.J)
  GALEX (char) Cross-matched GALEX identifier [this work, See Section 2.2.6] (
  FUVmag mag (n) [16.2/20.7] GALEX [MAST] FUV magnitude (phot.mag;em.UV.100-200nm)

ALL cols
(n) indicates a possible blank or NULL column(i)indexed column
  e_FUVmag mag (n) [0.03/0.3] GALEX [MAST] FUV magnitude uncertainty (stat.error;phot.mag;em.UV.100-200nm)
  NUVmag mag (n) [11.7/15.7] GALEX [MAST] NUV magnitude (phot.mag;em.UV.200-300nm)
  e_NUVmag mag (n) [0.002/0.02] GALEX [MAST] NUV magnitude uncertainty (stat.error;phot.mag;em.UV.200-300nm)
  hyp-Li [-] (n) [-2.2/2.4] Mean lithium abundance [Li/H] from the Hypatia Catalog, (Version API: 2024-02-07) (phys.abund;stat.mean)
  e_hyp-Li [-] (n) [0.005/0.9] hyp-Li uncertainty (stat.error;phys.abund;stat.mean)
  o_hyp-Li  (n) [1/11] Number of [Li/H] measurements in the Hypatia Catalog, (Version API: 2024-02-07) (meta.number;phys.abund;stat.mean)
  b_hyp-Li [-] (n) [-2.2/2.4] Minimum [Li/H] in the Hypatia Catalog, (Version API): 2024-02-07 (phys.abund;stat.min)
  r_b_hyp-Li (char) Literature reference for the minimum [Li/H] measurement in the Hypatia Catalog, (Version API: 2024-02-07) (meta.ref;phys.abund;stat.min)
  B_hyp-Li [-] (n) [-2.2/2.4] Maximum [Li/H] in the Hypatia Catalog, (Version API): 2024-02-07 (phys.abund;stat.max)
  r_B_hyp-Li (char) Literature reference for the maximum [Li/H] measurement in the Hypatia Catalog, (Version API: 2024-02-07) (meta.ref;phys.abund;stat.max)
  hyp-C [-] (n) [-1.3/0.7] Mean carbon abundance [C/H] from the Hypatia Catalog, (Version API: 2024-02-07) (phys.abund;stat.mean)
  e_hyp-C [-] (n) [0.01/0.5] Carbon abundance uncertainty (stat.error;phys.abund;stat.mean)
  o_hyp-C  (n) [1/22] Number of [C/H] measurements in the Hypatia Catalog, (Version API: 2024-02-07) (meta.number;phys.abund;stat.mean)

ALL cols
(n) indicates a possible blank or NULL column(i)indexed column
  b_hyp-C [-] (n) [-1.3/0.4] Minimum [C/H] in the Hypatia Catalog, (Version API): 2024-02-07 (phys.abund;stat.min)
  r_b_hyp-C (char) Literature reference for the minimum [C/H] measurement in the Hypatia Catalog, (Version API: 2024-02-07) (meta.ref;phys.abund;stat.min)
  B_hyp-C [-] (n) [-1.3/1.3] Maximum [C/H] in the Hypatia Catalog, (Version API): 2024-02-07 (phys.abund;stat.max)
  r_B_hyp-C (char) Literature reference for the maximum [C/H] measurement in the Hypatia Catalog, (Version API: 2024-02-07) (meta.ref;phys.abund;stat.max)
  hyp-N [-] (n) [-1.41/0.8] Mean nitrogen abundance [N/H] from the Hypatia Catalog, (Version API: 2024-02-07) (phys.abund;stat.mean)
  e_hyp-N [-] (n) [0.005/0.6] Nitrogen abundance uncertainty (stat.error;phys.abund;stat.mean)
  o_hyp-N  (n) [1/5] Number of [N/H] measurements in the Hypatia Catalog, (Version API: 2024-02-07) (meta.number;phys.abund;stat.mean)
  b_hyp-N [-] (n) [-1.41/0.8] Minimum [N/H] in the Hypatia Catalog, (Version API): 2024-02-07 (phys.abund;stat.min)
  r_b_hyp-N (char) Literature reference for the minimum [N/H] measurement in the Hypatia Catalog, (Version API: 2024-02-07) (meta.ref;phys.abund;stat.min)
  B_hyp-N [-] (n) [-1.41/0.8] Maximum [N/H] in the Hypatia Catalog, (Version API): 2024-02-07 (phys.abund;stat.max)
  r_B_hyp-N (char) Literature reference for the maximum [N/H] measurement in the Hypatia Catalog, (Version API: 2024-02-07) (meta.ref;phys.abund;stat.max)
  hyp-O [-] (n) [-0.71/0.4] Mean oxygen abundance [O/H] from the Hypatia Catalog, (Version API: 2024-02-07) (phys.abund;stat.mean)
  e_hyp-O [-] (n) [0.005/0.5] Oxygen abundance uncertainty (stat.error;phys.abund;stat.mean)

ALL cols
(n) indicates a possible blank or NULL column(i)indexed column
  o_hyp-O  (n) [1/23] Number of [O/H] measurements in the Hypatia Catalog, (Version API: 2024-02-07) (meta.number;phys.abund;stat.mean)
  b_hyp-O [-] (n) [-0.9/0.4] Minimum [O/H] in the Hypatia Catalog, (Version API): 2024-02-07 (phys.abund;stat.min)
  r_b_hyp-O (char) Literature reference for the minimum [O/H] measurement in the Hypatia Catalog, (Version API: 2024-02-07) (meta.ref;phys.abund;stat.min)
  B_hyp-O [-] (n) [-0.6/0.8] Maximum [O/H] in the Hypatia Catalog, (Version API): 2024-02-07 (phys.abund;stat.max)
  r_B_hyp-O (char) Literature reference for the maximum [O/H] measurement in the Hypatia Catalog, (Version API: 2024-02-07) (meta.ref;phys.abund;stat.max)
  hyp-Na [-] (n) [-1.6/0.6] Mean sodium abundance [Na/H] from the Hypatia Catalog, (Version API: 2024-02-07) (phys.abund;stat.mean)
  e_hyp-Na [-] (n) [0.01/0.3] Sodium abundance uncertainty (stat.error;phys.abund;stat.mean)
  o_hyp-Na  (n) [1/26] Number of [Na/H] measurements in the Hypatia Catalog, (Version API: 2024-02-07) (meta.number;phys.abund;stat.mean)
  b_hyp-Na [-] (n) [-1.8/0.5] Minimum [Na/H] in the Hypatia Catalog, (Version API): 2024-02-07 (phys.abund;stat.min)
  r_b_hyp-Na (char) Literature reference for the minimum [Na/H] measurement in the Hypatia Catalog, (Version API: 2024-02-07) (meta.ref;phys.abund;stat.min)
  B_hyp-Na [-] (n) [-1.4/0.8] Maximum [Na/H] in the Hypatia Catalog, (Version API): 2024-02-07 (phys.abund;stat.max)
  r_B_hyp-Na (char) Literature reference for the maximum [Na/H] measurement in the Hypatia Catalog, (Version API: 2024-02-07) (meta.ref;phys.abund;stat.max)
  hyp-Mg [-] (n) [-1.2/0.5] Mean magnesium abundance [Mg/H] from the Hypatia Catalog, (Version API: 2024-02-07) (phys.abund;stat.mean)

ALL cols
(n) indicates a possible blank or NULL column(i)indexed column
  e_hyp-Mg [-] (n) [0.015/0.4] Magnesium abundance uncertainty (stat.error;phys.abund;stat.mean)
  o_hyp-Mg  (n) [1/26] Number of [Mg/H] measurements in the Hypatia Catalog, (Version API: 2024-02-07) (meta.number;phys.abund;stat.mean)
  b_hyp-Mg [-] (n) [-1.9/0.5] Minimum [Mg/H] in the Hypatia Catalog, (Version API): 2024-02-07 (phys.abund;stat.min)
  r_b_hyp-Mg (char) Literature reference for the minimum [Mg/H] measurement in the Hypatia Catalog, (Version API: 2024-02-07) (meta.ref;phys.abund;stat.min)
  B_hyp-Mg [-] (n) [-0.9/0.8] Maximum [Mg/H] in the Hypatia Catalog, (Version API): 2024-02-07 (phys.abund;stat.max)
  r_B_hyp-Mg (char) Literature reference for the maximum [Mg/H] measurement in the Hypatia Catalog, (Version API: 2024-02-07) (meta.ref;phys.abund;stat.max)
  hyp-Al [-] (n) [-1.3/0.5] Mean aluminum abundance [Al/H] from the Hypatia Catalog, (Version API: 2024-02-07) (phys.abund;stat.mean)
  e_hyp-Al [-] (n) [0.01/0.3] Aluminum abundance uncertainty (stat.error;phys.abund;stat.mean)
  o_hyp-Al  (n) [1/22] Number of [Al/H] measurements in the Hypatia Catalog, (Version API: 2024-02-07) (meta.number;phys.abund;stat.mean)
  b_hyp-Al [-] (n) [-1.5/0.5] Minimum [Al/H] in the Hypatia Catalog, (Version API): 2024-02-07 (phys.abund;stat.min)
  r_b_hyp-Al (char) Literature reference for the minimum [Al/H] measurement in the Hypatia Catalog, (Version API: 2024-02-07) (meta.ref;phys.abund;stat.min)
  B_hyp-Al [-] (n) [-0.9/0.7] Maximum [Al/H] in the Hypatia Catalog, (Version API): 2024-02-07 (phys.abund;stat.max)
  r_B_hyp-Al (char) Literature reference for the maximum [Al/H] measurement in the Hypatia Catalog, (Version API: 2024-02-07) (meta.ref;phys.abund;stat.max)

ALL cols
(n) indicates a possible blank or NULL column(i)indexed column
  hyp-Si [-] (n) [-1.2/0.5] Mean silicon abundance [Si/H] from the Hypatia Catalog, (Version API: 2024-02-07) (phys.abund;stat.mean)
  e_hyp-Si [-] (n) [0.01/0.3] Silicon abundance uncertainty (stat.error;phys.abund;stat.mean)
  o_hyp-Si  (n) [1/32] Number of [Si/H] measurements in the Hypatia Catalog, (Version API: 2024-02-07) (meta.number;phys.abund;stat.mean)
  b_hyp-Si [-] (n) [-1.3/0.4] Minimum [Si/H] in the Hypatia Catalog, (Version API): 2024-02-07 (phys.abund;stat.min)
  r_b_hyp-Si (char) Literature reference for the minimum [Si/H] measurement in the Hypatia Catalog, (Version API: 2024-02-07) (meta.ref;phys.abund;stat.min)
  B_hyp-Si [-] (n) [-1/0.6] Maximum [Si/H] in the Hypatia Catalog, (Version API): 2024-02-07 (phys.abund;stat.max)
  r_B_hyp-Si (char) Literature reference for the maximum [Si/H] measurement in the Hypatia Catalog, (Version API: 2024-02-07) (meta.ref;phys.abund;stat.max)
  hyp-P [-] (n) [-0.3/0.6] Mean phosphorus abundance [P/H] from the Hypatia Catalog, (Version API: 2024-02-07) (phys.abund;stat.mean)
  e_hyp-P [-] (n) [0.02/0.2] Phosphorus abundance uncertainty (stat.error;phys.abund;stat.mean)
  o_hyp-P  (n) [1/2] Number of [P/H] measurements in the Hypatia Catalog, (Version API: 2024-02-07) (meta.number;phys.abund;stat.mean)
  b_hyp-P [-] (n) [-0.3/0.6] Minimum [P/H] in the Hypatia Catalog, (Version API): 2024-02-07 (phys.abund;stat.min)
  r_b_hyp-P (char) Literature reference for the minimum [P/H] measurement in the Hypatia Catalog, (Version API: 2024-02-07) (meta.ref;phys.abund;stat.min)
  B_hyp-P [-] (n) [-0.3/0.6] Maximum [P/H] in the Hypatia Catalog, (Version API): 2024-02-07 (phys.abund;stat.max)

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(n) indicates a possible blank or NULL column(i)indexed column
  r_B_hyp-P (char) Literature reference for the maximum [P/H] measurement in the Hypatia Catalog, (Version API: 2024-02-07) (meta.ref;phys.abund;stat.max)
  hyp-S [-] (n) [-0.5/1.1] Mean sulfur abundance [S/H] from the Hypatia Catalog, (Version API: 2024-02-07) (phys.abund;stat.mean)
  e_hyp-S [-] (n) [0.005/0.4] Sulfur abundance uncertainty (stat.error;phys.abund;stat.mean)
  o_hyp-S  (n) [1/14] Number of [S/H] measurements in the Hypatia Catalog, (Version API: 2024-02-07) (meta.number;phys.abund;stat.mean)
  b_hyp-S [-] (n) [-0.6/1] Minimum [S/H] in the Hypatia Catalog, (Version API): 2024-02-07 (phys.abund;stat.min)
  r_b_hyp-S (char) Literature reference for the minimum [S/H] measurement in the Hypatia Catalog, (Version API: 2024-02-07) (meta.ref;phys.abund;stat.min)
  B_hyp-S [-] (n) [-0.5/1.24] Maximum [S/H] in the Hypatia Catalog, (Version API): 2024-02-07 (phys.abund;stat.max)
  r_B_hyp-S (char) Literature reference for the maximum [S/H] measurement in the Hypatia Catalog, (Version API: 2024-02-07) (meta.ref;phys.abund;stat.max)
  hyp-K [-] (n) [-0.9/0.7] Mean potassium abundance [K/H] from the Hypatia Catalog, (Version API: 2024-02-07) (phys.abund;stat.mean)
  e_hyp-K [-] (n) [0.06/0.3] Potassium abundance uncertainty (stat.error;phys.abund;stat.mean)
  o_hyp-K  (n) [1/4] Number of [K/H] measurements in the Hypatia Catalog, (Version API: 2024-02-07) (meta.number;phys.abund;stat.mean)
  b_hyp-K [-] (n) [-0.9/0.7] Minimum [K/H] in the Hypatia Catalog, (Version API): 2024-02-07 (phys.abund;stat.min)
  r_b_hyp-K (char) Literature reference for the minimum [K/H] measurement in the Hypatia Catalog, (Version API: 2024-02-07) (meta.ref;phys.abund;stat.min)

ALL cols
(n) indicates a possible blank or NULL column(i)indexed column
  B_hyp-K [-] (n) [-0.9/0.7] Maximum [K/H] in the Hypatia Catalog, (Version API): 2024-02-07 (phys.abund;stat.max)
  r_B_hyp-K (char) Literature reference for the maximum [K/H] measurement in the Hypatia Catalog, (Version API: 2024-02-07) (meta.ref;phys.abund;stat.max)
  hyp-Ca [-] (n) [-1.1/0.4] Mean calcium abundance [Ca/H] from the Hypatia Catalog, (Version API: 2024-02-07) (phys.abund;stat.mean)
  e_hyp-Ca [-] (n) [0.005/0.3] Calcium abundance uncertainty (stat.error;phys.abund;stat.mean)
  o_hyp-Ca  (n) [1/26] Number of [Ca/H] measurements in the Hypatia Catalog, (Version API: 2024-02-07) (meta.number;phys.abund;stat.mean)
  b_hyp-Ca [-] (n) [-1.3/0.3] Minimum [Ca/H] in the Hypatia Catalog, (Version API): 2024-02-07 (phys.abund;stat.min)
  r_b_hyp-Ca (char) Literature reference for the minimum [Ca/H] measurement in the Hypatia Catalog, (Version API: 2024-02-07) (meta.ref;phys.abund;stat.min)
  B_hyp-Ca [-] (n) [-0.96/0.52] Maximum [Ca/H] in the Hypatia Catalog, (Version API): 2024-02-07 (phys.abund;stat.max)
  r_B_hyp-Ca (char) Literature reference for the maximum [Ca/H] measurement in the Hypatia Catalog, (Version API: 2024-02-07) (meta.ref;phys.abund;stat.max)
  hyp-Fe [-] (n) [-1.31/0.4] Mean iron abundance [Fe/H] from the Hypatia Catalog, (Version API: 2024-02-07) (phys.abund.Fe)
  e_hyp-Fe [-] (n) [0.01/0.3] Iron abundance uncertainty (stat.error;phys.abund.Fe)
  o_hyp-Fe  (n) [1/64] Number of [Fe/H] measurements in the Hypatia Catalog, (Version API: 2024-02-07) (meta.number;phys.abund.Fe)
  b_hyp-Fe [-] (n) [-1.6/0.25] Minimum [Fe/H] in the Hypatia Catalog, (Version API): 2024-02-07 (phys.abund.Fe;stat.min)

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(n) indicates a possible blank or NULL column(i)indexed column
  r_b_hyp-Fe (char) Literature reference for the minimum [Fe/H] measurement in the Hypatia Catalog, (Version API: 2024-02-07) (meta.ref;phys.abund.Fe;stat.min)
  B_hyp-Fe [-] (n) [-1.2/0.6] Maximum [Fe/H] in the Hypatia Catalog, (Version API): 2024-02-07 (phys.abund.Fe;stat.max)
  r_B_hyp-Fe (char) Literature reference for the maximum [Fe/H] measurement in the Hypatia Catalog, (Version API: 2024-02-07) (meta.ref;phys.abund.Fe;stat.max)
  hyp-Ni [-] (n) [-1.4/0.5] Mean nickel abundance [Ni/H] from the Hypatia Catalog, (Version API: 2024-02-07) (phys.abund;stat.mean)
  e_hyp-Ni [-] (n) [0.01/0.32] Nickel abundance uncertainty (stat.error;phys.abund;stat.mean)
  o_hyp-Ni  (n) [1/30] Number of [Ni/H] measurements in the Hypatia Catalog, (Version API: 2024-02-07) (meta.number;phys.abund;stat.mean)
  b_hyp-Ni [-] (n) [-1.6/0.31] Minimum [Ni/H] in the Hypatia Catalog, (Version API): 2024-02-07 (phys.abund;stat.min)
  r_b_hyp-Ni (char) Literature reference for the minimum [Ni/H] measurement in the Hypatia Catalog, (Version API: 2024-02-07) (meta.ref;phys.abund;stat.min)
  B_hyp-Ni [-] (n) [-1.22/0.6] Maximum [Ni/H] in the Hypatia Catalog, (Version API): 2024-02-07 (phys.abund;stat.max)
  r_B_hyp-Ni (char) Literature reference for the maximum [Ni/H] measurement in the Hypatia Catalog, (Version API: 2024-02-07) (meta.ref;phys.abund;stat.max)
  Nsed  (n) [2/15] Number of photometric points used to compute SED fit with ARIADNE package, this work; see Section 3.1 (meta.number)
  SEDMod (char) Name of SED model favored by Bayesian model selection, this work (;meta.modelled)
  ProbMod  (n) [0.14/0.8] Probability of the favored SED model, derived from the Bayesian evidence, this work (stat.probability;meta.modelled)

ALL cols
(n) indicates a possible blank or NULL column(i)indexed column
  TeffSED K (n) [3482/6985] Stellar effective temperature Teff derived from SED Bayesian model averaging with ARIADNE, this work (phys.temperature.effective)
  e_TeffSED K (n) [24/81] Lower uncertainty (1σ) on TeffSED (stat.error;stat.min;phys.temperature.effective)
  E_TeffSED K (n) [26/84] Upper uncertainty (1σ) on TeffSED (stat.error;stat.max;phys.temperature.effective)
  RsSED Rsun (n) [0.43/2.33] Stellar radius derived from SED Bayesian model averaging with ARIADNE, this work (phys.size.radius;meta.modelled)
  e_RsSED Rsun (n) [0.01/0.06] Lower uncertainty (1σ) on RsSED (stat.error;stat.min;phys.size.radius)
  E_RsSED Rsun (n) [0.01/0.07] Upper uncertainty (1σ) on RsSED (stat.error;stat.max;phys.size.radius)
  MsSED1 Msun (n) [0.39/2.4] Stellar mass from logg, derived from SED Bayesian model averaging with ARIADNE, this work (phys.mass;meta.modelled)
  e_MsSED1 Msun (n) [0.1/0.6] Lower gravitational MsSED1 (stat.error;stat.min;phys.mass)
  E_MsSED1 Msun (n) [0.14/0.7] Upper gravitational MsSED1 (stat.error;stat.max;phys.mass)
  MsSED2 Msun (n) [0.36/1.5] Stellar mass from isochrones, derived from SED Bayesian model averaging with ARIADNE, this work (phys.mass;meta.modelled)
  e_MsSED2 Msun (n) [0.01/0.2] Lower isochronal MsSED2 (stat.error;stat.min;phys.mass)
  E_MsSED2 Msun (n) [0.01/0.4] Upper isochronal MsSED2 (stat.error;stat.max;phys.mass)
  LsSED Lsun (n) [0.02/5.3] Stellar luminosity derived from SED Bayesian model averaging with ARIADNE, this work (phys.luminosity;meta.modelled)

ALL cols
(n) indicates a possible blank or NULL column(i)indexed column
  e_LsSED Lsun (n) [0/0.31] Lower uncertainty (1σ) in LsSED (stat.error;stat.min;phys.luminosity)
  E_LsSED Lsun (n) [0/0.31] Upper uncertainty (1σ) in LsSED (stat.error;stat.max;phys.luminosity)
  AgeSED Gyr (n) [0.01/13.2] Stellar age (from isochrones) derived from SED Bayesian model averaging with ARIADNE, this work (time.age;meta.modelled)
  e_AgeSED Gyr (n) [0/12] Lower uncertainty (1σ) in AgeSED (stat.error;stat.min;time.age)
  E_AgeSED Gyr (n) [0.02/12] Upper uncertainty (1σ) in AgeSED (stat.error;stat.max;time.age)
  TESSFl  (n) [0/1] Flag indicating whether stellar flares have been detected for this target with TESS (1=yes, 0=no), this work (meta.code)
  Nsec  (n) [0/35] Number of TESS sectors with two-minute cadence observations of the target, this work (meta.number;obs)
  FlCount  (n) [1/28] Number of stellar flares detected during the first 39 (or 30) TESS sectors, see r_FlRate (meta.number)
  FlRate s-1 (n) Estimated stellar flare rate, this work (time;arith.ratio)
  Ampmax  (n) [0.0002/0.04] Maximum relative flare amplitude, see r_FlRate (src.var.amplitude;stat.max)
  Emax 10-7J (n) [5.8e+31/1.2e+35] Maximum estimated flare energy, see r_FlRate (;stat.max)
  r_FlRate (char) Reference bibcode for TESS Flare Count, Ampmax, Emax (meta.ref;time;arith.ratio)
  XFl (char) [YN] X-ray flare detected in the XMM-Newton serendipitous source catalog (Pye+ 2015, J/A+A/581/A28) (meta.code)

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(n) indicates a possible blank or NULL column(i)indexed column
  TESSVar  (n) [0.0/1.0] Flag indicating whether this target is variable in TESS photometry (1=yes, 0=no), this work (meta.code)
  TESSMod (char) Best model from the 19 variability analysis [MAST, doi:10.17909/f8pz-vj63] (Note 9)   (;meta.modelled)
  TESSSec (char) TESS Sector number from which this variability analysis was extracted [MAST, doi:10.17909/f8pz-vj63] (Note 10)   (;obs.field)
  P1 d (n) [0.5/12.1] Measured photometric variability period, the first sinusoidal component [MAST, doi:10.17909/f8pz-vj63] (time.period;src.var;phot)
  P2 d (n) [1.2/12.81] Measured photometric variability period, the second sinusoidal component [MAST, doi:10.17909/f8pz-vj63] (time.period;src.var;phot)
  e_P1 d (n) [0.004/3.3] Uncertainty in P1 (stat.error;time.period;src.var)
  e_P2 d (n) [0.019/2.5] Uncertainty in P2 (stat.error;time.period;src.var)
  A1 ppm (n) [20.77/25009] Flux amplitude of photometric variability, the first sinusoidal component [MAST, doi:10.17909/f8pz-vj63] (src.var.amplitude)
  A2 ppm (n) [94.3/2411] Flux amplitude of photometric variability, the second sinusoidal component [MAST, doi:10.17909/f8pz-vj63] (src.var.amplitude)
  e_A1 ppm (n) [0.3/510] Uncertainty in A1 (stat.error;src.var.amplitude)
  e_A2 ppm (n) [0.38/1.5] Uncertainty in A2 (stat.error;src.var.amplitude)
  VSXFl  (n) [0/1] Flag indicating whether this target is included in the AAVSO VSX Catalog (1=yes, 0=no), this work (meta.code)
  VSX (char) Source name in the AAVSO VSX Catalog, this work (

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(n) indicates a possible blank or NULL column(i)indexed column
  VSXVar (char) Source variability status in the AAVSO VSX Catalog (V=variable, S=suspected variable), this work (src.var)
  VSX-OID  (n) [4510/2217836] VSX OID identifier, this work (
  XrayFl  (n) [0/1] Flag indicating whether this target has a previous X-ray detection (1=yes, 0=no), this work (meta.code)
  morxv2 (char) Object ID from the literature adopted in the MORX Cat. V2 (V/158) (
  Xraypct  (n) [83/100] Calculated percent likelihood that the shown X-ray detection(s) is associated with this optical object (Cat. V/158) (stat.likelihood;stat.value)
  starpct  (n) [81/99] Calculated percentage likelihood that the X-ray associated object is a star (Cat. V/158) (stat.likelihood;stat.value)
  CXOU (char) Chandra X-ray detection ID, if any (Cat. V/158) (
  4XMM (char) XMM-Newton X-ray detection ID, if any (Cat. V/158) (
  Swift (char) SWIFT X-ray detection ID, if any (Cat. V/158) (
  OtherXID (char) ROSAT or XMM-Slew X-ray detection ID, if any (Cat. V/158) (
  Simbad  ask the Simbad data-base about this object (meta.ref.url)

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(n) indicates a possible blank or NULL column(i)indexed column
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