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I/239/hip_main The Hipparcos and Tycho Catalogues (ESA 1997)
The Hipparcos Main Catalogue
(118218 rows)
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Note: Errors found in the Hipparcos catalogue are reported in the file errata.htx

ColumnValue  Explain   (UCD)
_RAJ200000 27 55.6984085 "h:m:s" Right ascension (FK5, Equinox=J2000.0) at Epoch=J2000, proper motions taken into account (pos.eq.ra)
_DEJ2000-33 00 25.801472 "d:m:s" Declination (FK5, Equinox=J2000.0) at Epoch=J2000, proper motions taken into account (pos.eq.dec)
_RAB195000 25 27.0882696 "h:m:s" Right ascension (FK4, Equinox=B1950.0) at Epoch=J1950, proper motions taken into account (pos.eq.ra)
_DEB1950-33 16 58.956197 "d:m:s" Declination (FK4, Equinox=B1950.0) at Epoch=J1950, proper motions taken into account (pos.eq.dec)
_Glon342.3610411232 deg Galactic longitude at Epoch=J1991.25, proper motions taken into account (pos.galactic.lon)
_Glat-82.2294785124 deg Galactic latitude at Epoch=J1991.25, proper motions taken into account (
2208recno 2208  Record number assigned by the VizieR team. Should Not be used for identification. (meta.record)

HIP 2210  (i) Identifier (HIP number) (H1) (;meta.main)
Proxy    [HT] Proximity flag (Note H2)   (meta.code)
RAhms00 27 55.71  Right ascension in h m s, ICRS (J1991.25) (H3) (pos.eq.ra)
DEdms-33 00 25.4  Declination in deg ' ", ICRS (J1991.25) (H4) (pos.eq.dec)
Vmag 4.86 mag Magnitude in Johnson V (H5) (phot.mag;em.opt.V)
VarFlag2   [1,3] Coarse variability flag (Note H6)   (meta.code;src.var)
r_VmagH   [GHT] Source of magnitude (Note H7)   (meta.ref;pos.frame)
RAICRS006.98213606 deg (i) alpha, degrees (ICRS, Epoch=J1991.25) (Note H8)   (pos.eq.ra;meta.main)
DEICRS-33.00704460 deg (i) delta, degrees (ICRS, Epoch=J1991.25) (Note H9)   (pos.eq.dec;meta.main)
AstroRef    [*+A-Z] Reference flag for astrometry (Note H10)   (meta.bib)
Plx 5.95 mas (i) Trigonometric parallax (H11) (pos.parallax.trig)
pmRA -20.48 mas/yr Proper motion mu_alpha.cos(delta), ICRS(H12) (for J1991.25 epoch) (Note)   (;pos.eq.ra)
pmDE -50.39 mas/yr Proper motion mu_delta, ICRS (H13) (for J1991.25 epoch) (Note)   (;pos.eq.dec)
e_RAICRS 0.70 mas Standard error in RA*cos(DEdeg) (H14) (at epoch J1991.25; for different epochs, the actual mean error must take into account the proper motion uncertainties) (Note)   (stat.error;pos.eq.ra)
e_DEICRS 0.45 mas Standard error in DE (H15) (at epoch J1991.25; for different epochs, the actual mean error must take into account the proper motion uncertainties) (Note)   (stat.error;pos.eq.dec)
e_Plx 0.72 mas Standard error in Plx (H16) (stat.error;pos.parallax)
e_pmRA 0.84 mas/yr Standard error in pmRA (H17) (stat.error;;pos.eq.ra)
e_pmDE 0.48 mas/yr Standard error in pmDE (H18) (stat.error;;pos.eq.dec)
DE:RA 0.03   [-1/1] Correlation, DE/RA*cos(delta) (H19) (stat.correlation)
Plx:RA-0.10   [-1/1] Correlation, Plx/RA*cos(delta) (H20) (stat.correlation)
Plx:DE-0.04   [-1/1] Correlation, Plx/DE (H21) (stat.correlation)
pmRA:RA-0.21   [-1/1] Correlation, pmRA/RA*cos(delta) (H22) (stat.correlation)
pmRA:DE 0.06   [-1/1] Correlation, pmRA/DE (H23) (stat.correlation)
pmRA:Plx 0.21   [-1/1] Correlation, pmRA/Plx (H24) (stat.correlation)
pmDE:RA 0.09   [-1/1] Correlation, pmDE/RA*cos(delta) (H25) (stat.correlation)
pmDE:DE-0.07   [-1/1] Correlation, pmDE/DE (H26) (stat.correlation)
pmDE:Plx-0.18   [-1/1] Correlation, pmDE/Plx (H27) (stat.correlation)
pmDE:pmRA-0.10   [-1/1] Correlation, pmDE/pmRA (H28) (stat.correlation)
F1 2 % Percentage of rejected data (H29) (stat.value;arith.ratio)
F2-0.30   Goodness-of-fit parameter (Note H30)   (
BTmag 6.982 mag Mean BT magnitude (H32) (phot.mag;em.opt.B)
e_BTmag 0.008 mag Standard error on BTmag (H33) (stat.error;phot.mag)
VTmag 5.059 mag Mean VT magnitude (H34) (phot.mag;em.opt.V)
e_VTmag 0.006 mag Standard error on VTmag (H35) (stat.error;phot.mag)
m_BTmag    [A-Z*-] Reference flag for BT and VTmag (Note H36)   (meta.code.multip)
B-V 1.634 mag Johnson B-V colour (H37) (phot.color;em.opt.B;em.opt.V)
e_B-V 0.035 mag Standard error on B-V (H38) (stat.error;phot.color;em.opt.B)
r_B-VG   [GT] Source of B-V from Ground or Tycho (H39) (meta.ref;phot.color;em.opt.B)
V-I 2.32 mag Colour index in Cousins' system (H40) (phot.color;em.opt.V;em.opt.I)
e_V-I 0.02 mag Standard error on V-I (H41) (stat.error;phot.color;em.opt.V)
r_V-IA   [A-T] Source of V-I (Note H42)   (meta.ref;phot.color;em.opt.V)
CombMag    [*] Flag for combined Vmag, B-V, V-I (H43) (meta.code)
Hpmag 4.9006 mag Median magnitude in Hipparcos system (Note H44)   (phot.mag;em.opt.V)
e_Hpmag 0.0051 mag Standard error on Hpmag (Note H45)   (stat.error;phot.mag)
Hpscat 0.033 mag Scatter on Hpmag (H46) (stat.error)
o_Hpmag 76   Number of observations for Hpmag (H47) (meta.number)
m_Hpmag    [A-Z*-] Reference flag for Hpmag (Note H48)   (meta.code.multip)
Hpmax 4.85 mag Hpmag at maximum (5th percentile) (H49) (stat.error)
HPmin 4.98 mag Hpmag at minimum (95th percentile) (H50) (stat.error)
Period  d Variability period (days) (H51) (src.var)
HvarTypeU   [CDMPRU] variability type (Note H52)   (meta.note)
moreVar2   [12] Additional data about variability (Note H53)   (meta.code)
morePhoto    [ABC] Light curve Annex (H54) (meta.code)
CCDM   CCDM identifier (H55) (
n_CCDM    [HIM] Historical status flag (Note H56)   (meta.note)
Nsys    Number of entries with same CCDM (H57) (meta.number)
Ncomp 1   Number of components in this entry (H58) (meta.number)
MultFlag    [CGOVX] Double/Multiple Systems flag (Note H59)   (meta.code)
Source    [PFILS] Astrometric source flag (Note H60)   (meta.bib)
QualS   [ABCDS] Solution quality (Note H61)   (meta.code.qual;
m_HIP   Component identifiers (H62) (meta.code.multip)
theta  deg Position angle between components (H63) (pos.posAng)
rho  arcsec Angular separation between components (H64) (pos.angDistance)
e_rho  arcsec Standard error on rho (H65) (stat.error)
dHp  mag Magnitude difference of components (H66) (phot.mag;arith.diff)
e_dHp  mag Standard error on dHp (H67) (stat.error)
SurveyS   [S] Flag indicating a Survey Star (H68) (meta.code)
Chart    [DG] Identification Chart (Note H69)   (;obs.field)
NotesP   [DGPWXYZ] Existence of notes (Note H70)   (meta.note)
HD 2429  (i) [1/359083] HD number III/135 (H71) (
BD   Bonner DM I/119, I/122 (H72) (
CoDC-33 152  Cordoba Durchmusterung (DM) I/114 (H73) (
CPDP-33 48  Cape Photographic DM I/108 (H74) (
(V-I)red 2.32 mag V-I used for reductions (H75) (phot.color;em.opt.V;em.opt.I)
SpTypeM2/M3III  Spectral type (H76) (src.spType)
r_SpType3   [1234GKSX] Source of spectral type (Note H77)   (meta.ref;pos.frame)

HIPepHIPep  Hipparcos Epoch Photometry (Plot and List) (meta.ref.url)
 consult the errata on HIP catalog (meta.ref.url)
_RA.icrs006.98207670 deg (i) Right Ascension (ICRS, epoch 2000) computed by CDS (pos.eq.ra)
_DE.icrs-33.00716708 deg (i) Declination (ICRS, epoch 2000) computed by CDS (pos.eq.dec)
start AladinLite
I/311/hip2 Hipparcos, the New Reduction (van Leeuwen, 2007)
The Astrometric Catalogue (117955 rows)
Post annotation about this record
ColumnValue  Explain   (UCD)
_RAJ200000 27 55.6986980 "h:m:s" Right ascension (FK5, Equinox=J2000.0) at Epoch=J2000, proper motions taken into account (pos.eq.ra)
_DEJ2000-33 00 25.797716 "d:m:s" Declination (FK5, Equinox=J2000.0) at Epoch=J2000, proper motions taken into account (pos.eq.dec)
_RAB195000 25 27.0870458 "h:m:s" Right ascension (FK4, Equinox=B1950.0) at Epoch=J1950, proper motions taken into account (pos.eq.ra)
_DEB1950-33 16 58.974951 "d:m:s" Declination (FK4, Equinox=B1950.0) at Epoch=J1950, proper motions taken into account (pos.eq.dec)
_Glon342.3610403920 deg Galactic longitude at Epoch=J1991.25, proper motions taken into account (pos.galactic.lon)
_Glat-82.2294785345 deg Galactic latitude at Epoch=J1991.25, proper motions taken into account (
2204recno 2204  Record number assigned by the VizieR team. Should Not be used for identification. (meta.record)

HIP 2210  (i) Hipparcos identifier (;meta.main)

n_HIPP  Existence of a note in the first version of Hipparcos catalog on Duplicity, Photometry or a General note; letters W, X, Y, Z indicate notes on several topics (field H70 of the 1997 edition, Cat. I/239) (meta.note)

Sn 5   [0,159] Solution type new reduction (Note 1)   (;
So0   [0,5] Solution type old reduction (Note 2)   (;
Nc1  Number of components (meta.number)
RArad006.98213616 deg (i) Right Ascension in ICRS, Ep=1991.25 (pos.eq.ra;meta.main)
e_RArad 0.41 mas Formal error on RArad (stat.error)
DErad-33.00704465 deg (i) Declination in ICRS, Ep=1991.25 (pos.eq.dec;meta.main)
e_DErad 0.34 mas Formal error on DErad (stat.error)
Plx 7.22 mas Parallax (pos.parallax)
e_Plx 0.51 mas Formal error on Plx (stat.error;pos.parallax)
pmRA -20.10 mas/yr Proper motion in Right Ascension (;pos.eq.ra)
e_pmRA 0.49 mas/yr Formal error on pmRA (stat.error;;pos.eq.ra)
pmDE -49.94 mas/yr Proper motion in Declination (;pos.eq.dec)
e_pmDE 0.38 mas/yr Formal error on pmDE (stat.error;;pos.eq.dec)
Ntr 89  Number of field transits used (;obs.field)
F211.87  Goodness of fit (
F1 0 % Percentage rejected data (stat.value;arith.ratio)
var 0.0  Cosmic dispersion added (stochastic solution) (
Hpmag 4.9006 mag Hipparcos magnitude (phot.mag;em.opt.V)
e_Hpmag 0.0051 mag Error on mean Hpmag (stat.error;phot.mag;em.IR.H)
sHp 0.033 mag Scatter of Hpmag (stat.error)
VA2   [0,2] Reference to variability annex (meta.note)
B-V 1.634 mag Colour index (phot.color;em.opt.B;em.opt.V)
e_B-V 0.035 mag Formal error on colour index (stat.error;phot.color;em.opt.B)
V-I 2.320 mag V-I colour index (phot.color;em.opt.V;em.opt.I)

HIP1HIP1  Data from the first edition of the Hipparcos Catalog (1997, Cat. I/239) (meta.ref.url)
PhotPhot  Hipparcos Epoch Photometry (Plot and List) from the 1997 edition (meta.ref.url)
elapse time 1