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I/239/hip_main The Hipparcos and Tycho Catalogues (ESA 1997)
The Hipparcos Main Catalogue
(118218 rows)
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Note: Errors found in the Hipparcos catalogue are reported in the file errata.htx

ColumnValue  Explain   (UCD)
_RAJ200018 27 58.2405505 "h:m:s" Right ascension (FK5, Equinox=J2000.0) at Epoch=J2000, proper motions taken into account (pos.eq.ra)
_DEJ2000-25 25 18.120389 "d:m:s" Declination (FK5, Equinox=J2000.0) at Epoch=J2000, proper motions taken into account (pos.eq.dec)
_RAB195018 24 53.0553460 "h:m:s" Right ascension (FK4, Equinox=B1950.0) at Epoch=J1950, proper motions taken into account (pos.eq.ra)
_DEB1950-25 27 04.143958 "d:m:s" Declination (FK4, Equinox=B1950.0) at Epoch=J1950, proper motions taken into account (pos.eq.dec)
_Glon007.6607395534 deg Galactic longitude at Epoch=J1991.25, proper motions taken into account (pos.galactic.lon)
_Glat-06.5216563642 deg Galactic latitude at Epoch=J1991.25, proper motions taken into account (
90416recno 90416  Record number assigned by the VizieR team. Should Not be used for identification. (meta.record)

HIP 90496  (i) Identifier (HIP number) (H1) (;meta.main)
Proxy    [HT] Proximity flag (Note H2)   (meta.code)
RAhms18 27 58.27  Right ascension in h m s, ICRS (J1991.25) (H3) (pos.eq.ra)
DEdms-25 25 16.5  Declination in deg ' ", ICRS (J1991.25) (H4) (pos.eq.dec)
Vmag 2.82 mag Magnitude in Johnson V (H5) (phot.mag;em.opt.V)
VarFlag    [1,3] Coarse variability flag (Note H6)   (meta.code;src.var)
r_VmagG   [GHT] Source of magnitude (Note H7)   (meta.ref;pos.frame)
RAICRS276.99278955 deg (i) alpha, degrees (ICRS, Epoch=J1991.25) (Note H8)   (pos.eq.ra;meta.main)
DEICRS-25.42124732 deg (i) delta, degrees (ICRS, Epoch=J1991.25) (Note H9)   (pos.eq.dec;meta.main)
AstroRef    [*+A-Z] Reference flag for astrometry (Note H10)   (meta.bib)
Plx 42.20 mas (i) Trigonometric parallax (H11) (pos.parallax.trig)
pmRA -44.81 mas/yr Proper motion mu_alpha.cos(delta), ICRS(H12) (for J1991.25 epoch) (Note)   (;pos.eq.ra)
pmDE -186.29 mas/yr Proper motion mu_delta, ICRS (H13) (for J1991.25 epoch) (Note)   (;pos.eq.dec)
e_RAICRS 0.83 mas Standard error in RA*cos(DEdeg) (H14) (at epoch J1991.25; for different epochs, the actual mean error must take into account the proper motion uncertainties) (Note)   (stat.error;pos.eq.ra)
e_DEICRS 0.51 mas Standard error in DE (H15) (at epoch J1991.25; for different epochs, the actual mean error must take into account the proper motion uncertainties)