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I/259/tyc2 The Tycho-2 Catalogue (Hog+ 2000)
*The Tycho-2 main catalogue (2539913 rows)
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ColumnValue  Explain   (UCD)
_RAJ200019 02 47.1069070 "h:m:s" Right ascension (FK5, Equinox=J2000.0) at Epoch=J2000, proper motions taken into account (pos.eq.ra)
_DEJ2000-00 37 51.849540 "d:m:s" Declination (FK5, Equinox=J2000.0) at Epoch=J2000, proper motions taken into account (pos.eq.dec)
_RAB195019 00 12.5950036 "h:m:s" Right ascension (FK4, Equinox=B1950.0) at Epoch=J1950, proper motions taken into account (pos.eq.ra)
_DEB1950-00 42 16.939748 "d:m:s" Declination (FK4, Equinox=B1950.0) at Epoch=J1950, proper motions taken into account (pos.eq.dec)
_Glon 33.6641141083 deg Galactic longitude (computed by VizieR, not part of the original data. The format may include more digits than the original data because of internal accuracy requirements in VizieR and across other CDS services) (pos.galactic.lon)
_Glat -2.8124125654 deg Galactic latitude (computed by VizieR, not part of the original data. The format may include more digits than the original data because of internal accuracy requirements in VizieR and across other CDS services) (
1298388recno 1298388  Record number assigned by the VizieR team. Should Not be used for identification. (meta.record)

TYC15128  (i) [1,9537] TYC1 from TYC or GSC (Note 1)   (;meta.main)
TYC2 865  (i) [1,12121] TYC2 from TYC or GSC (Note 1)   (;meta.main)
TYC31  (i) [1,3] TYC3 from TYC (Note 1)   (;meta.main)
pflag    [ PX] mean position flag (Note 2)   (meta.code)
RAmdeg285.69627865 deg []? Mean Right Asc, ICRS, epoch=J2000 (3) (Note 3)   (pos.eq.ra)
DEmdeg -0.63106959 deg []? Mean Decl, ICRS, at epoch=J2000 (3) (Note 3)   (pos.eq.dec)
pmRA -6.3 mas/yr [-4418.0,6544.2] prop. mot. in RA*cos(dec) (Note)   (;pos.eq.ra)
pmDE -13.3 mas/yr [-5774.3,10277.3] prop. mot. in Dec (Note)   (;pos.eq.dec)
e_RAmdeg 78 mas [3,183] s.e. RA*cos(dec),at mean epoch (Note 5)   (stat.error)
e_DEmdeg 90 mas [1,184] s.e. of Dec at mean epoch (Note 5)   (stat.error)
e_pmRA 2.2 mas/yr [0.2,11.5] s.e. prop mot in RA*cos(dec) (Note 5)   (stat.error)
e_pmDE 2.2 mas/yr [0.2,10.3] s.e. of proper motion in Dec (Note 5)   (stat.error)
EpRAm1976.85 yr [1915.95,1992.53] mean epoch of RA (Note 4)   (time.epoch)
EpDEm1970.39 yr [1911.94,1992.01] mean epoch of Dec (Note 4)   (time.epoch)
Num 2   [2,36] Number of positions used (
q_RAmdeg    [0.0,9.9] Goodness of fit for mean RA (Note 6)   (meta.code.qual)
q_DEmdeg    [0.0,9.9] Goodness of fit for mean Dec (Note 6)   (meta.code.qual)
q_pmRA    [0.0,9.9] Goodness of fit for pmRA (Note 6)   (meta.code.qual)
q_pmDE    [0.0,9.9] Goodness of fit for pmDE (Note 6)   (meta.code.qual)
BTmag14.504 mag [2.183,16.581] Tycho-2 BT magnitude (Note 7)   (phot.mag;em.opt.B)
e_BTmag 0.637 mag [0.014,1.977] s.e. of BT (Note 7)   (stat.error)
VTmag11.416 mag [1.905,15.193] Tycho-2 VT magnitude (Note 7)   (phot.mag;em.opt.V)
e_VTmag 0.114 mag [0.009,1.468] s.e. of VT (Note 7)   (stat.error)
prox999   [3,999] proximity indicator (Note 8)   (meta.code)
TYC    [T] Tycho-1 star (Note 9)   (meta.code)
HIP    [1,120404] Hipparcos number (
CCDM   CCDM component identifier for HIP stars (Note 10)   (meta.code.multip)
RA(ICRS)285.69629306 deg (i) Observed Tycho-2 Right Ascension, ICRS (pos.eq.ra;meta.main)
DE(ICRS) -0.63103917 deg (i) Observed Tycho-2 Declination, ICRS (pos.eq.dec;meta.main)
EpRA-1990 1.84 yr [0.81,2.13] epoch-1990 of RAdeg (time.epoch)
EpDE-1990 1.75 yr [0.72,2.36] epoch-1990 of DEdeg (time.epoch)
e_RAdeg 84.9 mas s.e.RA*cos(dec), of observed Tycho-2 RA (Note 5)   (stat.error)
e_DEdeg102.1 mas s.e. of observed Tycho-2 Dec (Note 5)   (stat.error)
posflg    [ DP] type of Tycho-2 solution (Note 11)   (;
corr-0.2   [-1,1] correlation (RAdeg,DEdeg) (stat.correlation)
elapse time 0