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  398-710nm Sun spectral atlases (Fathivavsari+, 2014)
spectrum.pdf (44pages, 8.2Mb), with the spectrum of the solar disk-center in black, the spectrum of the solar limb in red, and the difference spectrum
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1.J/other/ApSS/353.347/spectrumSolar spectrum [spectrum](spectrum ) (312001 rows)

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  lambda 0.1nm (i) [3980/7100] Wavelength (Δλ=0.01Å) (em.wl;meta.main)
  disk-c   [0.04/1.01] Normalized solar disk-center spectrum (phot.flux.density)
  limb   [0.10/1.01] Normalized solar limb spectrum (phot.flux.density)
  limbA   [0.04/0.64] Solar limb spectrum with continuum level normalized to the values given in Allen 1981 ("Astrophysical Quantities, 3rd Edition by C.W. Allen, p.169) (phot.flux.density)

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