Translation from FITS for: VIII/63/./fits/fld69to75.fits

Summary of FITS file VIII/63/fits/fld69to75.fits:
--- fits/fld69to75.fits      ⇩Download⇩ file
ext xtension bpx (dim)              x2880 extname
000     main -32 (4095x3266x1x1)   18589b [015.49111-39.99076] [FREQ-LSR=1.34359e+09] [STOKES=1]

The header of the FITS file is listed below, followed by a sample of values (limited to 1000 lines).
#--- fits/fld69to75.fits
#ext xtension bpx (dim)              x2880 extname

#000     main -32 (4095x3266x1x1)   18589b [015.49111-39.99076] [FREQ-LSR=1.3435
9e+09] [STOKES=1]
SIMPLE  =                    T  /
BITPIX  =                  -32  /
NAXIS   =                    4  /
NAXIS1  =                 4095  /
NAXIS2  =                 3266  /
NAXIS3  =                    1  /
NAXIS4  =                    1  /
EXTEND  =                    T  /
BSCALE  =    1.00000000000E+00  /
BZERO   =    0.00000000000E+00  /
BLANK   =                   -1  /
CDELT1  =   -6.94444496965E-04  /
CROTA1  =    0.00000000000E+00  /
CRPIX1  =    2.04700000000E+03  /
CRVAL1  =    1.54904166667E+01  /
CTYPE1  = 'RA---NCP'  /
CDELT2  =    6.94444496965E-04  /
CROTA2  =    0.00000000000E+00  /
CRPIX2  =    1.64900000000E+03  /
CRVAL2  =   -3.99800000000E+01  /
CTYPE2  = 'DEC--NCP'  /
CDELT3  =    8.00000037998E+06  /
CROTA3  =    0.00000000000E+00  /
CRPIX3  =    1.00000000000E+00  /
CRVAL3  =    1.34358656406E+09  /
CDELT4  =    1.00000000000E+00  /
CROTA4  =    0.00000000000E+00  /
CRPIX4  =    1.00000000000E+00  /
CRVAL4  =    1.00000000000E+00  /
CTYPE4  = 'STOKES  '  /
DATE-OBS= '24/12/95'  /
CELLSCAL= '1/F     '  /
BMAJ    =    3.55555559509E-03  /
BMIN    =    2.08333320916E-03  /
BPA     =   -2.00000000000E+00  /
BUNIT   = 'JY/BEAM '  /
EPOCH   =    2.00000000000E+03  /
LTYPE   = 'channel '  /
LSTART  =    1.00000000000E+00  /
LSTEP   =    1.00000000000E+00  /
LWIDTH  =    1.00000000000E+00  /
NITERS  =                 1632  /
OBJECT  = 'fld69_1 '  /
VOBS    =    3.13285064697E+01  /
OBSERVER= 'I.P. and M.W.'  /
BTYPE   = 'intensity'  /
HISTORY ATLOD: Miriad AtLod: version 26-Apr-95
HISTORY ATLOD: Executed on: 95DEC30:01:02:48.0
HISTORY ATLOD: Command line inputs follow:
HISTORY ATLOD:   in=/dev/nrst1
HISTORY ATLOD:   out=24dec95.uv
HISTORY ATLOD:   options=birdie,reweight
HISTORY ATLOD:   nfiles=0,1
HISTORY ATLOD:    Processing file /dev/nrst1
HISTORY ATLOD:    Total number of spectra selected: 565080
HISTORY ATLOD:    Summary of spectra flagged
HISTORY ATLOD:    Flagging Reason            Fraction
HISTORY ATLOD:    ---------------            --------
HISTORY ATLOD:    Antenna off-source/off-line  7.02%
HISTORY ATLOD:    Bad SYSCAL values            0.09%
HISTORY ATXY: Miriad AtXY: version 1.0 10-Oct-95
HISTORY ATXY: Executed on: 95DEC30:19:32:07.0
HISTORY ATXY: Command line inputs follow:
HISTORY ATXY:   vis=24dec95.uv
HISTORY ATXY:   refant=2
HISTORY ATXY:   interval=2,0.5
HISTORY ATXY:   out=24dec95.uvxy
HISTORY UVFLAG: Executed on: 95DEC30:19:49:25.0
HISTORY UVFLAG: Command line inputs follow:
HISTORY UVFLAG:   vis=24dec95.uvxy
HISTORY UVFLAG:   select=time(02:04:00,02:07:00)
HISTORY UVFLAG:   flagval=flag
HISTORY UVFLAG: Overview of flagging on visibility file 24dec95.uvxy
HISTORY UVFLAG: Changed flags set to FALSE (data flagged as bad)
HISTORY UVFLAG: Total number of records selected:   540; out of ***** records
HISTORY UVFLAG: Antennae used: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6
HISTORY UVFLAG: Counts of correlations within selected channels
HISTORY UVFLAG: channel   Originally  Currently
HISTORY UVFLAG: Good:          12132          0    Changed to bad:      12132
HISTORY UVFLAG: Bad:            1908      14040
HISTORY UVFLAG: wide      Originally  Currently
HISTORY UVFLAG: Good:              0          0    Changed to bad:          0
HISTORY UVFLAG: Bad:               0          0
HISTORY UVSPLIT: Miriad UvSplit: version 1.0 05-Oct-95
HISTORY UVSPLIT: Executed on: 95DEC30:20:01:40.0
HISTORY UVSPLIT: Command line inputs follow:
HISTORY UVSPLIT:   vis=24dec95.uvxy
HISTORY UVSPLIT:   options=nosource
HISTORY UVSPLIT:   select=-source(1934-638,2355-534,24dec95),time(02:04:00.0,15:
HISTORY GPCOPY: Miriad GpCopy: version 3-Dec-94
HISTORY GPCOPY: Executed on: 95DEC30:20:04:47.0
HISTORY GPCOPY: Command line inputs follow:
HISTORY GPCOPY:   vis=1934-638.1344
HISTORY GPCOPY:   out=uvsplit.1344
HISTORY GPCOPY:   options=nocal
HISTORY GPCOPY: Miriad GpCopy: version 3-Dec-94
HISTORY GPCOPY: Executed on: 95DEC30:20:04:48.0
HISTORY GPCOPY: Command line inputs follow:
HISTORY GPCOPY:   out=uvsplit.1344
HISTORY UVAVER: Miriad UvAver: version 1.0 21-Sep-95
HISTORY UVAVER: Executed on: 95DEC30:20:04:49.0
HISTORY UVAVER: Command line inputs follow:
HISTORY UVAVER:   vis=uvsplit.1344
HISTORY UVAVER:   out=24dec95.1344
HISTORY UVAFLAG: Miriad Uvaflag: version 1.0 8-Mar-93
HISTORY UVAFLAG: Executed on: 95DEC30:20:21:39.0
HISTORY UVAFLAG: Command line inputs follow:
HISTORY UVAFLAG:   tvis=uvstokes.1344
HISTORY UVAFLAG:   vis=24dec95.1344
HISTORY UVAVER: Miriad UvAver: version 1.0 21-Sep-95
HISTORY UVAVER: Executed on: 95DEC30:20:32:34.0
HISTORY UVAVER: Command line inputs follow:
HISTORY UVAVER:   vis=24dec95.1344
HISTORY UVAVER:   out=uvi.1344
HISTORY UVAVER:   stokes=i
HISTORY UVSPLIT: Miriad UvSplit: version 1.0 05-Oct-95
HISTORY UVSPLIT: Executed on: 95DEC30:20:34:20.0
HISTORY UVSPLIT: Command line inputs follow:
HISTORY UVSPLIT:   vis=uvi.1344
HISTORY TVCLIP: Miriad TVCLIP: version 2.3 9-Mar-94
HISTORY TVCLIP: Executed on: 95DEC30:20:38:51.0
HISTORY TVCLIP: Command line inputs follow:
HISTORY TVCLIP:   vis=fld69_1.1344
HISTORY TVCLIP:   server=xmtv@volans
HISTORY TVCLIP:   commands=clip
HISTORY TVCLIP:   options=notv
HISTORY SELFCAL: Miriad Selfcal: version 1.0 30-Jan-95
HISTORY SELFCAL: Executed on: 96JAN03:21:45:02.0
HISTORY SELFCAL: Command line inputs follow:
HISTORY SELFCAL:   vis=../day1/fld69_1.1344
HISTORY SELFCAL:   model=fld69_1.1344.cmp
HISTORY SELFCAL:   interval=2
HISTORY SELFCAL:   options=phase,mfs
HISTORY SELFCAL:   clip=6.83E-04
HISTORY SELFCAL: Total number of visibilities processed: 3203
HISTORY SELFCAL: Total number of solution intervals: 55
HISTORY SELFCAL: Rms of the gain phases (degrees):   7.2
HISTORY SELFCAL: Rms deviation of gain from 1: 9.490E-08
HISTORY SELFCAL: Ratio of Actual to Theoretical noise:  1.07
HISTORY SELFCAL: Miriad Selfcal: version 1.0 30-Jan-95
HISTORY SELFCAL: Executed on: 96JAN03:21:47:54.0
HISTORY SELFCAL: Command line inputs follow:
HISTORY SELFCAL:   vis=../day1/fld69_1.1344
HISTORY SELFCAL:   model=fld69_1.1344.cmp
HISTORY SELFCAL:   interval=2
HISTORY SELFCAL:   options=phase,mfs
HISTORY SELFCAL:   clip=5.06E-04
HISTORY SELFCAL: Total number of visibilities processed: 3203
HISTORY SELFCAL: Total number of solution intervals: 55
HISTORY SELFCAL: Rms of the gain phases (degrees):   7.5
HISTORY SELFCAL: Rms deviation of gain from 1: 9.122E-08
HISTORY SELFCAL: Ratio of Actual to Theoretical noise:  1.06
HISTORY UVFLAG: Executed on: 96JAN04:22:08:54.0
HISTORY UVFLAG: Command line inputs follow:
HISTORY UVFLAG:   vis=../day1/fld69_1.1344
HISTORY UVFLAG:   flagval=flag
HISTORY UVFLAG:   select=ant(1)(2),ant(3)(4)
HISTORY UVFLAG: Overview of flagging on visibility file ../day1/fld69_1.1344
HISTORY UVFLAG: Changed flags set to FALSE (data flagged as bad)
HISTORY UVFLAG: Total number of records selected:   425; out of  3203 records
HISTORY UVFLAG: Antennae used: 1, 2, 3, 4
HISTORY UVFLAG: Counts of correlations within selected channels
HISTORY UVFLAG: channel   Originally  Currently
HISTORY UVFLAG: Good:           5381          0    Changed to bad:       5381
HISTORY UVFLAG: Bad:             144       5525
HISTORY UVFLAG: wide      Originally  Currently
HISTORY UVFLAG: Good:              0          0    Changed to bad:          0
HISTORY UVFLAG: Bad:               0          0
HISTORY SELFCAL: Miriad Selfcal: version 1.0 30-Jan-95
HISTORY SELFCAL: Executed on: 96JAN04:22:59:36.0
HISTORY SELFCAL: Command line inputs follow:
HISTORY SELFCAL:   vis=../day1/fld69_1.1344
HISTORY SELFCAL:   model=fld69_1.1344.cmp
HISTORY SELFCAL:   interval=2
HISTORY SELFCAL:   options=phase,mfs
HISTORY SELFCAL:   clip=6.48E-04
HISTORY SELFCAL: Total number of visibilities processed: 3203
HISTORY SELFCAL: Total number of solution intervals: 55
HISTORY SELFCAL: Rms of the gain phases (degrees):   8.0
HISTORY SELFCAL: Rms deviation of gain from 1: 8.379E-08
HISTORY SELFCAL: Ratio of Actual to Theoretical noise:  1.06
HISTORY SELFCAL: Miriad Selfcal: version 1.0 30-Jan-95
HISTORY SELFCAL: Executed on: 96JAN04:23:02:07.0
HISTORY SELFCAL: Command line inputs follow:
HISTORY SELFCAL:   vis=../day1/fld69_1.1344
HISTORY SELFCAL:   model=fld69_1.1344.cmp
HISTORY SELFCAL:   interval=2
HISTORY SELFCAL:   options=phase,mfs
HISTORY SELFCAL:   clip=5.56E-04
HISTORY SELFCAL: Total number of visibilities processed: 3203
HISTORY SELFCAL: Total number of solution intervals: 55
HISTORY SELFCAL: Rms of the gain phases (degrees):   8.4
HISTORY SELFCAL: Rms deviation of gain from 1: 8.575E-08
HISTORY SELFCAL: Ratio of Actual to Theoretical noise:  1.05
HISTORY UVAFLAG: Miriad Uvaflag: version 1.0 8-Mar-93
HISTORY UVAFLAG: Executed on: 96JAN04:23:47:31.0
HISTORY UVAFLAG: Command line inputs follow:
HISTORY UVAFLAG:   tvis=../day1/fld69_1.1344.sub
HISTORY UVAFLAG:   vis=../day1/fld69_1.1344
HISTORY SELFCAL: Miriad Selfcal: version 1.0 30-Jan-95
HISTORY SELFCAL: Executed on: 96JAN07:04:13:26.0
HISTORY SELFCAL: Command line inputs follow:
HISTORY SELFCAL:   vis=../day1/fld69_1.1344
HISTORY SELFCAL:   model=fld69_1.1344.cmp
HISTORY SELFCAL:   interval=2
HISTORY SELFCAL:   options=phase,mfs
HISTORY SELFCAL:   clip=1.79E-04
HISTORY SELFCAL: Total number of visibilities processed: 3203
HISTORY SELFCAL: Total number of solution intervals: 55
HISTORY SELFCAL: Rms of the gain phases (degrees):   8.3
HISTORY SELFCAL: Rms deviation of gain from 1: 8.577E-08
HISTORY SELFCAL: Ratio of Actual to Theoretical noise:  1.03
HISTORY SELFCAL: Miriad Selfcal: version 1.0 30-Jan-95
HISTORY SELFCAL: Executed on: 96JAN07:04:36:59.0
HISTORY SELFCAL: Command line inputs follow:
HISTORY SELFCAL:   vis=../day1/fld69_1.1344
HISTORY SELFCAL:   model=fld69_1.1344.cmp
HISTORY SELFCAL:   interval=2
HISTORY SELFCAL:   options=phase,mfs
HISTORY SELFCAL:   clip=1.80E-04
HISTORY SELFCAL: Total number of visibilities processed: 3203
HISTORY SELFCAL: Total number of solution intervals: 55
HISTORY SELFCAL: Rms of the gain phases (degrees):   8.3
HISTORY SELFCAL: Rms deviation of gain from 1: 1.047E-07
HISTORY SELFCAL: Ratio of Actual to Theoretical noise:  1.03
HISTORY UVAFLAG: Miriad Uvaflag: version 1.0 8-Mar-93
HISTORY UVAFLAG: Executed on: 96JAN07:07:56:55.0
HISTORY UVAFLAG: Command line inputs follow:
HISTORY UVAFLAG:   tvis=../day1/fld69_1.1344.sub
HISTORY UVAFLAG:   vis=../day1/fld69_1.1344
HISTORY UVFLAG: Executed on: 96JAN07:12:17:57.0
HISTORY UVFLAG: Command line inputs follow:
HISTORY UVFLAG:   vis=fld70to74/day1/fld69_1.1344
HISTORY UVFLAG:   flagval=flag
HISTORY UVFLAG:   select=ant(1)(2),ant(3)(4)
HISTORY UVFLAG: Overview of flagging on visibility file fld70to74/day1/fld69_1.1
HISTORY UVFLAG: Changed flags set to FALSE (data flagged as bad)
HISTORY UVFLAG: Total number of records selected:   425; out of  3203 records
HISTORY UVFLAG: Antennae used: 1, 2, 3, 4
HISTORY UVFLAG: Counts of correlations within selected channels
HISTORY UVFLAG: channel   Originally  Currently
HISTORY UVFLAG: Good:              0          0    Changed to bad:          0
HISTORY UVFLAG: Bad:            5525       5525
HISTORY UVFLAG: wide      Originally  Currently
HISTORY UVFLAG: Good:              0          0    Changed to bad:          0
HISTORY UVFLAG: Bad:               0          0
HISTORY SELFCAL: Miriad Selfcal: version 1.0 30-Jan-95
HISTORY SELFCAL: Executed on: 96JAN07:12:22:17.0
HISTORY SELFCAL: Command line inputs follow:
HISTORY SELFCAL:   vis=../day1/fld69_1.1344
HISTORY SELFCAL:   model=fld69_1.1344.cmp
HISTORY SELFCAL:   interval=2
HISTORY SELFCAL:   options=phase,mfs
HISTORY SELFCAL:   clip=1.81E-04
HISTORY SELFCAL: Total number of visibilities processed: 3203
HISTORY SELFCAL: Total number of solution intervals: 55
HISTORY SELFCAL: Rms of the gain phases (degrees):   8.3
HISTORY SELFCAL: Rms deviation of gain from 1: 9.182E-08
HISTORY SELFCAL: Ratio of Actual to Theoretical noise:  1.03
HISTORY SELFCAL: Miriad Selfcal: version 1.0 30-Jan-95
HISTORY SELFCAL: Executed on: 96JAN07:14:34:25.0
HISTORY SELFCAL: Command line inputs follow:
HISTORY SELFCAL:   vis=../day1/fld69_1.1344
HISTORY SELFCAL:   model=fld69_1.1344.cmp
HISTORY SELFCAL:   interval=2
HISTORY SELFCAL:   options=phase,mfs
HISTORY SELFCAL:   clip=1.81E-04
HISTORY SELFCAL: Total number of visibilities processed: 3203
HISTORY SELFCAL: Total number of solution intervals: 55
HISTORY SELFCAL: Rms of the gain phases (degrees):   8.4
HISTORY SELFCAL: Rms deviation of gain from 1: 9.922E-08
HISTORY SELFCAL: Ratio of Actual to Theoretical noise:  1.03
HISTORY SELFCAL: Miriad Selfcal: version 1.0 30-Jan-95
HISTORY SELFCAL: Executed on: 96JAN07:14:50:49.0
HISTORY SELFCAL: Command line inputs follow:
HISTORY SELFCAL:   vis=../day1/fld69_1.1344
HISTORY SELFCAL:   model=fld69_1.1344.cmp
HISTORY SELFCAL:   interval=2
HISTORY SELFCAL:   options=phase,mfs
HISTORY SELFCAL:   clip=1.84E-04
HISTORY SELFCAL: Total number of visibilities processed: 3203
HISTORY SELFCAL: Total number of solution intervals: 55
HISTORY SELFCAL: Rms of the gain phases (degrees):   8.4
HISTORY SELFCAL: Rms deviation of gain from 1: 1.032E-07
HISTORY SELFCAL: Ratio of Actual to Theoretical noise:  1.03
HISTORY UVAFLAG: Miriad Uvaflag: version 1.0 8-Mar-93
HISTORY UVAFLAG: Executed on: 96JAN07:16:58:52.0
HISTORY UVAFLAG: Command line inputs follow:
HISTORY UVAFLAG:   tvis=../day1/fld69_1.1344.sub
HISTORY UVAFLAG:   vis=../day1/fld69_1.1344
HISTORY SELFCAL: Miriad Selfcal: version 1.0 30-Jan-95
HISTORY SELFCAL: Executed on: 96JAN08:01:53:44.0
HISTORY SELFCAL: Command line inputs follow:
HISTORY SELFCAL:   vis=../day1/fld69_1.1344
HISTORY SELFCAL:   model=fld69_1.1344.cmp
HISTORY SELFCAL:   interval=2
HISTORY SELFCAL:   options=phase,mfs
HISTORY SELFCAL:   clip=1.92E-04
HISTORY SELFCAL: Total number of visibilities processed: 3203
HISTORY SELFCAL: Total number of solution intervals: 55
HISTORY SELFCAL: Rms of the gain phases (degrees):   8.4
HISTORY SELFCAL: Rms deviation of gain from 1: 8.871E-08
HISTORY SELFCAL: Ratio of Actual to Theoretical noise:  1.03
HISTORY SELFCAL: Miriad Selfcal: version 1.0 30-Jan-95
HISTORY SELFCAL: Executed on: 96JAN08:02:00:06.0
HISTORY SELFCAL: Command line inputs follow:
HISTORY SELFCAL:   vis=../day1/fld69_1.1344
HISTORY SELFCAL:   model=fld69_1.1344.cmp
HISTORY SELFCAL:   interval=2
HISTORY SELFCAL:   options=phase,mfs
HISTORY SELFCAL:   clip=1.84E-04
HISTORY SELFCAL: Total number of visibilities processed: 3203
HISTORY SELFCAL: Total number of solution intervals: 55
HISTORY SELFCAL: Rms of the gain phases (degrees):   8.4
HISTORY SELFCAL: Rms deviation of gain from 1: 1.026E-07
HISTORY SELFCAL: Ratio of Actual to Theoretical noise:  1.03
HISTORY UVAFLAG: Miriad Uvaflag: version 1.0 8-Mar-93
HISTORY UVAFLAG: Executed on: 96JAN08:17:41:18.0
HISTORY UVAFLAG: Command line inputs follow:
HISTORY UVAFLAG:   tvis=../day1/fld69_1.1344.sub
HISTORY UVAFLAG:   vis=../day1/fld69_1.1344
HISTORY INVERT: Miriad Invert: version 1.0 20-Jun-97
HISTORY INVERT: Executed on: 97DEC13:02:17:57.0
HISTORY INVERT: Command line inputs follow:
HISTORY INVERT:   vis=../day1/fld69_1.1344,../day2/fld69_1.1344
HISTORY INVERT:   beam=fld69_1.1344.beam
HISTORY INVERT:   cell=2.5,2.5
HISTORY INVERT:   imsize=2048,2048
HISTORY INVERT:   stokes=i
HISTORY INVERT:   options=mfs,double,systemp,mosaic
HISTORY INVERT:   offset=01:01:57.70,-39:58:48.0
HISTORY CLEAN: Miriad Clean: version 1.0 24-Jun-97
HISTORY CLEAN: Executed on: 97DEC13:02:28:38.0
HISTORY CLEAN: Command line inputs follow:
HISTORY CLEAN:   beam=fld69_1.1344.beam
HISTORY CLEAN:   out=fld69_1.1344.cmp
HISTORY CLEAN:   region=box(48,48,2000,2000)
HISTORY CLEAN:   niters=4000
HISTORY CLEAN:   cutoff=0.0005
HISTORY CLEAN:   minpatch=127
HISTORY CLEAN: Bounding region is Blc=(48,48,1),Trc=(2000,2000,1)
HISTORY CLEAN: Steer Clip Level = 0.908
HISTORY CLEAN: Minpatch = 127
HISTORY CLEAN: Total Iterations = 1632
HISTORY IMCOMB: Miriad ImComb: version 1.0 21-Jul-97
HISTORY IMCOMB: Executed on: 97DEC13:06:15:44.0
HISTORY IMCOMB: Command line inputs follow:
HISTORY IMCOMB:   in=fld69_1.1344.cmp.old,fld69_1.1344.cmp.ext
HISTORY IMCOMB:   out=fld69_1.1344.cmp
HISTORY IMCOMB:   options=nonorm
HISTORY RESTOR: Miriad Restor: version 1.2 3-Dec-94
HISTORY RESTOR: Executed on: 97DEC13:06:17:47.0
HISTORY RESTOR: Command line inputs follow:
HISTORY RESTOR:   fwhm=12.8,7.5
HISTORY RESTOR:   mode=convolve
HISTORY RESTOR:   model=fld69_1.1344.cmp
HISTORY RESTOR:   out=fld69_1.1344.cvlcmp
HISTORY RESTOR:   beam=dummy.beam.fld69_1.1344
HISTORY RESTOR: Beam =  1.280E+01 x  7.500E+00 arcsec, pa = -2.000E+00 degrees
HISTORY IMSUB: Miriad Imsub: version 1.0 18-Jul-97
HISTORY IMSUB: Executed on: 97DEC13:06:17:56.0
HISTORY IMSUB: Command line inputs follow:
HISTORY IMSUB:   in=fld69_1.1344.cvlcmp
HISTORY IMSUB:   out=fld69_1.1344.cvlcmp.sub
HISTORY IMSUB:   region=relcenter,box(-899,-899,900,900)
HISTORY COPYHD: Miriad Copyhd, version 1.0 25-Apr-94
HISTORY COPYHD: Executed on: 97DEC13:06:17:57.0
HISTORY COPYHD: Command line inputs follow:
HISTORY COPYHD:   out=fld69_1.1344.cvlcmp.sub
HISTORY COPYHD:   items=mostable
HISTORY MATHS: Miriad Maths: version 1.0 05-Jun-97
HISTORY MATHS: Executed on: 97DEC13:06:17:58.0
HISTORY MATHS: Command line inputs follow:
HISTORY MATHS:   exp=<fld69_1.1344.cvlcmp.sub>+<>
HISTORY MATHS:   out=fld69_1.1344.sub.cln
HISTORY MATHS: Bounding region is Blc=(1,1,1,1),Trc=(1800,1800,1,1)
HISTORY LINMOS: Miriad Linmos: version 1.0 25-Aug-97
HISTORY LINMOS: Executed on: 97DEC13:07:16:07.0
HISTORY LINMOS: Command line inputs follow:
HISTORY LINMOS:   in=@1344.lis
HISTORY LINMOS:   out=1344.linmos
HISTORY MATHS: Miriad Maths: version 1.0 05-Jun-97
HISTORY MATHS: Executed on: 97DEC13:07:28:46.0
HISTORY MATHS: Command line inputs follow:
HISTORY MATHS:   exp=(<1344.linmos>+<1448.linmos>)/2
HISTORY MATHS:   out=fld69to75.linmos
HISTORY MATHS: Bounding region is Blc=(1,1,1,1),Trc=(4095,3266,1,1)
ORIGIN  = 'Miriad Fits: version 1.1 20-Sep-97'  /

#---File: fits/fld69to75.fits
RA---NCP DEC--NCP     Value   
-------- -------- ------------ ---- ------------
 16.9113 -41.1244      ---    
 16.9106 -41.1244      ---    
 16.9099 -41.1244      ---    
 16.9092 -41.1244      ---    
 16.9085 -41.1244      ---    
 16.9078 -41.1244      ---    
 16.9071 -41.1244      ---    
 16.9064 -41.1244      ---    
 16.9057 -41.1244      ---    
 16.9050 -41.1244      ---    
 16.9043 -41.1244      ---    
 16.9036 -41.1244      ---    
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 16.8988 -41.1244      ---    
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 16.8974 -41.1244      ---    
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 16.8793 -41.1244      ---    
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 16.7994 -41.1244      ---    
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 16.7974 -41.1244      ---    
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 16.7897 -41.1244      ---    
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 16.7883 -41.1244      ---    
 16.7876 -41.1244      ---    
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 16.7863 -41.1244      ---    
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 16.7842 -41.1244      ---    
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 16.7807 -41.1244      ---    
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 16.7793 -41.1244      ---    
 16.7786 -41.1244      ---    
 16.7779 -41.1244      ---    
 16.7772 -41.1244      ---    
 16.7765 -41.1244      ---    
 16.7758 -41.1244      ---    
 16.7751 -41.1244      ---    
 16.7744 -41.1244      ---    
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 16.7710 -41.1244      ---    
 16.7703 -41.1244      ---    
 16.7696 -41.1244      ---    
 16.7689 -41.1244      ---    
 16.7682 -41.1244      ---    
 16.7675 -41.1244      ---    
 16.7668 -41.1244      ---    
 16.7661 -41.1244      ---    
 16.7654 -41.1244      ---    
 16.7647 -41.1244      ---    
 16.7640 -41.1244      ---    
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 16.7613 -41.1244      ---    
 16.7606 -41.1244      ---    
 16.7599 -41.1244      ---    
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 16.7508 -41.1244      ---    
 16.7501 -41.1244      ---    
 16.7494 -41.1244      ---    
 16.7488 -41.1244      ---    
 16.7481 -41.1244      ---    
 16.7474 -41.1244      ---    
 16.7467 -41.1244      ---    
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 16.7446 -41.1244      ---    
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 16.7404 -41.1244      ---    
 16.7397 -41.1244      ---    
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 16.7314 -41.1244      ---    
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 16.7300 -41.1244      ---    
 16.7293 -41.1244      ---    
 16.7286 -41.1244      ---    
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 16.7224 -41.1244      ---    
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 16.7210 -41.1244      ---    
 16.7203 -41.1244      ---    
 16.7196 -41.1244      ---    
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 16.7126 -41.1244      ---    
 16.7119 -41.1244      ---    
 16.7113 -41.1244      ---    
 16.7106 -41.1244      ---    
 16.7099 -41.1244      ---    
 16.7092 -41.1244      ---    
 16.7085 -41.1244      ---    
 16.7078 -41.1244      ---    
 16.7071 -41.1244      ---    
 16.7064 -41.1244      ---    
 16.7057 -41.1244      ---    
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 16.7036 -41.1244      ---    
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 16.7022 -41.1244      ---    
 16.7015 -41.1244      ---    
 16.7008 -41.1244      ---    
 16.7001 -41.1244      ---    
 16.6994 -41.1244      ---    
 16.6988 -41.1244      ---    
 16.6981 -41.1244      ---    
 16.6974 -41.1244      ---    
 16.6967 -41.1244      ---    
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 16.6953 -41.1244      ---    
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 16.6904 -41.1244      ---    
 16.6897 -41.1244      ---    
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 16.6883 -41.1244      ---    
 16.6876 -41.1244      ---    
 16.6869 -41.1244      ---    
 16.6863 -41.1244      ---    
 16.6856 -41.1244      ---    
 16.6849 -41.1244      ---    
 16.6842 -41.1244      ---    
 16.6835 -41.1244      ---    
 16.6828 -41.1244      ---    
 16.6821 -41.1244      ---    
 16.6814 -41.1244      ---    
 16.6807 -41.1244      ---    
 16.6800 -41.1244      ---    
 16.6793 -41.1244      ---    
 16.6786 -41.1244      ---    
 16.6779 -41.1244      ---    
 16.6772 -41.1244      ---    
 16.6765 -41.1244      ---    
 16.6758 -41.1244      ---    
 16.6751 -41.1244      ---    
 16.6744 -41.1244      ---    
 16.6738 -41.1244      ---    
 16.6731 -41.1244      ---    
 16.6724 -41.1244      ---    
 16.6717 -41.1244      ---    
 16.6710 -41.1244      ---    
 16.6703 -41.1244      ---    
 16.6696 -41.1244      ---    
 16.6689 -41.1244      ---    
 16.6682 -41.1244      ---    
 16.6675 -41.1244      ---    
 16.6668 -41.1244      ---    
 16.6661 -41.1244      ---    
 16.6654 -41.1244      ---    
 16.6647 -41.1244      ---    
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 16.6626 -41.1244      ---    
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 16.6613 -41.1244      ---    
 16.6606 -41.1244      ---    
 16.6599 -41.1244      ---    
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 16.6508 -41.1244      ---    
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 16.6494 -41.1244      ---    
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 16.6404 -41.1244      ---    
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 16.6314 -41.1244      ---    
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 16.6224 -41.1244      ---    
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 16.6203 -41.1244      ---    
 16.6196 -41.1244      ---    
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 16.6119 -41.1244      ---    
 16.6113 -41.1244      ---    
 16.6106 -41.1244      ---    
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 16.6015 -41.1244      ---    
 16.6008 -41.1244      ---    
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 16.5994 -41.1244      ---    
 16.5988 -41.1244      ---    
 16.5981 -41.1244      ---    
 16.5974 -41.1244      ---    
 16.5967 -41.1244      ---    
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 16.5953 -41.1244      ---    
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 16.5897 -41.1244      ---    
 16.5890 -41.1244      ---    
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 16.5876 -41.1244      ---    
 16.5869 -41.1244      ---    
 16.5863 -41.1244      ---    
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 16.5849 -41.1244      ---    
 16.5842 -41.1244      ---    
 16.5835 -41.1244      ---    
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 16.5807 -41.1244      ---    
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 16.5793 -41.1244      ---    
 16.5786 -41.1244      ---    
 16.5779 -41.1244      ---    
 16.5772 -41.1244      ---    
 16.5765 -41.1244      ---    
 16.5758 -41.1244      ---    
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 16.5744 -41.1244      ---    
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 16.5703 -41.1244      ---    
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 16.5675 -41.1244      ---    
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 16.5661 -41.1244      ---    
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 16.5640 -41.1244      ---    
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 16.5606 -41.1244      ---    
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 16.5494 -41.1244      ---    
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 16.4994 -41.1244      ---    
 16.4988 -41.1244      ---    
 16.4981 -41.1244      ---    
 16.4974 -41.1244      ---    
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 16.4856 -41.1244      ---    
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 16.4793 -41.1244      ---    
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 16.4779 -41.1244      ---    
 16.4772 -41.1244      ---    
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 16.4703 -41.1244      ---    
 16.4696 -41.1244      ---    
 16.4689 -41.1244      ---    
 16.4682 -41.1244      ---    
 16.4675 -41.1244      ---    
 16.4668 -41.1244      ---    
 16.4661 -41.1244      ---    
 16.4654 -41.1244      ---    
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 16.4606 -41.1244      ---    
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 16.4106 -41.1244      ---    
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 16.4092 -41.1244      ---    
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 16.4015 -41.1244      ---    
 16.4008 -41.1244      ---    
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 16.3994 -41.1244      ---    
 16.3988 -41.1244      ---    
 16.3981 -41.1244      ---    
 16.3974 -41.1244      ---    
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 16.3793 -41.1244      ---    
 16.3786 -41.1244      ---    
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 16.3772 -41.1244      ---    
 16.3765 -41.1244      ---    
 16.3758 -41.1244      ---    
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 16.3738 -41.1244      ---    
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 16.3703 -41.1244      ---    
 16.3696 -41.1244      ---    
 16.3689 -41.1244      ---    
 16.3682 -41.1244      ---    
 16.3675 -41.1244      ---    
 16.3668 -41.1244      ---    
 16.3661 -41.1244      ---    
 16.3654 -41.1244      ---    
 16.3647 -41.1244      ---    
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 16.3606 -41.1244      ---    
 16.3599 -41.1244      ---    
 16.3592 -41.1244      ---    
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 16.3571 -41.1244      ---    
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 16.3481 -41.1244      ---    
 16.3474 -41.1244      ---    
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 16.3404 -41.1244      ---    
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 16.3383 -41.1244      ---    
 16.3376 -41.1244      ---    
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 16.3328 -41.1244      ---    
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 16.3307 -41.1244      ---    
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 16.3293 -41.1244      ---    
 16.3286 -41.1244      ---    
 16.3279 -41.1244      ---    
 16.3272 -41.1244      ---    
 16.3265 -41.1244      ---    
 16.3258 -41.1244      ---    
 16.3251 -41.1244      ---    
 16.3244 -41.1244      ---    
 16.3238 -41.1244      ---    
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 16.3203 -41.1244      ---    
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 16.3126 -41.1244      ---    
 16.3119 -41.1244      ---    
 16.3113 -41.1244      ---    
 16.3106 -41.1244      ---    
 16.3099 -41.1244      ---    
 16.3092 -41.1244      ---    
 16.3085 -41.1244      ---    
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 16.3071 -41.1244      ---    
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 16.3036 -41.1244      ---    
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 16.3015 -41.1244      ---    
 16.3008 -41.1244      ---    
 16.3001 -41.1244      ---    
 16.2994 -41.1244      ---    
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 16.2981 -41.1244      ---    
 16.2974 -41.1244      ---    
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 16.2897 -41.1244      ---    
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 16.2883 -41.1244      ---    
 16.2876 -41.1244      ---    
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 16.2863 -41.1244      ---    
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 16.2807 -41.1244      ---    
 16.2800 -41.1244      ---    
 16.2793 -41.1244      ---    
 16.2786 -41.1244      ---    
 16.2779 -41.1244      ---    
 16.2772 -41.1244      ---    
 16.2765 -41.1244      ---    
 16.2758 -41.1244      ---    
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 16.2744 -41.1244      ---    
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 16.2703 -41.1244      ---    
 16.2696 -41.1244      ---    
 16.2689 -41.1244      ---    
 16.2682 -41.1244      ---    
 16.2675 -41.1244      ---    
 16.2668 -41.1244      ---    
 16.2661 -41.1244      ---    
 16.2654 -41.1244      ---    
 16.2647 -41.1244      ---    
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 16.2606 -41.1244      ---    
 16.2599 -41.1244      ---    
 16.2592 -41.1244      ---    
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 16.2578 -41.1244      ---    
 16.2571 -41.1244      ---    
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 16.2494 -41.1244      ---    
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 16.2481 -41.1244      ---    
 16.2474 -41.1244      ---    
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 16.2404 -41.1244      ---    
 16.2397 -41.1244      ---    
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 16.2383 -41.1244      ---    
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 16.2293 -41.1244      ---    
 16.2286 -41.1244      ---    
 16.2279 -41.1244      ---    
 16.2272 -41.1244      ---    
 16.2265 -41.1244      ---    
 16.2258 -41.1244      ---    
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 16.2244 -41.1244      ---    
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 16.2175 -41.1244      ---