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  TESS Input Catalog - v8.0 (TIC-8) (Stassun+, 2019)
1 annotation(s)
1.IV/38/ticTransiting Exoplanet Survey Satellite (TESS) Input Catalog - v8.0 (TIC-8) (original column names in green) (1727987580 rows)

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ShowSortColumn  Constraint Explain   (UCD)
  TIC  (i) [1/10005000540] TESS Input Catalog identifier (;meta.main)
  RAJ2000 deg (i) Right Ascension (J2000) (RA) (Note 1)   (pos.eq.ra;meta.main)
  DEJ2000 deg (i) Declination (J2000) (Dec) (Note 1)   (pos.eq.dec;meta.main)
  HIP  (n) Hipparcos Identifier (
  TYC (char) Tycho2 Identifier (
  UCAC4 (char) UCAC4 Identifier (UCAC) (
  2MASS (char) 2MASS Identifier (HHMMSSss+DDMMSSs, J2000) (TWOMASS) (
  objID  (n) SDSS DR9 objID Identifier (SDSS) (
  WISEA (char) ALLWISE Identifier ( (ALLWISE) (
  GAIA  (n)(i) GAIA DR2 Identifier (
  APASS  (n) APASS DR9 Identifier (Note 2)   (

ALL cols
(n) indicates a possible blank or NULL column(i)indexed column
  KIC  (n) KIC Identifier (
  S/G (char) Object Type ("STAR" or "EXTENDED") (ObjType) (src.class.starGalaxy)
  Ref (char) The source of the object in the TIC (Typesrc) (Note 3)   (meta.bib)
  r_Pos (char) Source of the position (Posflag) (Note 3)   (meta.ref;pos.frame)
  pmRA mas/yr (n) [-4411/6766] Proper Motion in Right Ascension (;pos.eq.ra)
  e_pmRA mas/yr (n) [0.01/200] Uncertainty in pmRA (stat.error;;pos.eq.ra)
  pmDE mas/yr (n) [-5818/10363] Proper Motion in Declination (pmDec) (;pos.eq.dec)
  e_pmDE mas/yr (n) [0.01/99] Uncertainty in pmDE (e_pmDEC) (stat.error;;pos.eq.dec)
  r_pm (char) Source of the Proper Motion (PMflag) (Note 3)   (meta.ref;pos.frame)
  Plx mas (n) [-1857/1852] Parallax (pos.parallax)
  e_Plx mas (n) [0.009/94] Error in the parallax (stat.error;pos.parallax)
  r_Plx (char) Source of the parallax (PARflag) (Note 3)   (meta.ref;pos.frame)
  GLON deg Galactic Longitude (gallong) (pos.galactic.lon)

ALL cols
(n) indicates a possible blank or NULL column(i)indexed column
  GLAT deg Galactic Latitude (gallat) (
  ELON deg Ecliptic longitude (eclong) (pos.ecliptic.lon)
  ELAT deg Ecliptic latitude (eclat) (
  Bmag mag (n) [-6.7/50] Johnson B magnitude (Note 4)   (phot.mag;em.opt.B)
  e_Bmag mag (n) [0.001/27] Uncertainty in Bmag (stat.error;phot.mag)
  u_e_Bmag  (n) [0/1] Uncertainty flag on e_Bmag (Note 16)   (meta.code.error)
  Vmag mag (n) [-0.2/23.1] Johnson V magnitude (Note 5)   (phot.mag;em.opt.V)
  e_Vmag mag (n) [0.001/7] Uncertainty in Vmag (stat.error;phot.mag)
  u_e_Vmag  (n) [0/1] Uncertainty flag on e_Vmag (Note 16)   (meta.code.error)
  umag mag (n) [5.3/30] SDSS u-band (AB) magnitude (phot.mag;em.opt.U)
  e_umag mag (n) [0/50260] Uncertainty in umag (stat.error;phot.mag)
  gmag mag (n) [5.4/30] SDSS g-band (AB) magnitude (phot.mag;em.opt.B)
  e_gmag mag (n) [0/27628] Uncertainty in gmag (stat.error;phot.mag)

ALL cols
(n) indicates a possible blank or NULL column(i)indexed column
  rmag mag (n) [4/30] SDSS r-band (AB) magnitude (phot.mag;em.opt.R)
  e_rmag mag (n) [0/27628] Uncertainty in rmag (stat.error;phot.mag)
  imag mag (n) [3.9/30] SDSS i-band (AB) magnitude (phot.mag;em.opt.I)
  e_imag mag (n) [0/63182] Uncertainty in imag (stat.error;phot.mag)
  zmag mag (n) [4.3/30] SDSS z-band (AB) magnitude (phot.mag;em.opt.I)
  e_zmag mag (n) [0/63182] Uncertainty in zmag (stat.error;phot.mag)
  Jmag mag (n) [-3/26] 2MASS Johnson J-band magnitude (phot.mag;em.IR.J)
  e_Jmag mag (n) [0/10] Uncertainty in Jmag (stat.error;phot.mag)
  Hmag mag (n) [-4.1/25] 2MASS Johnson H-band magnitude (phot.mag;em.IR.H)
  e_Hmag mag (n) [0.01/10] Uncertainty in Hmag (stat.error;phot.mag)
  Kmag mag (n) [-4.4/25] 2MASS Johnson Ks-band magnitude (phot.mag;em.IR.K)
  e_Kmag mag (n) [0.01/10] Uncertainty in Kmag (stat.error;phot.mag)
  q_2MASS (char) Quality Flags for 2MASS (TWOMflag) (Note 6)   (meta.code.qual)

ALL cols
(n) indicates a possible blank or NULL column(i)indexed column
  W1mag mag (n) [-2.4/20] AllWise W1 (3.4um) magnitude (phot.mag;em.IR.3-4um)
  e_W1mag mag (n) [0.001/0.6] Uncertainty in W1mag (stat.error;phot.mag)
  W2mag mag (n) [-3/24] AllWISE W2 (4.6um) magnitude (phot.mag;em.IR.4-8um)
  e_W2mag mag (n) [0.001/0.6] Uncertainty in W2mag (stat.error;phot.mag)
  W3mag mag (n) [-9/23] AllWISE W3 12um magnitude (phot.flux.density;em.IR.8-15um)
  e_W3mag mag (n) [0.001/0.6] Uncertainty in W3mag (stat.error;phot.mag)
  W4mag mag (n) [-8.3/23] AllWISE W4 22um magnitude (phot.flux.density;em.IR.15-30um)
  e_W4mag mag (n) [0.001/0.6] Uncertainty in W4mag (stat.error;phot.mag)
  Gmag mag (n) [1.7/24] GAIA DR2 G magnitude (phot.mag;em.opt.V)
  e_Gmag mag (n) [0.00006/2.4] Uncertainty in Gmag (stat.error;phot.mag)
  Tmag mag (i) [-1.8/27.4] TESS magnitude (Note 7)   (phot.mag;em.opt)
  e_Tmag mag (n) [0.006/50] Uncertainty in TESS Magnitude (stat.error;phot.mag;em.opt)
  f_Tmag (char) TESS Magnitude Flag (TESSFlag) (Note 8)   (meta.code)

ALL cols
(n) indicates a possible blank or NULL column(i)indexed column
  Flag (char) Stellar Properties Flag (SPFlag) (Note 3)   (meta.code)
  Teff K (n) [2717/79742] Effective Temperature (Note 18)   (phys.temperature.effective)
  s_Teff K (n) [1/27791] Uncertainty in Teff (Note 13)   (stat.error;phys.temperature.effective)
  logg [cm/s2] (n) [3/6.6] log of the Surface Gravity (Note 19)   (phys.gravity)
  s_logg [cm/s2] (n) [0.0004/5] Uncertainty in logg (Note 13)   (stat.error)
  [M/H] [Sun] (n) [-4.7/1.4] Metallicity (M/H) (Note 17)   (phys.abund.Z)
  e_[M/H] [Sun] (n) [0.001/0.5] Uncertainty in [M/H] (e_M/H) (stat.error;phys.abund)
  Rad Rsun (n) [0.05/2753] Radius (Note 21)   (phys.size.radius)
  s_Rad Rsun (n) [0.001/13] Uncertainty in Rad (Note 13)   (stat.error)
  Mass Msun (n) [0.08/3.3] Mass (Note 20)   (phys.mass)
  s_Mass Msun (n) [0.01/4.6] Uncertainty in Mass (Note 13)   (stat.error;phys.mass)
  rho Sun (n) [0.008/2538] Stellar Density in solar units (Mass/Rad3) (phys.density)
  s_rho Sun (n) [0.001/2538] Uncertainty in rho (Note 13)   (stat.error)

ALL cols
(n) indicates a possible blank or NULL column(i)indexed column
  LClass (char) Luminosity Class (LumClass) (Note 9)   (src.class.luminosity)
  Lum Lsun (n) [0.0005/5917] Stellar Luminosity; Rad2*(Teff/5772)4 (phys.luminosity)
  s_Lum Lsun (n) [0.00006/5764] Uncertainty in Lum (Note 13)   (stat.error)
  Dist pc (n) [1/1567769] Distance (d) (pos.distance;pos.heliocentric)
  s_Dist pc (n) [0.0003/1565730] Uncertainty in Dist (e_d) (Note 13)   (stat.error)
  E(B-V) mag (n) [0/48] Applied Color Excess (phot.color.excess)
  s_E(B-V) mag (n) [0/20] Uncertainty in E(B-V) (Note 13)   (stat.error)
  Ncont  (n) [6/15080] Number of contaminants found within 10" of the star, used in the calculation of the contamination ratio (numcont) (meta.number)
  Rcont  (n) [0/40556] Contamination Ratio (contratio) (Note 10)   (
  Disp (char) Disposition type (disposition) (Note 11)   (meta.code.class)
  m_TIC  (n) [104/471016469] TIC ID of the 'other' object in DUPLICATE, or SPLIT set of stars (dup_id) (meta.code.multip)
  Prior  (n) [0/1] Priority (1= highest priority) (priority) (Note 12)   (phot.flux.density;em.IR.8-15um)
  e_E(B-V) mag (n) [0/22] Negative error for E(B-V) (eneg_EBV) (stat.error;phot.color.excess;stat.min)

ALL cols
(n) indicates a possible blank or NULL column(i)indexed column
  E_E(B-V) mag (n) [0/35] Positive error for E(B-V) (epos_EBV) (stat.error;phot.color.excess;stat.max)
  f_E(B-V) (char) Source of E(B-V) (EBVflag) (Note 14)   (meta.code)
  e_Mass Msun (n) [0.01/2] Negative error for Mass (eneg_Mass) (stat.error;phys.mass;stat.min)
  E_Mass Msun (n) [0.03/2] Positive error for Mass (epos_Mass) (stat.error;phys.mass;stat.max)
  e_Rad Rsun (n) [0.008/3.1] Negative error for Rad (eneg_Rad) (stat.error;phys.size.radius;stat.min)
  E_Rad Rsun (n) [0.01/24] Positive error for Rad (epos_Rad) (stat.error;phys.size.radius;stat.max)
  e_rho Sun (n) [0.0004/226.5] Negative error for Density (eneg_rho) (stat.error;src.density;stat.min)
  E_rho Sun (n) [0.001/226.5] Positive error for Density (epos_rho) (stat.error;src.density;stat.max)
  e_logg [cm/s2] (n) [0.02/1.7] Negative error for Surface Gravity (eneg_logg) (stat.error;phys.gravity;stat.min)
  E_logg [cm/s2] (n) [0.01/0.7] Positive error for Surface Gravity (epos_logg) (stat.error;phys.gravity;stat.max)
  e_Lum Lsun (n) [0.001/1424] Negative error for Luminosity (eneg_lum) (stat.error;phys.luminosity;stat.min)
  E_Lum Lsun (n) [0.001/2352] Positive error for Luminosity (epos_lum) (stat.error;phys.luminosity;stat.max)
  e_Dist pc (n) [0.0003/19098] Negative Error for Dist (eneg_dist) (Note 22)   (stat.error;pos.distance;stat.min)

ALL cols
(n) indicates a possible blank or NULL column(i)indexed column
  E_Dist pc (n) [0.0003/155560992] Positive Error for Dist (epos_dist) (Note 22)   (stat.error;pos.distance;stat.max)
  r_Dist (char) Source of distance (distflag) (Note 3)   (meta.ref;pos.frame)
  e_Teff K (n) [23/6390] Negative error for Teff (eneg_Teff) (stat.error;phys.temperature.effective;stat.min)
  E_Teff K (n) [29/4809] Positive error for Teff (epos_Teff) (stat.error;phys.temperature.effective;stat.max)
  r_Teff (char) Source of Teff (Tefflag) (Note 3)   (meta.ref;pos.frame)
  BPmag mag (n) [2.5/25.4] Gaia Bp magnitude (gaiabp) (phot.mag;stat.mean;em.opt.B)
  e_BPmag mag (n) [0.000001/9] Error in Gaia Bp magnitude (e_gaiabp) (stat.error;phot.mag;stat.mean)
  RPmag mag (n) [0.001/29] Gaia Rp magnitude (gaiarp) (phot.mag;stat.mean;em.opt.R)
  e_RPmag mag (n) [0.000001/50] Error in Gaia Rp magnitude (e_gaiarp) (stat.error;phot.mag;stat.mean)
  q_Gaia   [-1/1] Quality of Gaia information (gaiaqflag) (Note 15)   (meta.code.qual)
  r_Vmag (char) Source of V magnitude (VmagFlag) (Note 3)   (meta.ref;pos.frame)
  r_Bmag (char) Source of B magnitude (BmagFlag) (Note 3)   (meta.ref;pos.frame)
  Clist (char) Identifies if star is in a specially curated list ("cooldwarfs_v8":cool dwarf star version TICv8 or "hotsubdwarfs_v8") (splists) (meta.code)

ALL cols
(n) indicates a possible blank or NULL column(i)indexed column
  e_RAJ2000 mas [0/101165816] Error in RAdeg (e_RA) (stat.error;pos.eq.ra)
  e_DEJ2000 mas [0/101165816] Error in DEdeg (e_Dec) (stat.error;pos.eq.dec)
  RAOdeg deg (i) RA from original catalog (RA_orig) (pos.eq.ra)
  DEOdeg deg (i) Dec from original catalog (Dec_orig) (pos.eq.dec)
  e_RAOdeg mas [0/101165816] RA error as given in original catalog (e_RA_orig) (stat.error;pos.eq.ra)
  e_DEOdeg mas [0/101165816] DEC error as given in original catalog (e_Dec_orig) (stat.error;pos.eq.dec)
  RadFl   [-1/1] 1: dwarf by radius, 0: giant by radius; -1: insufficient information (raddflag) (meta.code)
  WDFl   [-1/1] 1: star in Gaia's photometric White Dwarf region (wdflag) (meta.code)
  ID   [382303/1728369882] Object internal identifier (
  Sloan  Display the SDSS data for this object (meta.ref.url)

ALL cols
(n) indicates a possible blank or NULL column(i)indexed column
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Annotations on IV/38
Posted by Cilou (2021/05/08 10:53:46)
This catalogue is a Xmatch of several surveys with different resolutions, from 4-6'' (WISEA) to 1-0.5'' (Tycho2, Gaia). About 4 million TIC identifiers have been added in SIMBAD in April 2021 on the basis of the 2MASS identifier. The SIMBAD team found that there are issues with confusion and very high proper motion stars, as well as some multiple entries. There can also be erroneous positions, for instance for TIC 41896699 = UCAC4 247-001373 (11'') and TIC 308188145 = UCAC4 295-000413 (22'').
elapse time 1