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Simple TargetList Of TargetsFast Xmatch with large catalogs or Simbad
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  AKARI/IRC mid-IR all-sky Survey (ISAS/JAXA, 2010)
Post annotation
1.II/297/ircAKARI/IRC All-Sky Survey Point Source Catalogue (Version 1.0) (full documentation) (870973 rows)

Query by Constraints constraints help applied on Columns (Output Order: + - )
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  objID  (i) [200000001/200870973] AKARI source ID number. (
  objName (char) (i) AKARI source name (HHMMSSs+DDMMSS) (Note 2)   (;meta.main)
  errMaj arcsec Major axis of position error ellipse (phys.angSize;pos.errorEllipse)
  errMin arcsec Minor axis of position error ellipse (phys.angSize;pos.errorEllipse)
  errPA deg Position angle of Major axis (pos.posAng)
  S09 Jy (n) Flux density in AKARI/S9W filter (Note 1)   (phot.flux.density;em.IR.8-15um)
  e_S09 Jy (n) Flux error in S9W (stat.error)
  q_S09   [0,3] Flux quality flag for S9W (values are either 3 (good quality) or 0 (not observed) (Note 3)   (meta.code.qual)
  S18 Jy (n) Flux density in AKARI/L18W filter (Note 1)   (phot.flux.density;em.IR.15-30um)
  e_S18 Jy (n) Flux error in L18W (stat.error)
  q_S18   [0,3] Flux quality flag for L18W (values are either 3 (good quality) or 0 (not observed) (Note 3)   (meta.code.qual)

ALL cols
(n) indicates a possible blank or NULL column(i)indexed column
  f09 (char) [0-9a-f] Bit flags for S9W (Note 4)   (meta.code)
  f18 (char) [0-9a-f] Bit flags for L18W (Note 4)   (meta.code)
  Ns09  Number of scans with source detection in S9W (meta.number)
  Ns18  Number of scans with source detection in L18W (meta.number)
  Np09  Number of scans with possible detection in S09W (meta.number)
  Np18  Number of scans with possible detection in L18W (meta.number)
  M09  (n) [0,1] 1 is month confirmed and 0 is not. (inverted value of lower bit of f09) (meta.code)
  M18  (n) [0,1] 1 is month confirmed and 0 is not. (inverted value of lower bit of f18) (meta.code)
  Nd09  (n) Number of sources in 45" radius in S9W (meta.number)
  Nd18  (n) Number of sources in 45" radius in L18W (meta.number)
  X09  (n) [0,1] Extended source flag (Note 5)   (meta.code)
  X18  (n) [0,1] Extended source flag (Note 5)   (meta.code)
  r09 arcsec (n) Radius of source extent in S9W (Note 6)   (phys.angSize;src)
  r18 arcsec (n) Radius of source extent in L18W (Note 6)   (phys.angSize;src)
  Ndet  Number of events used for position computation (meta.number)
  N09  Number of events used for S09 measurement (meta.number)
  N18  Number of events used for S18 measurement (meta.number)
  RAJ2000 deg (i) Right Ascension (J2000) (pos.eq.ra;meta.main)
  DEJ2000 deg (i) Declination (J2000) (pos.eq.dec;meta.main)

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(n) indicates a possible blank or NULL column(i)indexed column
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