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  DANCING-ALMA. I. submm/mm continuum sources (Fujimoto+, 2017)
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1.J/ApJ/850/83/table2ALMA maps (1627 rows)

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  recno  Record number assigned by the VizieR team. Should Not be used for identification. (meta.record)
  MID   [1/1627] Map ID (;obs.field)
  PrID (char) ALMA project code ID (;obs)
  Target (char) Target name in the initial ALMA observations (;phys.atmol.initial;obs)
  lambda mm [0.8/1.4] Wavelength in the observed frame (em.wl)
  nu GHz [221/354] Frequency in the observed frame (em.freq)
  Band   [6/7] ALMA Band (meta.code;instr.filter)
  Min m [15/43] Minimum baseline of the antenna configuration (instr.baseline)
  Max m [134/2270] Maximum baseline of the antenna configuration (instr.baseline)
  sigma mJy/beam [0.01/1.4] One sigma noise level measured after the CLEAN process (Section 2.2) (instr.det.noise)
  amaj arcsec [0.1/4.1] Major axis of the synthesized beam (weight = 'natural') (phys.angSize;instr.beam)
  bmin arcsec [0.1/1.3] Minor axis of the synthesized beam (weight = 'natural') (phys.angSize;instr.beam)
  Beam arcsec [0.1/2.1] Circularized beam size (phys.angSize;instr.beam)
  sSet (char) Classification of the sub-dataset (Note 1)   (
  Type   [1/2] map type: 1=single field; 2=mosaic (Note 2)   (meta.code)

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