Column | Value | | Explain (UCD) |
_r | 0.137 | arcsec | Distance from center (198.626200000-58.863800000)[ICRS] (pos.angDistance) (POS_ANG_DIST_GENERAL) |
_RAJ2000 | 13 14 30.30166626 | "h:m:s" | Right ascension (FK5, Equinox=J2000.0) (computed by VizieR, not part of the original data. The format may include more digits than the original data because of internal accuracy requirements in VizieR and across other CDS services) (pos.eq.ra) (POS_EQ_RA) |
_DEJ2000 | -58 51 49.5934868 | "d:m:s" | Declination (FK5, Equinox=J2000.0) (computed by VizieR, not part of the original data. The format may include more digits than the original data because of internal accuracy requirements in VizieR and across other CDS services) (pos.eq.dec) (POS_EQ_DEC) |
_RAB1950 | 13 11 22.10826293 | "h:m:s" | Right ascension (FK4, Equinox=B1950.0) (computed by VizieR, not part of the original data. The format may include more digits than the original data because of internal accuracy requirements in VizieR and across other CDS services) (pos.eq.ra) (POS_EQ_RA) |
_DEB1950 | -58 35 57.5991817 | "d:m:s" | Declination (FK4, Equinox=B1950.0) (computed by VizieR, not part of the original data. The format may include more digits than the original data because of internal accuracy requirements in VizieR and across other CDS services) (pos.eq.dec) (POS_EQ_DEC) |
_Glon | 305.91690784217 | deg | Galactic longitude (computed by VizieR, not part of the original data. The format may include more digits than the original data because of internal accuracy requirements in VizieR and across other CDS services) (pos.galactic.lon) (POS_GAL_LON) |
_Glat | +03.87421699094 | deg | Galactic latitude (computed by VizieR, not part of the original data. The format may include more digits than the original data because of internal accuracy requirements in VizieR and across other CDS services) ( (POS_GAL_LAT) |
object_id | 197568313 | | (i) Global unique object ID in the master table (object_id) (;meta.table) (ID_TABLE) |
raj2000 | 198.626256943 | deg | (i) Mean ICRS Right Ascension of the object (raj2000) (pos.eq.ra;meta.main) (POS_EQ_RA_MAIN) |
dej2000 | -58.863775969 | deg | (i) Mean ICRS Declination of the object (dej2000) (pos.eq.dec;meta.main) (POS_EQ_DEC_MAIN) |
e_raj2000 | 34 | mas | RMS variation around the mean Right Ascension, in milliarcseconds (e_raj2000) (stat.error;pos.eq.ra) (ERROR) |
e_dej2000 | 36 | mas | RMS variation around the mean Declination, in milliarcseconds (e_dej2000) (stat.error;pos.eq.dec) (ERROR) |
smss_j | 131430.30-585149.6 | | (i) SkyMapper Southern Survey designation of the form SMSS±ddmmss.s, derived from mean ICRS coordinates (HHMMSS.s+DDMMSS.s) (smss_j) ( (ID_ALTERNATIVE) |
mean_epoch | 57093.0868 | d | Mean MJD epoch of the observations (mean_epoch) (time.epoch;stat.mean) (TIME_EPOCH) |
rms_epoch | 3.9755 | d | RMS variation around the mean epoch (rms_epoch) (stat.stdev;time.epoch) (ERROR) |
glon | 305.917000 | deg | Galactic longitude derived from ICRS coordinates. Not to be used as primary astrometric reference (glon) (pos.galactic.lon) (POS_GAL_LON) |
glat | 3.874220 | deg | Galactic latitude derived from ICRS coordinates. Not to be used as primary astrometric reference (glat) ( (POS_GAL_LAT) |
flags | 0 | | [0/4096] Bitwise OR of Source Extractor flags across all observations (flags) (Note 1)
(meta.code) (CODE_MISC) |
nimaflags | 1 | | Total number of flagged pixels from bad, saturated, and crosstalk pixel masks across all observations (nimaflags) (meta.code) (NUMBER) |
ngood | 8 | | [1/91] Number of observations used across all filters (ngood) (meta.number) (NUMBER) |
ngood_min | 0 | | [0/11] Minimum number of observations used in any filter (excluding filters with 0 observations) (ngood_min) (meta.number) (NUMBER) |
nch_max | 1 | | [1/5] Maximum number of child sources combined into this global object_id in any filter (nch_max) (meta.number) (NUMBER) |
u_flags | -1 | | [-1/100] Bitwise OR of Source Extractor flags from u-band measurements in photometry table (u_flags) (Note 1)
(meta.code) (CODE_MISC) |
u_nimaflags | | | Number of flagged pixels from bad, saturated, and crosstalk pixel masks from u-band measurements in photometry table (u_nimaflags) (meta.code) (NUMBER) |
u_ngood | 0 | | Number of u-band observations used (u_ngood) (meta.number) (NUMBER) |
u_nch | -1 | | [-1/4] Number of u-band child sources combined into this object_id (u_nch) (meta.number) (NUMBER) |
u_nvisit | 1 | | [0/35] Number of u-band observations for which the mean RA/Dec position fell on a CCD (u_nvisit) (meta.number) (NUMBER) |
v_flags | -1 | | [-1/45] Bitwise OR of Source Extractor flags from v-band measurements in photometry table (v_flags) (Note 1)
(meta.code) (CODE_MISC) |
v_nimaflags | | | Number of flagged pixels from bad, saturated, and crosstalk pixel masks from v-band measurements in photometry table (v_nimaflags) (meta.code) (NUMBER) |
v_ngood | 0 | | [0/19] Number of v-band observations used (v_ngood) (meta.number) (NUMBER) |
v_nch | -1 | | [-1/4] Number of v-band child sources combined into this object_id (v_nch) (meta.number) (NUMBER) |
v_nvisit | 0 | | [0/16] Number of v-band observations for which the mean RA/Dec position fell on a CCD (v_nvisit) (meta.number) (NUMBER) |
g_flags | 0 | | [-1/56] Bitwise OR of Source Extractor flags from g-band measurements in photometry table (g_flags) (Note 1)
(meta.code) (CODE_MISC) |
g_nimaflags | 0 | | Number of flagged pixels from bad, saturated, and crosstalk pixel masks from g-band measurements in photometry table (g_nimaflags) (meta.code) (NUMBER) |
g_ngood | 2 | | Number of g-band observations used (g_ngood) (meta.number) (NUMBER) |
g_nch | 1 | | [-1/4] Number of g-band child sources combined into this object_id (g_nch) (meta.number) (NUMBER) |
g_nvisit | 2 | | [0/17] Number of g-band observations for which the mean RA/Dec position fell on a CCD (g_nvisit) (meta.number) (NUMBER) |
r_flags | 0 | | [-1/60] Bitwise OR of Source Extractor flags from r-band measurements in photometry table (r_flags) (Note 1)
(meta.code) (CODE_MISC) |
r_nimaflags | 1 | | Number of flagged pixels from bad, saturated, and crosstalk pixel masks from r-band measurements in photometry table (r_nimaflags) (meta.code) (NUMBER) |
r_ngood | 2 | | Number of r-band observations used (r_ngood) (meta.number) (NUMBER) |
r_nch | 1 | | [-1/5] Number of r-band child sources combined into this object_id (r_nch) (meta.number) (NUMBER) |
r_nvisit | 2 | | [0/17] Number of r-band observations for which the mean RA/Dec position fell on a CCD (r_nvisit) (meta.number) (NUMBER) |
i_flags | -1 | | [-1/49] Bitwise OR of Source Extractor flags from i-band measurements in photometry table (i_flags) (Note 1)
(meta.code) (CODE_MISC) |
i_nimaflags | | | Number of flagged pixels from bad, saturated, and crosstalk pixel masks from i-band measurements in photometry table (i_nimaflags) (meta.code) (NUMBER) |
i_ngood | 0 | | [0/16] Number of i-band observations used (i_ngood) (meta.number) (NUMBER) |
i_nch | 1 | | [-1/5] Number of i-band child sources combined into this object_id (i_nch) (meta.number) (NUMBER) |
i_nvisit | 0 | | [0/12] Number of i-band observations for which the mean RA/Dec position fell on a CCD (i_nvisit) (meta.number) (NUMBER) |
z_flags | -1 | | [-1/50] Bitwise OR of Source Extractor flags from z-band measurements in photometry table (z_flags) (Note 1)
(meta.code) (CODE_MISC) |
z_nimaflags | | | Number of flagged pixels from bad, saturated, and crosstalk pixel masks from z-band measurements in photometry table (z_nimaflags) (meta.code) (NUMBER) |
z_ngood | 0 | | [0/16] Number of z-band observations used (z_ngood) (meta.number) (NUMBER) |
z_nch | 1 | | [-1/5] Number of z-band child sources combined into this object_id (z_nch) (meta.number) (NUMBER) |
z_nvisit | 0 | | [0/11] Number of z-band observations for which the mean RA/Dec position fell on a CCD (z_nvisit) (meta.number) (NUMBER) |
class_star | 0.982 | | Maximum stellarity index from photometry table (between 0=no star and 1=star) (class_star) (src.class.starGalaxy;stat.mean) (CLASS_STAR/GALAXY) |
radius_petro | 5.61 | pix | Mean r-band Petrosian radius (radius_petro) (phys.angSize;stat.mean) (EXTENSION_RAD) |
a | 2.42 | pix | Mean r-band semi-major axis length (a) (phys.angSize.smajAxis;stat.mean) (EXTENSION_RAD) |
e_a | 0.60 | pix | Error in mean r-band semi-major axis length (e_a) (stat.error;phys.angSize.smajAxis) (ERROR) |
b | 2.24 | pix | Mean r-band semi-minor axis length (b) (phys.angSize.sminAxis;stat.mean) (EXTENSION_SMIN) |
e_b | 0.55 | pix | Error in mean r-band semi-minor axis length (e_b) (stat.error;phys.angSize.sminAxis) (ERROR) |
pa | 12.13 | deg | [-90/90] Mean r-band position angle (E of N, -90..+90 deg) (pa) (pos.posAng;stat.mean) (POS_POS-ANG) |
e_pa | 87.36 | deg | Error in mean r-band position angle (e_pa) (stat.error;pos.posAng) (ERROR) |
u_psf | | mag | Mean u-band PSF magnitude (u_psf) (phot.mag;stat.mean) (PHOT_MAG_U) |
e_u_psf | | mag | Error in u-band PSF magnitude (e_u_psf) (stat.error;phot.mag) (ERROR) |
u_petro | | mag | Mean u-band Petrosian magnitude (u_petro) (phot.mag;stat.mean) (PHOT_MAG_U) |
e_u_petro | | mag | Error in u-band Petrosian magnitude (e_u_petro) (stat.error;phot.mag) (ERROR) |
v_psf | | mag | Mean v-band PSF magnitude (v_psf) (phot.mag;em.opt.V) (PHOT_MAG_V) |
e_v_psf | | mag | Error in v-band PSF magnitude (e_v_psf) (stat.error) (ERROR) |
v_petro | | mag | Mean v-band Petrosian magnitude (v_petro) (phot.mag;em.opt.V) (PHOT_MAG_V) |
e_v_petro | | mag | Error in v-band Petrosian magnitude (e_v_petro) (stat.error) (ERROR) |
g_psf | 16.364 | mag | Mean g-band PSF magnitude (g_psf) (phot.mag;stat.mean) (PHOT_SDSS_G) |
e_g_psf | 0.059 | mag | Error in g-band PSF magnitude (e_g_psf) (stat.error;phot.mag) (ERROR) |
g_petro | 16.370 | mag | Mean g-band Petrosian magnitude (g_petro) (phot.mag;stat.mean) (PHOT_SDSS_G) |
e_g_petro | 0.042 | mag | Error in g-band Petrosian magnitude (e_g_petro) (stat.error;phot.mag) (ERROR) |
r_psf | 14.775 | mag | Mean r-band PSF magnitude (r_psf) (phot.mag;stat.mean) (PHOT_MAG_R) |
e_r_psf | 0.027 | mag | Error in r-band PSF magnitude (e_r_psf) (stat.error;phot.mag) (ERROR) |
r_petro | 14.826 | mag | Mean r-band Petrosian magnitude (r_petro) (phot.mag;stat.mean) (PHOT_MAG_R) |
e_r_petro | 0.044 | mag | Error in r-band Petrosian magnitude (e_r_petro) (stat.error;phot.mag) (ERROR) |
i_psf | | mag | Mean i-band PSF magnitude (i_psf) (phot.mag;stat.mean) (PHOT_MAG_I) |
e_i_psf | | mag | Error in i-band PSF magnitude (e_i_psf) (stat.error;phot.mag) (ERROR) |
i_petro | | mag | Mean i-band Petrosian magnitude (i_petro) (phot.mag;stat.mean) (PHOT_MAG_I) |
e_i_petro | | mag | Error in i-band Petrosian magnitude (e_i_petro) (stat.error;phot.mag) (ERROR) |
z_psf | | mag | Mean z-band PSF magnitude (z_psf) (phot.mag;stat.mean) (PHOT_SDSS_Z) |
e_z_psf | | mag | Error in z-band PSF magnitude (e_z_psf) (stat.error;phot.mag) (ERROR) |
z_petro | | mag | Mean z-band Petrosian magnitude (z_petro) (phot.mag;stat.mean) (PHOT_SDSS_Z) |
e_z_petro | | mag | Error in z-band Petrosian magnitude (e_z_petro) (stat.error;phot.mag) (ERROR) |
ebmv_sfd | 0.9112 | mag | E(B-V) from Schlegel et al. (1998ApJ...500..525S) extinction maps at the ICRS coordinates (ebmv_sfd) (phot.color.excess;phys.absorption) (PHOT_COLOR_EXCESS) |
prox | 9.8 | arcsec | Distance to next-closest DR1 source (=60 if no sources within 15 arcsec) (prox) (pos.angDistance) (POS_ANG_DIST_GENERAL) |
prox_id | 197568310 | | object_id of next-closest DR1 source (prox_id) ( (ID_ALTERNATIVE) |
edr_id | | | object_id of closest Early Data Release source (edr_id) ( (ID_ALTERNATIVE) |
edr_dist | | arcsec | Distance to closest Early Data Release source (edr_dist) (pos.angDistance) (POS_ANG_DIST_GENERAL) |
twomass_key1 | 900398803 | | Unique identifier (ptskey/extkey) of closest 2MASS source (twomass_key1) ( (ID_ALTERNATIVE) |
twomass_dist1 | 0.04 | arcsec | Distance on sky to closest 2MASS source (twomass_dist1) (pos.angDistance) (POS_ANG_DIST_GENERAL) |
twomass_cat1 | psc | | [cpsx -] 2MASS catalogue of closest match (point source PSC, or extended XSC) (twomass_cat1) (meta.code) (ID_ALTERNATIVE) |
twomass_key2 | 900398826 | | Unique identifier (ptskey/extkey) of second closest 2MASS source (twomass_key2) ( (ID_ALTERNATIVE) |
twomass_dist2 | 9.79 | arcsec | Distance on sky to second closest 2MASS source (twomass_dist2) (pos.angDistance) (POS_ANG_DIST_GENERAL) |
twomass_cat2 | psc | | [cpsx -] 2MASS catalogue of second closest match (point source PSC, or extended XSC) (twomass_cat2) (meta.code) (ID_ALTERNATIVE) |
allwise_cntr | 1987059101351043406 | | Unique identifier (cntr) of closest AllWISE source (allwise_cntr) ( (ID_ALTERNATIVE) |
allwise_dist | 0.07 | arcsec | Distance on sky to closest AllWISE source (allwise_dist) (pos.angDistance) (POS_ANG_DIST_GENERAL) |
ucac4_mpos | 19140459 | | Unique identifier (mpos) of closest UCAC4 source (ucac4_mpos) ( (ID_ALTERNATIVE) |
ucac4_dist | 0.02 | arcsec | Distance on sky to closest UCAC4 source (ucac4_dist) (pos.angDistance) (POS_ANG_DIST_GENERAL) |
apass_recno | | | Unique identifier (recno) of closest APASS DR9 source (only useful for this copy of APASS) (apass_recno) ( (ID_ALTERNATIVE) |
apass_dist | | arcsec | Distance on sky to closest APASS DR9 source (apass_dist) (pos.angDistance) (POS_ANG_DIST_GENERAL) |
gaia_dr1_id | 6062183576224318976 | | Unique identifier (source_id) of closest Gaia DR1 source (gaia_dr1_id) ( (ID_ALTERNATIVE) |
gaia_dr1_dist | 0.13 | arcsec | Distance on sky to closest Gaia DR1 source (gaia_dr1_dist) (pos.angDistance) (POS_ANG_DIST_GENERAL) |
ps1_dr1_id | | | Unique identifier (objID) of closest Pan-STARRS1 DR1 source (ps1_dr1_id) ( (ID_ALTERNATIVE) |
ps1_dr1_dist | | arcsec | Distance on sky to closest Pan-STARRS1 DR1 source (ps1_dr1_dist) (pos.angDistance) (POS_ANG_DIST_GENERAL) |
galex_bcs_id | | | Unique identifier (objid) of closest GALEX AIS source (Bianchi et al., 2014, Cat. II/335) (galex_bcs_id) ( (ID_ALTERNATIVE) |
galex_bcs_dist | | arcsec | Distance on sky to closest GALEX AIS source (galex_bcs_dist) (pos.angDistance) (POS_ANG_DIST_GENERAL) |
gaia_dr2_id1 | 6062183580570935936 | | Unique identifier (source_id) of closest Gaia DR2 source (gaia_dr2_id1) ( (ID_ALTERNATIVE) |
gaia_dr2_dist1 | 0.11 | arcsec | Distance on sky to closest Gaia DR2 source (gaia_dr2_dist1) (pos.angDistance) (POS_ANG_DIST_GENERAL) |
gaia_dr2_id2 | 6062183580537572352 | | Unique identifier (source_id) of second-closest Gaia DR2 source (gaia_dr2_id2) ( (ID_ALTERNATIVE) |
gaia_dr2_dist2 | 2.73 | arcsec | Distance on sky to second-closest Gaia DR2 source (gaia_dr2_dist2) (pos.angDistance) (POS_ANG_DIST_GENERAL) |
uv_psf_color | | mag | (upsf–vpsf) color, computed by CDS (uv_psf_color) (phot.color) (PHOT_CI_OPT) |
ug_psf_color | | mag | (upsf–gpsf) color, computed by CDS (ug_psf_color) (phot.color) (PHOT_CI_OPT) |
gr_psf_color | 1.589 | mag | (gpsf–rpsf) color, computed by CDS (gr_psf_color) (phot.color) (PHOT_CI_OPT) |
gi_psf_color | | mag | (gpsf–ipsf) color, computed by CDS (gi_psf_color) (phot.color) (PHOT_CI_OPT) |
iz_psf_color | | mag | (ipsf–zpsf) color, computed by CDS (iz_psf_color) (phot.color) (PHOT_CI_OPT) |