Column | Value | | Explain (UCD) |
_r | 0.114 | arcsec | Distance from center (274.33450000000-28.16370000000)[ICRS], at Epoch of catalog (Epoch) (pos.angDistance) (POS_ANG_DIST_GENERAL) |
_RAJ2000 | 18 17 20.2781108704 | "h:m:s" | Right ascension (FK5, Equinox=J2000.0) at Epoch=J2000, proper motions taken into account (pos.eq.ra) (POS_EQ_RA) |
_DEJ2000 | -28 09 49.114302795 | "d:m:s" | Declination (FK5, Equinox=J2000.0) at Epoch=J2000, proper motions taken into account (pos.eq.dec) (POS_EQ_DEC) |
_RAB1950 | 18 14 10.7973908072 | "h:m:s" | Right ascension (FK4, Equinox=B1950.0) at Epoch=J1950, proper motions taken into account (pos.eq.ra) (POS_EQ_RA) |
_DEB1950 | -28 10 57.651306993 | "d:m:s" | Declination (FK4, Equinox=B1950.0) at Epoch=J1950, proper motions taken into account (pos.eq.dec) (POS_EQ_DEC) |
_Glon | 004.1143031523666 | deg | Galactic longitude (computed by VizieR, not part of the original data. The format may include more digits than the original data because of internal accuracy requirements in VizieR and across other CDS services) (pos.galactic.lon) (POS_GAL_LON) |
_Glat | -05.6763188098670 | deg | Galactic latitude (computed by VizieR, not part of the original data. The format may include more digits than the original data because of internal accuracy requirements in VizieR and across other CDS services) ( (POS_GAL_LAT) |
hstID | S9TE000991 | | (i) GSC2 Public ID (hstID) (;meta.main) (ID_MAIN) |
ra | 274.33448415214 | deg | (i) Right Ascension (ICRS) at Ep=Epoch (ra) (pos.eq.ra;meta.main) (POS_EQ_RA_MAIN) |
dec | -28.16367149489 | deg | (i) Declination (ICRS) at Ep=Epoch (dec) (pos.eq.dec;meta.main) (POS_EQ_DEC_MAIN) |
objID | 23012302991 | | (i) Database ID (;meta.dataset) (ID_DATABASE) |
gsc1ID | 685601061 | | GSC1 ID (gsc1ID) ( (ID_ALTERNATIVE) |
gsc2ID | S3012302991 | | GSC2 Internal ID (gsc2ID) ( (ID_IDENTIFIER) |
compassgsc2id | 4549000000991 | | COMPASS ID (compassgsc2id) ( (ID_ALTERNATIVE) |
GAIAsourceID | 4052142523831589504 | | Gaia DR1 ID (GAIAsourceID) ( (ID_ALTERNATIVE) |
usageFlag | | | [-1/1] Flag for previously used guide star (meta.code) (CODE_MISC) |
sourceStatus | 1101110508 | | Object status codes (sourceStatus) (Note 4)
(meta.code) (CODE_MISC) |
Epoch | 2015.500 | yr | (i) Epoch of coordinate (time.epoch) (TIME_EPOCH) |
raErr | 0.0000385 | arcsec | Right Ascension error (raErr) (stat.error;pos.eq.ra) (ERROR) |
decErr | 0.0000362 | arcsec | Declination error (decErr) (stat.error;pos.eq.dec) (ERROR) |
posSource | 15 | | [2/32] Object coordinates source (posSource) (Note 2)
(meta.ref;pos.frame) (REFER_CODE) |
rapm | -1.633 | mas/yr | Proper motion along RA (rapm) (;pos.eq.ra) (POS_EQ_PMRA) |
decpm | -6.650 | mas/yr | Proper motion along DE (decpm) (;pos.eq.dec) (POS_EQ_PMDEC) |
rapmErr | 0.076 | mas/yr | pmRA error (rapmErr) (stat.error;;pos.eq.ra) (ERROR) |
decpmErr | 0.065 | mas/yr | pmDE error (decpmErr) (stat.error;;pos.eq.dec) (ERROR) |
deltaEpoch | 38.170 | yr | Time interval used for PM computation (deltaEpoch) (time.interval) (TIME_INTERVAL) |
pmSource | 15 | | [0/15] Proper motion source (pmSource) (Note 2)
(meta.ref;pos.frame) (REFER_CODE) |
parallax | 0.1568 | mas | Parallax (parallax) (pos.parallax.trig) (POS_PARLX_TRIG) |
plxErr | 0.0438 | mas | Parallax error (plxErr) (stat.error;pos.parallax) (ERROR) |
plxSource | 15 | | [0/15] Parallax source (plxSource) (Note 2)
(meta.ref;pos.frame) (REFER_CODE) |
radialVelocity | -3.71 | km/s | Radial velocity (radialVelocity) (phys.veloc;pos.heliocentric) (VELOC_HC) |
rvErr | 0.31 | km/s | Radial velocity error (rvErr) (stat.error) (ERROR) |
rvSource | 15 | | [0/15] Radial Velocity source (rvSource) (Note 2)
(meta.ref;pos.frame) (REFER_CODE) |
classification | 0 | | [0/4] Object classification code (classification) (Note 1)
(meta.code.class) (CLASS_CODE) |
classSource | 15 | | [0/32] Classification source (classSource) (Note 2)
(meta.ref;pos.frame) (REFER_CODE) |
variableFlag | | | [1] Flag for known variable (variableFlag) (meta.code) (CODE_MISC) |
varSource | | | [3/15] Variability source (varSource) (Note 2)
(meta.ref;pos.frame) (REFER_CODE) |
multipleFlag | | | [0/1] Flag for known multiple multipleFlag (multipleFlag) (meta.code) (CODE_MISC) |
multSource | | | [0/3] Multiplicity source (multSource) (Note 2)
(meta.ref;pos.frame) (REFER_CODE) |
gaiaGmag | 11.690074 | mag | Gaia G band magnitude (gaiaGmag) (phot.mag;em.opt) (PHOT_MAG_OPTICAL) |
gaiaGmagErr | 0.006713 | mag | Gaia G band magnitude error (gaiaGmagErr) (stat.error;phot.mag) (ERROR) |
gaiaGmagCode | 65 | | [65] Gaia G band code (gaiaGmagCode) (Note 3)
(meta.code) (CODE_MISC) |
OpgMag | 12.379400 | mag | Photographic O band magnitude (OpgMag) (phot.mag;em.opt.B) (PHOT_PHG_B) |
OpgMagErr | 0.457927 | mag | Photographic O band magnitude error (OpgMagErr) (stat.error;phot.mag) (ERROR) |
OpgMagCode | 7 | | [7] Photographic O band code (OpgMagCode) (Note 3)
(meta.code) (CODE_MISC) |
JpgMag | | mag | Photographic Blue magnitude (JpgMag) (phot.mag;em.opt.B) (PHOT_PHG_BJ) |
JpgMagErr | | mag | Photographic Blue magnitude error (JpgMagErr) (stat.error;phot.mag) (ERROR) |
JpgMagCode | | | [0/18] Photographic Blue bandpass code (JpgMagCode) (Note 3)
(meta.code) (CODE_MISC) |
VpgMag | 11.544900 | mag | Photographic V band magnitude (phot.mag;em.opt.V) (PHOT_PHG_V) |
VpgMagErr | 0.436099 | mag | Photographic V band magnitude error (VpgMagErr) (stat.error;phot.mag) (ERROR) |
VpgMagCode | 6 | | [1/6] Photographic V band code (VpgMagCode) (Note 3)
(meta.code) (CODE_MISC) |
FpgMag | 10.968100 | mag | Photographic Red magnitude (FpgMag) (phot.mag;em.opt.R) (PHOT_PHG_R) |
FpgMagErr | 0.447426 | mag | Photographic Red magnitude error (FpgMagErr) (stat.error;phot.mag) (ERROR) |
FpgMagCode | 36 | | [35/36] Photographic Red bandpass code (FpgMagCode) (Note 3)
(meta.code) (CODE_MISC) |
EpgMag | | mag | Photographic E band magnitude (EpgMag) (phot.mag;em.opt.R) (PHOT_PHG_R) |
EpgMagErr | | mag | Photographic E band magnitude error (EpgMagErr) (stat.error;phot.mag) (ERROR) |
EpgMagCode | | | [8] Photographic E band code (EpgMagCode) (Note 3)
(meta.code) (CODE_MISC) |
NpgMag | 14.646000 | mag | Photographic Near-IR magnitude (NpgMag) (phot.mag;em.opt.I) (PHOT_PHG_I) |
NpgMagErr | 0.444508 | mag | Photographic Near-IR magnitude error (NpgMagErr) (stat.error;phot.mag) (ERROR) |
NpgMagCode | 38 | | [37/38] Photographic Near-IR bandpass code (NpgMagCode) (Note 3)
(meta.code) (CODE_MISC) |
Umag | | mag | U band magnitude (phot.mag;em.opt.U) (PHOT_MAG_U) |
UmagErr | | mag | U band magnitude error (UmagErr) (stat.error;phot.mag) (ERROR) |
UmagCode | | | [19] U band bandpass code (UmagCode) (Note 3)
(meta.code) (CODE_MISC) |
UmagSource | | | [3] U band magnitude source (UmagSource) (Note 2)
(meta.ref;pos.frame) (REFER_CODE) |
Bmag | | mag | B band magnitude (phot.mag;em.opt.B) (PHOT_MAG_B) |
BmagErr | | mag | B band magnitude error (BmagErr) (stat.error;phot.mag) (ERROR) |
BmagCode | | | [3/41] B band bandpass code (BmagCode) (Note 3)
(meta.code) (CODE_MISC) |
BmagSource | | | [3/19] B band magnitude source (BmagSource) (Note 2)
(meta.ref;pos.frame) (REFER_CODE) |
Vmag | | mag | V band magnitude (phot.mag;em.opt.V) (PHOT_MAG_V) |
VmagErr | | mag | V band magnitude error (VmagErr) (stat.error;phot.mag) (ERROR) |
VMagCode | | | [3/75] V band bandpass code (VMagCode) (Note 3)
(meta.code) (CODE_MISC) |
VmagSource | | | [3/19] V band magnitude source (VmagSource) (Note 2)
(meta.ref;pos.frame) (REFER_CODE) |
SDSSuMag | | mag | (i) SDSS u band magnitude (SDSSuMag) (phot.mag;em.opt.U) (PHOT_SDSS_U) |
SDSSuMagErr | | mag | SDSS u band magnitude error (SDSSuMagErr) (stat.error;phot.mag) (ERROR) |
SDSSuMagCode | | | [50/74] SDSS u band code (SDSSuMagCode) (Note 3)
(meta.code) (CODE_MISC) |
SDSSuMagSource | | | [17/32] SDSS u band magnitude source (SDSSuMagSource) (Note 2)
(meta.ref;pos.frame) (REFER_CODE) |
SDSSgMag | 13.166 | mag | (i) SDSS g band magnitude (SDSSgMag) (phot.mag;em.opt.B) (PHOT_SDSS_G) |
SDSSgMagErr | 0.017 | mag | SDSS g band magnitude error (SDSSgMagErr) (stat.error;phot.mag) (ERROR) |
SDSSgMagCode | 51 | | [51/76] SDSS g band code (SDSSgMagCode) (Note 3)
(meta.code) (CODE_MISC) |
SDSSgMagSource | 16 | | [16/32] SDSS g band magnitude source (SDSSgMagSource) (Note 2)
(meta.ref;pos.frame) (REFER_CODE) |
SDSSrMag | | mag | (i) SDSS r band magnitude (SDSSrMag) (phot.mag;em.opt.R) (PHOT_SDSS_R) |
SDSSrMagErr | | mag | SDSS r band magnitude error (SDSSrMagErr) (stat.error;phot.mag) (ERROR) |
SDSSrMagCode | 52 | | [52/77] SDSS r band code (SDSSrMagCode) (Note 3)
(meta.code) (CODE_MISC) |
SDSSrMagSource | 16 | | [16/32] SDSS r band magnitude source (SDSSrMagSource) (Note 2)
(meta.ref;pos.frame) (REFER_CODE) |
SDSSiMag | | mag | (i) SDSS i band magnitude (SDSSiMag) (phot.mag;em.opt.I) (PHOT_SDSS_I) |
SDSSiMagErr | | mag | SDSS i band magnitude error (SDSSiMagErr) (stat.error;phot.mag) (ERROR) |
SDSSiMagCode | 53 | | [53/78] SDSS i band code (SDSSiMagCode) (Note 3)
(meta.code) (CODE_MISC) |
SDSSiMagSource | 16 | | [16/32] SDSS i band magnitude source (SDSSiMagSource) (Note 2)
(meta.ref;pos.frame) (REFER_CODE) |
SDSSzMag | | mag | (i) SDSS z band magnitude (SDSSzMag) (phot.mag;em.opt.I) (PHOT_SDSS_Z) |
SDSSzMagErr | | mag | SDSS z band magnitude error (SDSSzMagErr) (stat.error;phot.mag) (ERROR) |
SDSSzMagCode | 54 | | [54/79] SDSS z band code (SDSSzMagCode) (Note 3)
(meta.code) (CODE_MISC) |
SDSSzMagSource | 16 | | [16/31] SDSS z band magnitude source (SDSSzMagSource) (Note 2)
(meta.ref;pos.frame) (REFER_CODE) |
PS1yMag | | mag | (i) PanSTARRS y band magnitude (PS1yMag) (phot.mag;em.opt.V) (PHOT_STR_Y) |
PS1yMagErr | | mag | PanSTARRS y band magnitude error (PS1yMagErr) (stat.error;phot.mag) (ERROR) |
PS1yMagCode | 63 | | [63] PanSTARRS y band code (PS1yMagCode) (Note 3)
(meta.code) (CODE_MISC) |
PS1ymagSource | 16 | | [16] PanSTARRS y band magnitude source (PS1ymagSource) (Note 2)
(meta.ref;pos.frame) (REFER_CODE) |
tmassJmag | 9.228 | mag | 2MASS J band magnitude (tmassJmag) (phot.mag;em.IR.J) (PHOT_JHN_J) |
tmassJmagErr | 0.024 | mag | 2MASS J band magnitude error (tmassJmagErr) (stat.error;phot.mag) (ERROR) |
tmassJmagCode | 47 | | [47] 2MASS J band code (tmassJmagCode) (Note 3)
(meta.code) (CODE_MISC) |
tmassJmagSource | 9 | | [9/23] 2MASS J band magnitude source (tmassJmagSource) (Note 2)
(meta.ref;pos.frame) (REFER_CODE) |
tmassHmag | 8.261 | mag | 2MASS H band magnitude (tmassHmag) (phot.mag;em.IR.H) (PHOT_JHN_H) |
tmassHmagErr | 0.036 | mag | 2MASS H band magnitude error (tmassHmagErr) (stat.error;phot.mag) (ERROR) |
tmassHmagCode | 48 | | [48] 2MASS H band code (tmassHmagCode) (Note 3)
(meta.code) (CODE_MISC) |
tmassHmagSource | 9 | | [9/23] 2MASS H band magnitude source (tmassHmagSource) (Note 2)
(meta.ref;pos.frame) (REFER_CODE) |
tmassKsmag | 8.004 | mag | 2MASS Ks band magnitude (tmassKsmag) (phot.mag;em.IR.K) (PHOT_JHN_K) |
tmassKsmagErr | 0.024 | mag | 2MASS Ks band magnitude error (tmassKsmagErr) (stat.error;phot.mag) (ERROR) |
tmassKsmagCode | 49 | | [49] 2MASS Ks band code (tmassKsmagCode) (Note 3)
(meta.code) (CODE_MISC) |
tmassKsmagSource | 9 | | [9/23] 2MASS Ks band magnitude source (tmassKsmagSource) (Note 2)
(meta.ref;pos.frame) (REFER_CODE) |
VistaZMag | | mag | VISTA Z band magnitude (VistaZMag) (phot.mag;em.opt.I) (PHOT_GUNN_Z) |
VistaZMagErr | | mag | VISTA Z band magnitude error (VistaZMagErr) (stat.error;phot.mag) (ERROR) |
VistaZMagCode | | | [69] VISTA Z band code (VistaZMagCode) (Note 3)
(meta.code) (CODE_MISC) |
VistaZmagSource | | | [23] VISTA Z band magnitude source (VistaZmagSource) (Note 2)
(meta.ref) (REFER_CODE) |
VistaYmag | | mag | VISTA Y band magnitude (VistaYmag) (phot.mag;em.IR.J) (PHOT_MAG_Y) |
VistaYMagErr | | mag | VISTA Y band magnitude error (VistaYMagErr) (stat.error;phot.mag) (ERROR) |
VistaYMagCode | | | [70] VISTA Y band code (VistaYMagCode) (Note 3)
(meta.code) (CODE_MISC) |
VistaYmagSource | | | [21/23] VISTA Y band magnitude source (VistaYmagSource) (Note 2)
(meta.ref;pos.frame) (REFER_CODE) |
WISEw1Mag | 7.084 | mag | WISE W1 (3.4um) band magnitude (WISEw1Mag) (phot.mag;em.IR.3-4um) (PHOT_IR_3.4) |
WISEw1MagErr | 0.055 | mag | WISE W1 (3.4um) band magnitude error (WISEw1MagErr) (stat.error;phot.mag) (ERROR) |
WISEw1MagCode | 55 | | [55] WISE W1 (3.4um) band code (WISEw1MagCode) (Note 3)
(meta.code) (CODE_MISC) |
WISEw1MagSOurce | 10 | | [10] WISE W1 (3.4um) band magnitude source (WISEw1MagSOurce) (Note 2)
(meta.ref) (REFER_CODE) |
WISEw2Mag | 7.323 | mag | WISE W2 (4.6um) band magnitude (WISEw2Mag) (phot.mag;em.IR.4-8um) (PHOT_IR_4.2) |
WISEw2MagErr | 0.019 | mag | WISE W2 (4.6um) band magnitude error (WISEw2MagErr) (stat.error;phot.mag) (ERROR) |
WISEw2MagCode | 56 | | [56] WISE W2 (4.6um) band code (WISEw2MagCode) (Note 3)
(meta.code) (CODE_MISC) |
WISEw2MagSOurce | 10 | | [10] WISE W2 (4.6um) band magnitude source (WISEw2MagSOurce) (Note 2)
(meta.ref) (REFER_CODE) |
WISEw3Mag | 6.588 | mag | WISE W3 (12um) band magnitude (WISEw3Mag) (phot.flux.density;em.IR.8-15um) (PHOT_FLUX_IR_12) |
WISEw3MagErr | 0.016 | mag | WISE W3 (12um) band magnitude error (WISEw3MagErr) (stat.error;phot.mag) (ERROR) |
WISEw3MagCode | 57 | | [57] WISE W3 (12um) band code (WISEw3MagCode) (Note 3)
(meta.code) (CODE_MISC) |
WISEw3MagSOurce | 10 | | [10] WISE W3 (12um) band magnitude source (WISEw3MagSOurce) (Note 2)
(meta.ref) (REFER_CODE) |
WISEw4Mag | 5.763 | mag | WISE W4 (22um) band magnitude (WISEw4Mag) (phot.flux.density;em.IR.15-30um) (PHOT_FLUX_IR_25) |
WISEw4MagErr | 0.049 | mag | WISE W4 (22um) band magnitude error (WISEw4MagErr) (stat.error;phot.mag) (ERROR) |
WISEw4MagCode | 58 | | [58] WISE W4 (22um) band code (WISEw4MagCode) (Note 3)
(meta.code) (CODE_MISC) |
WISEw4MagSOurce | 10 | | [10] WISE W4 (22um) band magnitude source (WISEw4MagSOurce) (Note 2)
(meta.ref) (REFER_CODE) |
FUVmag | | mag | GALEX FUV band magnitude (phot.mag;em.UV) (PHOT_MAG_UV) |
FUVmagErr | | mag | GALEX FUV band magnitude error (FUVmagErr) (stat.error;phot.mag) (ERROR) |
FUVmagCode | | | [80] GALEX FUV band code (FUVmagCode) (Note 3)
(meta.code) (CODE_MISC) |
FUVmagSource | | | [11] GALEX FUV band magnitude source (FUVmagSource) (Note 2)
(meta.ref) (REFER_CODE) |
NUVmag | | mag | GALEX NUV band magnitude (phot.mag;em.UV) (PHOT_MAG_UV) |
NUVmagErr | | mag | GALEX NUV band magnitude error (NUVmagErr) (stat.error;phot.mag) (ERROR) |
NUVmagCode | | | [81] GALEX NUV band code (NUVmagCode) (Note 3)
(meta.code) (CODE_MISC) |
NUVmagSource | | | [11] GALEX NUV band magnitude source (NUVmagSource) (Note 2)
(meta.ref) (REFER_CODE) |
gsc2semiMajorAxis | 7.145 | pix | SemiMajor diameter of object (gsc2semiMajorAxis) (phys.angSize) (EXTENSION_RAD) |
gsc2eccentricity | 0.202 | pix | Eccentricity of object (gsc2eccentricity) (src.orbital.eccentricity) (PHYS_ECCENTRICITY) |
gsc2positionAngle | 82.7 | pix | Position Angle (North thru East) (gsc2positionAngle) (pos.posAng;instr.det) (POS_POS-ANG) |
gaiaDr2SourceID | 4052142523831589504 | | Gaia DR2 ID (gaiaDr2SourceID) ( (ID_ALTERNATIVE) |
gaiaRbpMag | 10.7237 | mag | Gaia Rbp band magnitude (gaiaRbpMag) (phot.mag;em.opt.R) (PHOT_MAG_R) |
gaiaRbpMagErr | 0.0203 | mag | Gaia Rbp band magnitude (gaiaRbpMagErr) (stat.error;phot.mag) (ERROR) |
gaiaRbpMagCode | 66 | | [66] Gaia Rbp band code (gaiaRbpMagCode) (Note 3)
(meta.code) (CODE_MISC) |
gaiaBbpMag | 12.5043 | mag | Gaia Bbp band magnitude (gaiaBbpMag) (phot.mag;em.opt.B) (PHOT_MAG_B) |
gaiaBbpMagErr | 0.0362 | mag | Gaia Bbp band magnitude (gaiaBbpMagErr) (stat.error;phot.mag) (ERROR) |
gaiaBbpMagCode | 67 | | [67] Gaia Bbp band code (gaiaBbpMagCode) (Note 3)
(meta.code) (CODE_MISC) |
Column | Value | | Explain (UCD) |
_r | 1.289 | arcsec | Distance from center (274.33450000000-28.16370000000)[ICRS], at Epoch of catalog (Epoch) (pos.angDistance) (POS_ANG_DIST_GENERAL) |
_RAJ2000 | 18 17 20.2828704000 | "h:m:s" | Right ascension (FK5, Equinox=J2000.0) at Epoch=J2000, proper motions taken into account (pos.eq.ra) (POS_EQ_RA) |
_DEJ2000 | -28 09 50.608188000 | "d:m:s" | Declination (FK5, Equinox=J2000.0) at Epoch=J2000, proper motions taken into account (pos.eq.dec) (POS_EQ_DEC) |
_RAB1950 | 18 14 10.7952150623 | "h:m:s" | Right ascension (FK4, Equinox=B1950.0) at Epoch=J1950, proper motions taken into account (pos.eq.ra) (POS_EQ_RA) |
_DEB1950 | -28 10 59.477572129 | "d:m:s" | Declination (FK4, Equinox=B1950.0) at Epoch=J1950, proper motions taken into account (pos.eq.dec) (POS_EQ_DEC) |
_Glon | 004.1139712523021 | deg | Galactic longitude (computed by VizieR, not part of the original data. The format may include more digits than the original data because of internal accuracy requirements in VizieR and across other CDS services) (pos.galactic.lon) (POS_GAL_LON) |
_Glat | -05.6765207402177 | deg | Galactic latitude (computed by VizieR, not part of the original data. The format may include more digits than the original data because of internal accuracy requirements in VizieR and across other CDS services) ( (POS_GAL_LAT) |
hstID | S9TE689990 | | (i) GSC2 Public ID (hstID) (;meta.main) (ID_MAIN) |
ra | 274.33451196000 | deg | (i) Right Ascension (ICRS) at Ep=Epoch (ra) (pos.eq.ra;meta.main) (POS_EQ_RA_MAIN) |
dec | -28.16405783000 | deg | (i) Declination (ICRS) at Ep=Epoch (dec) (pos.eq.dec;meta.main) (POS_EQ_DEC_MAIN) |
objID | 23012302689990 | | (i) Database ID (;meta.dataset) (ID_DATABASE) |
gsc1ID | | | GSC1 ID (gsc1ID) ( (ID_ALTERNATIVE) |
gsc2ID | S3012302689990 | | GSC2 Internal ID (gsc2ID) ( (ID_IDENTIFIER) |
compassgsc2id | 4549000689990 | | COMPASS ID (compassgsc2id) ( (ID_ALTERNATIVE) |
GAIAsourceID | | | Gaia DR1 ID (GAIAsourceID) ( (ID_ALTERNATIVE) |
usageFlag | | | [-1/1] Flag for previously used guide star (meta.code) (CODE_MISC) |
sourceStatus | 1600 | | Object status codes (sourceStatus) (Note 4)
(meta.code) (CODE_MISC) |
Epoch | 2013.392 | yr | (i) Epoch of coordinate (time.epoch) (TIME_EPOCH) |
raErr | 0.0125900 | arcsec | Right Ascension error (raErr) (stat.error;pos.eq.ra) (ERROR) |
decErr | 0.0125900 | arcsec | Declination error (decErr) (stat.error;pos.eq.dec) (ERROR) |
posSource | 16 | | [2/32] Object coordinates source (posSource) (Note 2)
(meta.ref;pos.frame) (REFER_CODE) |
rapm | | mas/yr | Proper motion along RA (rapm) (;pos.eq.ra) (POS_EQ_PMRA) |
decpm | | mas/yr | Proper motion along DE (decpm) (;pos.eq.dec) (POS_EQ_PMDEC) |
rapmErr | | mas/yr | pmRA error (rapmErr) (stat.error;;pos.eq.ra) (ERROR) |
decpmErr | | mas/yr | pmDE error (decpmErr) (stat.error;;pos.eq.dec) (ERROR) |
deltaEpoch | | yr | Time interval used for PM computation (deltaEpoch) (time.interval) (TIME_INTERVAL) |
pmSource | | | [0/15] Proper motion source (pmSource) (Note 2)
(meta.ref;pos.frame) (REFER_CODE) |
parallax | | mas | Parallax (parallax) (pos.parallax.trig) (POS_PARLX_TRIG) |
plxErr | | mas | Parallax error (plxErr) (stat.error;pos.parallax) (ERROR) |
plxSource | | | [0/15] Parallax source (plxSource) (Note 2)
(meta.ref;pos.frame) (REFER_CODE) |
radialVelocity | | km/s | Radial velocity (radialVelocity) (phys.veloc;pos.heliocentric) (VELOC_HC) |
rvErr | | km/s | Radial velocity error (rvErr) (stat.error) (ERROR) |
rvSource | | | [0/15] Radial Velocity source (rvSource) (Note 2)
(meta.ref;pos.frame) (REFER_CODE) |
classification | 3 | | [0/4] Object classification code (classification) (Note 1)
(meta.code.class) (CLASS_CODE) |
classSource | 16 | | [0/32] Classification source (classSource) (Note 2)
(meta.ref;pos.frame) (REFER_CODE) |
variableFlag | | | [1] Flag for known variable (variableFlag) (meta.code) (CODE_MISC) |
varSource | | | [3/15] Variability source (varSource) (Note 2)
(meta.ref;pos.frame) (REFER_CODE) |
multipleFlag | | | [0/1] Flag for known multiple multipleFlag (multipleFlag) (meta.code) (CODE_MISC) |
multSource | | | [0/3] Multiplicity source (multSource) (Note 2)
(meta.ref;pos.frame) (REFER_CODE) |
gaiaGmag | | mag | Gaia G band magnitude (gaiaGmag) (phot.mag;em.opt) (PHOT_MAG_OPTICAL) |
gaiaGmagErr | | mag | Gaia G band magnitude error (gaiaGmagErr) (stat.error;phot.mag) (ERROR) |
gaiaGmagCode | | | [65] Gaia G band code (gaiaGmagCode) (Note 3)
(meta.code) (CODE_MISC) |
OpgMag | | mag | Photographic O band magnitude (OpgMag) (phot.mag;em.opt.B) (PHOT_PHG_B) |
OpgMagErr | | mag | Photographic O band magnitude error (OpgMagErr) (stat.error;phot.mag) (ERROR) |
OpgMagCode | | | [7] Photographic O band code (OpgMagCode) (Note 3)
(meta.code) (CODE_MISC) |
JpgMag | | mag | Photographic Blue magnitude (JpgMag) (phot.mag;em.opt.B) (PHOT_PHG_BJ) |
JpgMagErr | | mag | Photographic Blue magnitude error (JpgMagErr) (stat.error;phot.mag) (ERROR) |
JpgMagCode | | | [0/18] Photographic Blue bandpass code (JpgMagCode) (Note 3)
(meta.code) (CODE_MISC) |
VpgMag | | mag | Photographic V band magnitude (phot.mag;em.opt.V) (PHOT_PHG_V) |
VpgMagErr | | mag | Photographic V band magnitude error (VpgMagErr) (stat.error;phot.mag) (ERROR) |
VpgMagCode | | | [1/6] Photographic V band code (VpgMagCode) (Note 3)
(meta.code) (CODE_MISC) |
FpgMag | | mag | Photographic Red magnitude (FpgMag) (phot.mag;em.opt.R) (PHOT_PHG_R) |
FpgMagErr | | mag | Photographic Red magnitude error (FpgMagErr) (stat.error;phot.mag) (ERROR) |
FpgMagCode | | | [35/36] Photographic Red bandpass code (FpgMagCode) (Note 3)
(meta.code) (CODE_MISC) |
EpgMag | | mag | Photographic E band magnitude (EpgMag) (phot.mag;em.opt.R) (PHOT_PHG_R) |
EpgMagErr | | mag | Photographic E band magnitude error (EpgMagErr) (stat.error;phot.mag) (ERROR) |
EpgMagCode | | | [8] Photographic E band code (EpgMagCode) (Note 3)
(meta.code) (CODE_MISC) |
NpgMag | | mag | Photographic Near-IR magnitude (NpgMag) (phot.mag;em.opt.I) (PHOT_PHG_I) |
NpgMagErr | | mag | Photographic Near-IR magnitude error (NpgMagErr) (stat.error;phot.mag) (ERROR) |
NpgMagCode | | | [37/38] Photographic Near-IR bandpass code (NpgMagCode) (Note 3)
(meta.code) (CODE_MISC) |
Umag | | mag | U band magnitude (phot.mag;em.opt.U) (PHOT_MAG_U) |
UmagErr | | mag | U band magnitude error (UmagErr) (stat.error;phot.mag) (ERROR) |
UmagCode | | | [19] U band bandpass code (UmagCode) (Note 3)
(meta.code) (CODE_MISC) |
UmagSource | | | [3] U band magnitude source (UmagSource) (Note 2)
(meta.ref;pos.frame) (REFER_CODE) |
Bmag | | mag | B band magnitude (phot.mag;em.opt.B) (PHOT_MAG_B) |
BmagErr | | mag | B band magnitude error (BmagErr) (stat.error;phot.mag) (ERROR) |
BmagCode | | | [3/41] B band bandpass code (BmagCode) (Note 3)
(meta.code) (CODE_MISC) |
BmagSource | | | [3/19] B band magnitude source (BmagSource) (Note 2)
(meta.ref;pos.frame) (REFER_CODE) |
Vmag | | mag | V band magnitude (phot.mag;em.opt.V) (PHOT_MAG_V) |
VmagErr | | mag | V band magnitude error (VmagErr) (stat.error;phot.mag) (ERROR) |
VMagCode | | | [3/75] V band bandpass code (VMagCode) (Note 3)
(meta.code) (CODE_MISC) |
VmagSource | | | [3/19] V band magnitude source (VmagSource) (Note 2)
(meta.ref;pos.frame) (REFER_CODE) |
SDSSuMag | | mag | (i) SDSS u band magnitude (SDSSuMag) (phot.mag;em.opt.U) (PHOT_SDSS_U) |
SDSSuMagErr | | mag | SDSS u band magnitude error (SDSSuMagErr) (stat.error;phot.mag) (ERROR) |
SDSSuMagCode | | | [50/74] SDSS u band code (SDSSuMagCode) (Note 3)
(meta.code) (CODE_MISC) |
SDSSuMagSource | | | [17/32] SDSS u band magnitude source (SDSSuMagSource) (Note 2)
(meta.ref;pos.frame) (REFER_CODE) |
SDSSgMag | | mag | (i) SDSS g band magnitude (SDSSgMag) (phot.mag;em.opt.B) (PHOT_SDSS_G) |
SDSSgMagErr | | mag | SDSS g band magnitude error (SDSSgMagErr) (stat.error;phot.mag) (ERROR) |
SDSSgMagCode | 51 | | [51/76] SDSS g band code (SDSSgMagCode) (Note 3)
(meta.code) (CODE_MISC) |
SDSSgMagSource | 16 | | [16/32] SDSS g band magnitude source (SDSSgMagSource) (Note 2)
(meta.ref;pos.frame) (REFER_CODE) |
SDSSrMag | | mag | (i) SDSS r band magnitude (SDSSrMag) (phot.mag;em.opt.R) (PHOT_SDSS_R) |
SDSSrMagErr | | mag | SDSS r band magnitude error (SDSSrMagErr) (stat.error;phot.mag) (ERROR) |
SDSSrMagCode | 52 | | [52/77] SDSS r band code (SDSSrMagCode) (Note 3)
(meta.code) (CODE_MISC) |
SDSSrMagSource | 16 | | [16/32] SDSS r band magnitude source (SDSSrMagSource) (Note 2)
(meta.ref;pos.frame) (REFER_CODE) |
SDSSiMag | | mag | (i) SDSS i band magnitude (SDSSiMag) (phot.mag;em.opt.I) (PHOT_SDSS_I) |
SDSSiMagErr | | mag | SDSS i band magnitude error (SDSSiMagErr) (stat.error;phot.mag) (ERROR) |
SDSSiMagCode | 53 | | [53/78] SDSS i band code (SDSSiMagCode) (Note 3)
(meta.code) (CODE_MISC) |
SDSSiMagSource | 16 | | [16/32] SDSS i band magnitude source (SDSSiMagSource) (Note 2)
(meta.ref;pos.frame) (REFER_CODE) |
SDSSzMag | | mag | (i) SDSS z band magnitude (SDSSzMag) (phot.mag;em.opt.I) (PHOT_SDSS_Z) |
SDSSzMagErr | | mag | SDSS z band magnitude error (SDSSzMagErr) (stat.error;phot.mag) (ERROR) |
SDSSzMagCode | 54 | | [54/79] SDSS z band code (SDSSzMagCode) (Note 3)
(meta.code) (CODE_MISC) |
SDSSzMagSource | 16 | | [16/31] SDSS z band magnitude source (SDSSzMagSource) (Note 2)
(meta.ref;pos.frame) (REFER_CODE) |
PS1yMag | 13.8831 | mag | (i) PanSTARRS y band magnitude (PS1yMag) (phot.mag;em.opt.V) (PHOT_STR_Y) |
PS1yMagErr | 0.0698 | mag | PanSTARRS y band magnitude error (PS1yMagErr) (stat.error;phot.mag) (ERROR) |
PS1yMagCode | 63 | | [63] PanSTARRS y band code (PS1yMagCode) (Note 3)
(meta.code) (CODE_MISC) |
PS1ymagSource | 16 | | [16] PanSTARRS y band magnitude source (PS1ymagSource) (Note 2)
(meta.ref;pos.frame) (REFER_CODE) |
tmassJmag | | mag | 2MASS J band magnitude (tmassJmag) (phot.mag;em.IR.J) (PHOT_JHN_J) |
tmassJmagErr | | mag | 2MASS J band magnitude error (tmassJmagErr) (stat.error;phot.mag) (ERROR) |
tmassJmagCode | | | [47] 2MASS J band code (tmassJmagCode) (Note 3)
(meta.code) (CODE_MISC) |
tmassJmagSource | | | [9/23] 2MASS J band magnitude source (tmassJmagSource) (Note 2)
(meta.ref;pos.frame) (REFER_CODE) |
tmassHmag | | mag | 2MASS H band magnitude (tmassHmag) (phot.mag;em.IR.H) (PHOT_JHN_H) |
tmassHmagErr | | mag | 2MASS H band magnitude error (tmassHmagErr) (stat.error;phot.mag) (ERROR) |
tmassHmagCode | | | [48] 2MASS H band code (tmassHmagCode) (Note 3)
(meta.code) (CODE_MISC) |
tmassHmagSource | | | [9/23] 2MASS H band magnitude source (tmassHmagSource) (Note 2)
(meta.ref;pos.frame) (REFER_CODE) |
tmassKsmag | | mag | 2MASS Ks band magnitude (tmassKsmag) (phot.mag;em.IR.K) (PHOT_JHN_K) |
tmassKsmagErr | | mag | 2MASS Ks band magnitude error (tmassKsmagErr) (stat.error;phot.mag) (ERROR) |
tmassKsmagCode | | | [49] 2MASS Ks band code (tmassKsmagCode) (Note 3)
(meta.code) (CODE_MISC) |
tmassKsmagSource | | | [9/23] 2MASS Ks band magnitude source (tmassKsmagSource) (Note 2)
(meta.ref;pos.frame) (REFER_CODE) |
VistaZMag | | mag | VISTA Z band magnitude (VistaZMag) (phot.mag;em.opt.I) (PHOT_GUNN_Z) |
VistaZMagErr | | mag | VISTA Z band magnitude error (VistaZMagErr) (stat.error;phot.mag) (ERROR) |
VistaZMagCode | | | [69] VISTA Z band code (VistaZMagCode) (Note 3)
(meta.code) (CODE_MISC) |
VistaZmagSource | | | [23] VISTA Z band magnitude source (VistaZmagSource) (Note 2)
(meta.ref) (REFER_CODE) |
VistaYmag | | mag | VISTA Y band magnitude (VistaYmag) (phot.mag;em.IR.J) (PHOT_MAG_Y) |
VistaYMagErr | | mag | VISTA Y band magnitude error (VistaYMagErr) (stat.error;phot.mag) (ERROR) |
VistaYMagCode | | | [70] VISTA Y band code (VistaYMagCode) (Note 3)
(meta.code) (CODE_MISC) |
VistaYmagSource | | | [21/23] VISTA Y band magnitude source (VistaYmagSource) (Note 2)
(meta.ref;pos.frame) (REFER_CODE) |
WISEw1Mag | | mag | WISE W1 (3.4um) band magnitude (WISEw1Mag) (phot.mag;em.IR.3-4um) (PHOT_IR_3.4) |
WISEw1MagErr | | mag | WISE W1 (3.4um) band magnitude error (WISEw1MagErr) (stat.error;phot.mag) (ERROR) |
WISEw1MagCode | | | [55] WISE W1 (3.4um) band code (WISEw1MagCode) (Note 3)
(meta.code) (CODE_MISC) |
WISEw1MagSOurce | | | [10] WISE W1 (3.4um) band magnitude source (WISEw1MagSOurce) (Note 2)
(meta.ref) (REFER_CODE) |
WISEw2Mag | | mag | WISE W2 (4.6um) band magnitude (WISEw2Mag) (phot.mag;em.IR.4-8um) (PHOT_IR_4.2) |
WISEw2MagErr | | mag | WISE W2 (4.6um) band magnitude error (WISEw2MagErr) (stat.error;phot.mag) (ERROR) |
WISEw2MagCode | | | [56] WISE W2 (4.6um) band code (WISEw2MagCode) (Note 3)
(meta.code) (CODE_MISC) |
WISEw2MagSOurce | | | [10] WISE W2 (4.6um) band magnitude source (WISEw2MagSOurce) (Note 2)
(meta.ref) (REFER_CODE) |
WISEw3Mag | | mag | WISE W3 (12um) band magnitude (WISEw3Mag) (phot.flux.density;em.IR.8-15um) (PHOT_FLUX_IR_12) |
WISEw3MagErr | | mag | WISE W3 (12um) band magnitude error (WISEw3MagErr) (stat.error;phot.mag) (ERROR) |
WISEw3MagCode | | | [57] WISE W3 (12um) band code (WISEw3MagCode) (Note 3)
(meta.code) (CODE_MISC) |
WISEw3MagSOurce | | | [10] WISE W3 (12um) band magnitude source (WISEw3MagSOurce) (Note 2)
(meta.ref) (REFER_CODE) |
WISEw4Mag | | mag | WISE W4 (22um) band magnitude (WISEw4Mag) (phot.flux.density;em.IR.15-30um) (PHOT_FLUX_IR_25) |
WISEw4MagErr | | mag | WISE W4 (22um) band magnitude error (WISEw4MagErr) (stat.error;phot.mag) (ERROR) |
WISEw4MagCode | | | [58] WISE W4 (22um) band code (WISEw4MagCode) (Note 3)
(meta.code) (CODE_MISC) |
WISEw4MagSOurce | | | [10] WISE W4 (22um) band magnitude source (WISEw4MagSOurce) (Note 2)
(meta.ref) (REFER_CODE) |
FUVmag | | mag | GALEX FUV band magnitude (phot.mag;em.UV) (PHOT_MAG_UV) |
FUVmagErr | | mag | GALEX FUV band magnitude error (FUVmagErr) (stat.error;phot.mag) (ERROR) |
FUVmagCode | | | [80] GALEX FUV band code (FUVmagCode) (Note 3)
(meta.code) (CODE_MISC) |
FUVmagSource | | | [11] GALEX FUV band magnitude source (FUVmagSource) (Note 2)
(meta.ref) (REFER_CODE) |
NUVmag | | mag | GALEX NUV band magnitude (phot.mag;em.UV) (PHOT_MAG_UV) |
NUVmagErr | | mag | GALEX NUV band magnitude error (NUVmagErr) (stat.error;phot.mag) (ERROR) |
NUVmagCode | | | [81] GALEX NUV band code (NUVmagCode) (Note 3)
(meta.code) (CODE_MISC) |
NUVmagSource | | | [11] GALEX NUV band magnitude source (NUVmagSource) (Note 2)
(meta.ref) (REFER_CODE) |
gsc2semiMajorAxis | | pix | SemiMajor diameter of object (gsc2semiMajorAxis) (phys.angSize) (EXTENSION_RAD) |
gsc2eccentricity | | pix | Eccentricity of object (gsc2eccentricity) (src.orbital.eccentricity) (PHYS_ECCENTRICITY) |
gsc2positionAngle | | pix | Position Angle (North thru East) (gsc2positionAngle) (pos.posAng;instr.det) (POS_POS-ANG) |
gaiaDr2SourceID | | | Gaia DR2 ID (gaiaDr2SourceID) ( (ID_ALTERNATIVE) |
gaiaRbpMag | | mag | Gaia Rbp band magnitude (gaiaRbpMag) (phot.mag;em.opt.R) (PHOT_MAG_R) |
gaiaRbpMagErr | | mag | Gaia Rbp band magnitude (gaiaRbpMagErr) (stat.error;phot.mag) (ERROR) |
gaiaRbpMagCode | | | [66] Gaia Rbp band code (gaiaRbpMagCode) (Note 3)
(meta.code) (CODE_MISC) |
gaiaBbpMag | | mag | Gaia Bbp band magnitude (gaiaBbpMag) (phot.mag;em.opt.B) (PHOT_MAG_B) |
gaiaBbpMagErr | | mag | Gaia Bbp band magnitude (gaiaBbpMagErr) (stat.error;phot.mag) (ERROR) |
gaiaBbpMagCode | | | [67] Gaia Bbp band code (gaiaBbpMagCode) (Note 3)
(meta.code) (CODE_MISC) |
Column | Value | | Explain (UCD) |
_r | 1.613 | arcsec | Distance from center (274.33450000000-28.16370000000)[ICRS], at Epoch of catalog (Epoch) (pos.angDistance) (POS_ANG_DIST_GENERAL) |
_RAJ2000 | 18 17 20.3674848000 | "h:m:s" | Right ascension (FK5, Equinox=J2000.0) at Epoch=J2000, proper motions taken into account (pos.eq.ra) (POS_EQ_RA) |
_DEJ2000 | -28 09 48.195360000 | "d:m:s" | Declination (FK5, Equinox=J2000.0) at Epoch=J2000, proper motions taken into account (pos.eq.dec) (POS_EQ_DEC) |
_RAB1950 | 18 14 10.8808469797 | "h:m:s" | Right ascension (FK4, Equinox=B1950.0) at Epoch=J1950, proper motions taken into account (pos.eq.ra) (POS_EQ_RA) |
_DEB1950 | -28 10 57.070935365 | "d:m:s" | Declination (FK4, Equinox=B1950.0) at Epoch=J1950, proper motions taken into account (pos.eq.dec) (POS_EQ_DEC) |
_Glon | 004.1147127150965 | deg | Galactic longitude (computed by VizieR, not part of the original data. The format may include more digits than the original data because of internal accuracy requirements in VizieR and across other CDS services) (pos.galactic.lon) (POS_GAL_LON) |
_Glat | -05.6764829577245 | deg | Galactic latitude (computed by VizieR, not part of the original data. The format may include more digits than the original data because of internal accuracy requirements in VizieR and across other CDS services) ( (POS_GAL_LAT) |
hstID | S9TE679609 | | (i) GSC2 Public ID (hstID) (;meta.main) (ID_MAIN) |
ra | 274.33486452000 | deg | (i) Right Ascension (ICRS) at Ep=Epoch (ra) (pos.eq.ra;meta.main) (POS_EQ_RA_MAIN) |
dec | -28.16338760000 | deg | (i) Declination (ICRS) at Ep=Epoch (dec) (pos.eq.dec;meta.main) (POS_EQ_DEC_MAIN) |
objID | 23012302679609 | | (i) Database ID (;meta.dataset) (ID_DATABASE) |
gsc1ID | | | GSC1 ID (gsc1ID) ( (ID_ALTERNATIVE) |
gsc2ID | S3012302679609 | | GSC2 Internal ID (gsc2ID) ( (ID_IDENTIFIER) |
compassgsc2id | 4549000679609 | | COMPASS ID (compassgsc2id) ( (ID_ALTERNATIVE) |
GAIAsourceID | | | Gaia DR1 ID (GAIAsourceID) ( (ID_ALTERNATIVE) |
usageFlag | | | [-1/1] Flag for previously used guide star (meta.code) (CODE_MISC) |
sourceStatus | 1600 | | Object status codes (sourceStatus) (Note 4)
(meta.code) (CODE_MISC) |
Epoch | 2013.408 | yr | (i) Epoch of coordinate (time.epoch) (TIME_EPOCH) |
raErr | 0.0171000 | arcsec | Right Ascension error (raErr) (stat.error;pos.eq.ra) (ERROR) |
decErr | 0.0171000 | arcsec | Declination error (decErr) (stat.error;pos.eq.dec) (ERROR) |
posSource | 16 | | [2/32] Object coordinates source (posSource) (Note 2)
(meta.ref;pos.frame) (REFER_CODE) |
rapm | | mas/yr | Proper motion along RA (rapm) (;pos.eq.ra) (POS_EQ_PMRA) |
decpm | | mas/yr | Proper motion along DE (decpm) (;pos.eq.dec) (POS_EQ_PMDEC) |
rapmErr | | mas/yr | pmRA error (rapmErr) (stat.error;;pos.eq.ra) (ERROR) |
decpmErr | | mas/yr | pmDE error (decpmErr) (stat.error;;pos.eq.dec) (ERROR) |
deltaEpoch | | yr | Time interval used for PM computation (deltaEpoch) (time.interval) (TIME_INTERVAL) |
pmSource | | | [0/15] Proper motion source (pmSource) (Note 2)
(meta.ref;pos.frame) (REFER_CODE) |
parallax | | mas | Parallax (parallax) (pos.parallax.trig) (POS_PARLX_TRIG) |
plxErr | | mas | Parallax error (plxErr) (stat.error;pos.parallax) (ERROR) |
plxSource | | | [0/15] Parallax source (plxSource) (Note 2)
(meta.ref;pos.frame) (REFER_CODE) |
radialVelocity | | km/s | Radial velocity (radialVelocity) (phys.veloc;pos.heliocentric) (VELOC_HC) |
rvErr | | km/s | Radial velocity error (rvErr) (stat.error) (ERROR) |
rvSource | | | [0/15] Radial Velocity source (rvSource) (Note 2)
(meta.ref;pos.frame) (REFER_CODE) |
classification | 3 | | [0/4] Object classification code (classification) (Note 1)
(meta.code.class) (CLASS_CODE) |
classSource | 16 | | [0/32] Classification source (classSource) (Note 2)
(meta.ref;pos.frame) (REFER_CODE) |
variableFlag | | | [1] Flag for known variable (variableFlag) (meta.code) (CODE_MISC) |
varSource | | | [3/15] Variability source (varSource) (Note 2)
(meta.ref;pos.frame) (REFER_CODE) |
multipleFlag | | | [0/1] Flag for known multiple multipleFlag (multipleFlag) (meta.code) (CODE_MISC) |
multSource | | | [0/3] Multiplicity source (multSource) (Note 2)
(meta.ref;pos.frame) (REFER_CODE) |
gaiaGmag | | mag | Gaia G band magnitude (gaiaGmag) (phot.mag;em.opt) (PHOT_MAG_OPTICAL) |
gaiaGmagErr | | mag | Gaia G band magnitude error (gaiaGmagErr) (stat.error;phot.mag) (ERROR) |
gaiaGmagCode | | | [65] Gaia G band code (gaiaGmagCode) (Note 3)
(meta.code) (CODE_MISC) |
OpgMag | | mag | Photographic O band magnitude (OpgMag) (phot.mag;em.opt.B) (PHOT_PHG_B) |
OpgMagErr | | mag | Photographic O band magnitude error (OpgMagErr) (stat.error;phot.mag) (ERROR) |
OpgMagCode | | | [7] Photographic O band code (OpgMagCode) (Note 3)
(meta.code) (CODE_MISC) |
JpgMag | | mag | Photographic Blue magnitude (JpgMag) (phot.mag;em.opt.B) (PHOT_PHG_BJ) |
JpgMagErr | | mag | Photographic Blue magnitude error (JpgMagErr) (stat.error;phot.mag) (ERROR) |
JpgMagCode | | | [0/18] Photographic Blue bandpass code (JpgMagCode) (Note 3)
(meta.code) (CODE_MISC) |
VpgMag | | mag | Photographic V band magnitude (phot.mag;em.opt.V) (PHOT_PHG_V) |
VpgMagErr | | mag | Photographic V band magnitude error (VpgMagErr) (stat.error;phot.mag) (ERROR) |
VpgMagCode | | | [1/6] Photographic V band code (VpgMagCode) (Note 3)
(meta.code) (CODE_MISC) |
FpgMag | | mag | Photographic Red magnitude (FpgMag) (phot.mag;em.opt.R) (PHOT_PHG_R) |
FpgMagErr | | mag | Photographic Red magnitude error (FpgMagErr) (stat.error;phot.mag) (ERROR) |
FpgMagCode | | | [35/36] Photographic Red bandpass code (FpgMagCode) (Note 3)
(meta.code) (CODE_MISC) |
EpgMag | | mag | Photographic E band magnitude (EpgMag) (phot.mag;em.opt.R) (PHOT_PHG_R) |
EpgMagErr | | mag | Photographic E band magnitude error (EpgMagErr) (stat.error;phot.mag) (ERROR) |
EpgMagCode | | | [8] Photographic E band code (EpgMagCode) (Note 3)
(meta.code) (CODE_MISC) |
NpgMag | | mag | Photographic Near-IR magnitude (NpgMag) (phot.mag;em.opt.I) (PHOT_PHG_I) |
NpgMagErr | | mag | Photographic Near-IR magnitude error (NpgMagErr) (stat.error;phot.mag) (ERROR) |
NpgMagCode | | | [37/38] Photographic Near-IR bandpass code (NpgMagCode) (Note 3)
(meta.code) (CODE_MISC) |
Umag | | mag | U band magnitude (phot.mag;em.opt.U) (PHOT_MAG_U) |
UmagErr | | mag | U band magnitude error (UmagErr) (stat.error;phot.mag) (ERROR) |
UmagCode | | | [19] U band bandpass code (UmagCode) (Note 3)
(meta.code) (CODE_MISC) |
UmagSource | | | [3] U band magnitude source (UmagSource) (Note 2)
(meta.ref;pos.frame) (REFER_CODE) |
Bmag | | mag | B band magnitude (phot.mag;em.opt.B) (PHOT_MAG_B) |
BmagErr | | mag | B band magnitude error (BmagErr) (stat.error;phot.mag) (ERROR) |
BmagCode | | | [3/41] B band bandpass code (BmagCode) (Note 3)
(meta.code) (CODE_MISC) |
BmagSource | | | [3/19] B band magnitude source (BmagSource) (Note 2)
(meta.ref;pos.frame) (REFER_CODE) |
Vmag | | mag | V band magnitude (phot.mag;em.opt.V) (PHOT_MAG_V) |
VmagErr | | mag | V band magnitude error (VmagErr) (stat.error;phot.mag) (ERROR) |
VMagCode | | | [3/75] V band bandpass code (VMagCode) (Note 3)
(meta.code) (CODE_MISC) |
VmagSource | | | [3/19] V band magnitude source (VmagSource) (Note 2)
(meta.ref;pos.frame) (REFER_CODE) |
SDSSuMag | | mag | (i) SDSS u band magnitude (SDSSuMag) (phot.mag;em.opt.U) (PHOT_SDSS_U) |
SDSSuMagErr | | mag | SDSS u band magnitude error (SDSSuMagErr) (stat.error;phot.mag) (ERROR) |
SDSSuMagCode | | | [50/74] SDSS u band code (SDSSuMagCode) (Note 3)
(meta.code) (CODE_MISC) |
SDSSuMagSource | | | [17/32] SDSS u band magnitude source (SDSSuMagSource) (Note 2)
(meta.ref;pos.frame) (REFER_CODE) |
SDSSgMag | | mag | (i) SDSS g band magnitude (SDSSgMag) (phot.mag;em.opt.B) (PHOT_SDSS_G) |
SDSSgMagErr | | mag | SDSS g band magnitude error (SDSSgMagErr) (stat.error;phot.mag) (ERROR) |
SDSSgMagCode | 51 | | [51/76] SDSS g band code (SDSSgMagCode) (Note 3)
(meta.code) (CODE_MISC) |
SDSSgMagSource | 16 | | [16/32] SDSS g band magnitude source (SDSSgMagSource) (Note 2)
(meta.ref;pos.frame) (REFER_CODE) |
SDSSrMag | | mag | (i) SDSS r band magnitude (SDSSrMag) (phot.mag;em.opt.R) (PHOT_SDSS_R) |
SDSSrMagErr | | mag | SDSS r band magnitude error (SDSSrMagErr) (stat.error;phot.mag) (ERROR) |
SDSSrMagCode | 52 | | [52/77] SDSS r band code (SDSSrMagCode) (Note 3)
(meta.code) (CODE_MISC) |
SDSSrMagSource | 16 | | [16/32] SDSS r band magnitude source (SDSSrMagSource) (Note 2)
(meta.ref;pos.frame) (REFER_CODE) |
SDSSiMag | | mag | (i) SDSS i band magnitude (SDSSiMag) (phot.mag;em.opt.I) (PHOT_SDSS_I) |
SDSSiMagErr | | mag | SDSS i band magnitude error (SDSSiMagErr) (stat.error;phot.mag) (ERROR) |
SDSSiMagCode | 53 | | [53/78] SDSS i band code (SDSSiMagCode) (Note 3)
(meta.code) (CODE_MISC) |
SDSSiMagSource | 16 | | [16/32] SDSS i band magnitude source (SDSSiMagSource) (Note 2)
(meta.ref;pos.frame) (REFER_CODE) |
SDSSzMag | | mag | (i) SDSS z band magnitude (SDSSzMag) (phot.mag;em.opt.I) (PHOT_SDSS_Z) |
SDSSzMagErr | | mag | SDSS z band magnitude error (SDSSzMagErr) (stat.error;phot.mag) (ERROR) |
SDSSzMagCode | 54 | | [54/79] SDSS z band code (SDSSzMagCode) (Note 3)
(meta.code) (CODE_MISC) |
SDSSzMagSource | 16 | | [16/31] SDSS z band magnitude source (SDSSzMagSource) (Note 2)
(meta.ref;pos.frame) (REFER_CODE) |
PS1yMag | 9.0718 | mag | (i) PanSTARRS y band magnitude (PS1yMag) (phot.mag;em.opt.V) (PHOT_STR_Y) |
PS1yMagErr | 0.1531 | mag | PanSTARRS y band magnitude error (PS1yMagErr) (stat.error;phot.mag) (ERROR) |
PS1yMagCode | 63 | | [63] PanSTARRS y band code (PS1yMagCode) (Note 3)
(meta.code) (CODE_MISC) |
PS1ymagSource | 16 | | [16] PanSTARRS y band magnitude source (PS1ymagSource) (Note 2)
(meta.ref;pos.frame) (REFER_CODE) |
tmassJmag | | mag | 2MASS J band magnitude (tmassJmag) (phot.mag;em.IR.J) (PHOT_JHN_J) |
tmassJmagErr | | mag | 2MASS J band magnitude error (tmassJmagErr) (stat.error;phot.mag) (ERROR) |
tmassJmagCode | | | [47] 2MASS J band code (tmassJmagCode) (Note 3)
(meta.code) (CODE_MISC) |
tmassJmagSource | | | [9/23] 2MASS J band magnitude source (tmassJmagSource) (Note 2)
(meta.ref;pos.frame) (REFER_CODE) |
tmassHmag | | mag | 2MASS H band magnitude (tmassHmag) (phot.mag;em.IR.H) (PHOT_JHN_H) |
tmassHmagErr | | mag | 2MASS H band magnitude error (tmassHmagErr) (stat.error;phot.mag) (ERROR) |
tmassHmagCode | | | [48] 2MASS H band code (tmassHmagCode) (Note 3)
(meta.code) (CODE_MISC) |
tmassHmagSource | | | [9/23] 2MASS H band magnitude source (tmassHmagSource) (Note 2)
(meta.ref;pos.frame) (REFER_CODE) |
tmassKsmag | | mag | 2MASS Ks band magnitude (tmassKsmag) (phot.mag;em.IR.K) (PHOT_JHN_K) |
tmassKsmagErr | | mag | 2MASS Ks band magnitude error (tmassKsmagErr) (stat.error;phot.mag) (ERROR) |
tmassKsmagCode | | | [49] 2MASS Ks band code (tmassKsmagCode) (Note 3)
(meta.code) (CODE_MISC) |
tmassKsmagSource | | | [9/23] 2MASS Ks band magnitude source (tmassKsmagSource) (Note 2)
(meta.ref;pos.frame) (REFER_CODE) |
VistaZMag | | mag | VISTA Z band magnitude (VistaZMag) (phot.mag;em.opt.I) (PHOT_GUNN_Z) |
VistaZMagErr | | mag | VISTA Z band magnitude error (VistaZMagErr) (stat.error;phot.mag) (ERROR) |
VistaZMagCode | | | [69] VISTA Z band code (VistaZMagCode) (Note 3)
(meta.code) (CODE_MISC) |
VistaZmagSource | | | [23] VISTA Z band magnitude source (VistaZmagSource) (Note 2)
(meta.ref) (REFER_CODE) |
VistaYmag | | mag | VISTA Y band magnitude (VistaYmag) (phot.mag;em.IR.J) (PHOT_MAG_Y) |
VistaYMagErr | | mag | VISTA Y band magnitude error (VistaYMagErr) (stat.error;phot.mag) (ERROR) |
VistaYMagCode | | | [70] VISTA Y band code (VistaYMagCode) (Note 3)
(meta.code) (CODE_MISC) |
VistaYmagSource | | | [21/23] VISTA Y band magnitude source (VistaYmagSource) (Note 2)
(meta.ref;pos.frame) (REFER_CODE) |
WISEw1Mag | | mag | WISE W1 (3.4um) band magnitude (WISEw1Mag) (phot.mag;em.IR.3-4um) (PHOT_IR_3.4) |
WISEw1MagErr | | mag | WISE W1 (3.4um) band magnitude error (WISEw1MagErr) (stat.error;phot.mag) (ERROR) |
WISEw1MagCode | | | [55] WISE W1 (3.4um) band code (WISEw1MagCode) (Note 3)
(meta.code) (CODE_MISC) |
WISEw1MagSOurce | | | [10] WISE W1 (3.4um) band magnitude source (WISEw1MagSOurce) (Note 2)
(meta.ref) (REFER_CODE) |
WISEw2Mag | | mag | WISE W2 (4.6um) band magnitude (WISEw2Mag) (phot.mag;em.IR.4-8um) (PHOT_IR_4.2) |
WISEw2MagErr | | mag | WISE W2 (4.6um) band magnitude error (WISEw2MagErr) (stat.error;phot.mag) (ERROR) |
WISEw2MagCode | | | [56] WISE W2 (4.6um) band code (WISEw2MagCode) (Note 3)
(meta.code) (CODE_MISC) |
WISEw2MagSOurce | | | [10] WISE W2 (4.6um) band magnitude source (WISEw2MagSOurce) (Note 2)
(meta.ref) (REFER_CODE) |
WISEw3Mag | | mag | WISE W3 (12um) band magnitude (WISEw3Mag) (phot.flux.density;em.IR.8-15um) (PHOT_FLUX_IR_12) |
WISEw3MagErr | | mag | WISE W3 (12um) band magnitude error (WISEw3MagErr) (stat.error;phot.mag) (ERROR) |
WISEw3MagCode | | | [57] WISE W3 (12um) band code (WISEw3MagCode) (Note 3)
(meta.code) (CODE_MISC) |
WISEw3MagSOurce | | | [10] WISE W3 (12um) band magnitude source (WISEw3MagSOurce) (Note 2)
(meta.ref) (REFER_CODE) |
WISEw4Mag | | mag | WISE W4 (22um) band magnitude (WISEw4Mag) (phot.flux.density;em.IR.15-30um) (PHOT_FLUX_IR_25) |
WISEw4MagErr | | mag | WISE W4 (22um) band magnitude error (WISEw4MagErr) (stat.error;phot.mag) (ERROR) |
WISEw4MagCode | | | [58] WISE W4 (22um) band code (WISEw4MagCode) (Note 3)
(meta.code) (CODE_MISC) |
WISEw4MagSOurce | | | [10] WISE W4 (22um) band magnitude source (WISEw4MagSOurce) (Note 2)
(meta.ref) (REFER_CODE) |
FUVmag | | mag | GALEX FUV band magnitude (phot.mag;em.UV) (PHOT_MAG_UV) |
FUVmagErr | | mag | GALEX FUV band magnitude error (FUVmagErr) (stat.error;phot.mag) (ERROR) |
FUVmagCode | | | [80] GALEX FUV band code (FUVmagCode) (Note 3)
(meta.code) (CODE_MISC) |
FUVmagSource | | | [11] GALEX FUV band magnitude source (FUVmagSource) (Note 2)
(meta.ref) (REFER_CODE) |
NUVmag | | mag | GALEX NUV band magnitude (phot.mag;em.UV) (PHOT_MAG_UV) |
NUVmagErr | | mag | GALEX NUV band magnitude error (NUVmagErr) (stat.error;phot.mag) (ERROR) |
NUVmagCode | | | [81] GALEX NUV band code (NUVmagCode) (Note 3)
(meta.code) (CODE_MISC) |
NUVmagSource | | | [11] GALEX NUV band magnitude source (NUVmagSource) (Note 2)
(meta.ref) (REFER_CODE) |
gsc2semiMajorAxis | | pix | SemiMajor diameter of object (gsc2semiMajorAxis) (phys.angSize) (EXTENSION_RAD) |
gsc2eccentricity | | pix | Eccentricity of object (gsc2eccentricity) (src.orbital.eccentricity) (PHYS_ECCENTRICITY) |
gsc2positionAngle | | pix | Position Angle (North thru East) (gsc2positionAngle) (pos.posAng;instr.det) (POS_POS-ANG) |
gaiaDr2SourceID | | | Gaia DR2 ID (gaiaDr2SourceID) ( (ID_ALTERNATIVE) |
gaiaRbpMag | | mag | Gaia Rbp band magnitude (gaiaRbpMag) (phot.mag;em.opt.R) (PHOT_MAG_R) |
gaiaRbpMagErr | | mag | Gaia Rbp band magnitude (gaiaRbpMagErr) (stat.error;phot.mag) (ERROR) |
gaiaRbpMagCode | | | [66] Gaia Rbp band code (gaiaRbpMagCode) (Note 3)
(meta.code) (CODE_MISC) |
gaiaBbpMag | | mag | Gaia Bbp band magnitude (gaiaBbpMag) (phot.mag;em.opt.B) (PHOT_MAG_B) |
gaiaBbpMagErr | | mag | Gaia Bbp band magnitude (gaiaBbpMagErr) (stat.error;phot.mag) (ERROR) |
gaiaBbpMagCode | | | [67] Gaia Bbp band code (gaiaBbpMagCode) (Note 3)
(meta.code) (CODE_MISC) |