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  SEDs in ADFS (AKARI Deep Field South) (Malek+, 2010)
    J/A+A/514/A11/sample(c)List of the 545 nearest counterparts of the ADF-S sources from the 6σ catalog (S90um>0.0301Jy) with the identified counterparts measured by AKARI (tables A1 and A2 of paper) (545 rows)
    J/A+A/514/A11/phot1Phototometric data for the ADF-S sources with identified counterparts, collected from the public databases (0.44, 0.47, 0.55, 0.64, 0.71um) (tables A3, A7 and first part of table A8) (518 rows)
    J/A+A/514/A11/phot2Phototometric data for the ADF-S sources with identified counterparts, collected from the public databases (0.79, 1.25, 1.65, 2.22, 12, 25, 60 and 100um, and 35.69cm) (tables A4 & A5 and last part of table A8) (297 rows)
    J/A+A/514/A11/phot3Phototometric data for the ADF-S sources with identified counterparts, collected from public databases for other wavelengths (tableA6 ) (26 rows)
    J/A+A/514/A11/refsReferences (30 rows)

       (c)  indicates tables which contain celestial coordinates 
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