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  The Dark Energy Survey (DES): Data Release 2 (Abbott+, 2021) Acknowledge the DES data
Post annotation
1.II/371/des_dr2The Dark Energy Survey (DES) DR2 main catalog (original column names in green) (Note) (691483608 rows)

Query by Constraints constraints help applied on Columns (Output Order: + - )
Standard Original
ShowSortColumn  Constraint Explain   (UCD)
  DES (char) (i) Identifier based on IAU format (DES; column added by CDS (;meta.main)
  RA_ICRS deg (i) Right ascension (ICRS) (ALPHAWIN_J2000) (pos.eq.ra;meta.main)
  DE_ICRS deg (i) Declination (ICRS) (DELTAWIN_J2000) (pos.eq.dec;meta.main)
  CoadID  (i) Unique identifier for the co-added objects (COADD_OBJECT_ID) (
  Tile (char) Identifier of each one of the tiles on which the survey is gridded (DESHHMM+DDMM) (TILENAME) (obs.field)
  Hpix32  Healpix identifier for its NSIDE grid size in a NESTED schema (HPIX_32) (
  Hpix64  Healpix identifier for its NSIDE grid size in a NESTED schema (HPIX_64) (
  Hpix1024  Healpix identifier for its NSIDE grid size in a NESTED schema (HPIX_1024) (
  Hpix4069  Healpix identifier for its NSIDE grid size in a NESTED schema (HPIX_4096) (
  Hpix16384  Healpix identifier for its NSIDE grid size in a NESTED schema (HPIX_16384) (
  GLON deg Galactic longitude (GALACTIC_L) (pos.galactic.lon)

ALL cols
 (i)indexed column
  GLAT deg Galactic latitude (GALACTIC_B) (
  Aimg pix [0.49/1903] Major axis size based on an isophotal model (A_IMAGE) (phys.size)
  e_Aimg pix [/7] Uncertainty in major axis size from isophotal model (ERRA_IMAGE) (stat.error)
  Bimg pix [0.12/358] Minor axis size based on an isophotal model (B_IMAGE) (phys.size)
  e_Bimg pix [/0.9] Uncertainty in minor axis size from isophotal model (ERRB_IMAGE) (stat.error)
  PA deg [-90/90] Position angle of source in J2000 coordinates from non-windowed measurement (THETA_J2000) (pos.posAng)
  e_PA deg [-90/90] Uncertainty in position angle from isophotal model (ERRTHETA_IMAGE) (stat.error)
  KRad pix [0/50.5] Kron radius measured from detection image (KRON_RADIUS) (phys.angSize)
  EBV mag [3.8e-4/0.24] E(B-V) reddening coefficient from Schlegel+ 1998ApJ....500..55S (EBV_SFD98) (phot.color.excess)
  gmag0 mag (n) [7.2/] Dereddened g-band (AB) magnitude estimation (MAG_AUTO_G_DERED) (phot.mag;em.opt.B)
  rmag0 mag (n) [7/] Dereddened r-band (AB) magnitude estimation (MAG_AUTO_R_DERED) (phot.mag;em.opt.R)
  imag0 mag (n) [7.7/] Dereddened i-band (AB) magnitude estimation (MAG_AUTO_I_DERED) (phot.mag;em.opt.I)
  zmag0 mag (n) [6.6/] Dereddened z-band (AB) magnitude estimation (MAG_AUTO_Z_DERED) (phot.mag;em.opt.I)

ALL cols
(n) indicates a possible blank or NULL column(i)indexed column
  Ymag0 mag (n) [4.8/] Dereddened Y-band (AB) magnitude estimation (MAG_AUTO_Y_DERED) (phot.mag;em.IR.J)
  gmag0avg mag (n) [-42/28] Dereddened weighted average g-band (AB) magnitude of PSF fit single epoch detections (WAVG_MAG_PSF_G_DERED) (phot.mag;em.opt.B)
  rmag0avg mag (n) [-45/28] Weighted average r-band (AB) magnitude of PSF fit single epoch detections (WAVG_MAG_PSF_R_DERED) (phot.mag;em.opt.R)
  imag0avg mag (n) [-41/27] Weighted average i-band (AB) magnitude of PSF fit single epoch detections (WAVG_MAG_PSF_I_DERED) (phot.mag;em.opt.I)
  zmag0avg mag (n) [-42/26] Weighted average z-band (AB) magnitude of PSF fit single epoch detections (WAVG_MAG_PSF_Z_DERED) (phot.mag;em.opt.I)
  Ymag0avg mag (n) [-44/25] Weighted average Y-band (AB) magnitude of PSF fit single epoch detections (WAVG_MAG_PSF_Y_DERED) (phot.mag;em.IR.J)
  ClCoad  (n) Classification from Sextractor quantities (EXTENDED_CLASS_COADD) (Note 1)   (src.class.starGalaxy)
  ClWavg  (n) Classification from Weighted average PSF magnitudes (EXTENDED_CLASS_WAVG) (Note 1)   (src.class.starGalaxy)
  gFlag  (i) [0/153] Cautionary flag for g-band (<4=well behaved objects) (FLAGS_G) (meta.code)
  gIsoFl   [0/1] Flag identifying sources with missing/flagged pixels considering all single epoch images in g-band (1=unreliable photometry) (IMAFLAGS_ISO_G) (meta.code)
  Ngep   [0/20] Number of epochs the source is detected in single epoch g-band images (NEPOCHS_G) (meta.number)
  rFlag  (i) [0/153] Cautionary flag for r-band (<4=well behaved objects) (FLAGS_R) (meta.code)
  rIsoFl   [0/1] Flag identifying sources with missing/flagged pixels considering all single epoch images in r-band (1=unreliable photometry) (IMAFLAGS_ISO_R) (meta.code)

ALL cols
(n) indicates a possible blank or NULL column(i)indexed column
  Nrep   [0/20] Number of epochs the source is detected in single epoch r-band images (NEPOCHS_R) (meta.number)
  iFlag  (i) [0/153] Cautionary flag for i-band (<4=well behaved objects) (FLAGS_I) (meta.code)
  iIsoFl   [0/1] Flag identifying sources with missing/flagged pixels considering all single epoch images in i-band (1=unreliable photometry) (IMAFLAGS_ISO_I) (meta.code)
  Niep   [0/22] Number of epochs the source is detected in single epoch i-band images (NEPOCHS_I) (meta.number)
  zFlag  (i) [0/157] Cautionary flag for z-band (<4=well behaved objects) (FLAGS_Z) (meta.code)
  zIsoFl   [0/1] Flag identifying sources with missing/flagged pixels considering all single epoch images in z-band (1=unreliable photometry) (IMAFLAGS_ISO_Z) (meta.code)
  Nzep   [0/21] Number of epochs the source is detected in single epoch z-band images (NEPOCHS_Z) (meta.number)
  yFlag  (i) [0/153] Cautionary flag for Y-band (<4=well behaved objects) (FLAGS_Y) (meta.code)
  YIsoFl   [0/1] Flag identifying sources with missing/flagged pixels considering all single epoch images in Y-band (1=unreliable photometry) (IMAFLAGS_ISO_Y) (meta.code)
  Nyep   [0/18] Number of epochs the source is detected in single epoch Y-band images (NEPOCHS_Y) (meta.number)
  amajg pix [0.28/1855] Major-axis size from second-order windowed moment measurements in g-band (AWIN_IMAGE_G) (phys.size)
  amajr pix Major-axis size from second-order windowed moment measurements in r-band (AWIN_IMAGE_R) (phys.size)
  amaji pix Major-axis size from second-order windowed moment measurements in i-band (AWIN_IMAGE_I) (phys.size)

ALL cols
(n) indicates a possible blank or NULL column(i)indexed column
  amajz pix Major-axis size from second-order windowed moment measurements in z-band (AWIN_IMAGE_Z) (phys.size)
  amajY pix Major-axis size from second-order windowed moment measurements in Y-band (AWIN_IMAGE_Y) (phys.size)
  bming pix [0.015/344] Minor-axis size from second-order windowed moment measurements in g-band (BWIN_IMAGE_G) (phys.size)
  bminr pix Minor-axis size from second-order windowed moment measurements in r-band (BWIN_IMAGE_R) (phys.size)
  bmini pix Minor-axis size from second-order windowed moment measurements in i-band (BWIN_IMAGE_I) (phys.size)
  bminz pix Minor-axis size from second-order windowed moment measurements in z-band (BWIN_IMAGE_Z) (phys.size)
  bminY pix Minor-axis size from second-order windowed moment measurements in Y-band (BWIN_IMAGE_Y) (phys.size)
  PAg deg [-90/90] Position angle of source for converged windowed measurement grow from x to y in g-band (THETAWIN_IMAGE_G) (pos.posAng;instr.det)
  PAr deg [-90/90] Position angle of source for converged windowed measurement grow from x to y in r-band (THETAWIN_IMAGE_R) (pos.posAng;instr.det)
  PAi deg [-90/90] Position angle of source for converged windowed measurement grow from x to y in i-band (THETAWIN_IMAGE_I) (pos.posAng;instr.det)
  PAz deg [-90/90] Position angle of source for converged windowed measurement grow from x to y in z-band (THETAWIN_IMAGE_Z) (pos.posAng;instr.det)
  PAY deg [-90/90] Position angle of source for converged windowed measurement grow from x to y in Y-band (THETAWIN_IMAGE_Y) (pos.posAng;instr.det)
  e_amajg pix [/166] amajg uncertainty (ERRAWIN_IMAGE_G) (stat.error)

ALL cols
(n) indicates a possible blank or NULL column(i)indexed column
  e_amajr pix amajr uncertainty (ERRAWIN_IMAGE_R) (stat.error)
  e_amaji pix amaji uncertainty (ERRAWIN_IMAGE_I) (stat.error)
  e_amajz pix amajz uncertainty (ERRAWIN_IMAGE_Z) (stat.error)
  e_amajY pix amajY uncertainty (ERRAWIN_IMAGE_Y) (stat.error)
  e_bming pix [/105] bming uncertainty (ERRBWIN_IMAGE_G) (stat.error)
  e_bminr pix bminr uncertainty (ERRBWIN_IMAGE_R) (stat.error)
  e_bmini pix bmini uncertainty (ERRBWIN_IMAGE_I) (stat.error)
  e_bminz pix bminz uncertainty (ERRBWIN_IMAGE_Z) (stat.error)
  e_bminY pix bminY uncertainty (ERRBWIN_IMAGE_Y) (stat.error)
  e_PAg deg [-90/90] Uncertainty in source position angle from converged windowed measurement in g-band (ERRTHETAWIN_IMAGE_G) (stat.error)
  e_PAr deg [-90/90] Uncertainty in source position angle from converged windowed measurement in r-band (ERRTHETAWIN_IMAGE_R) (stat.error)
  e_PAi deg [-90/90] Uncertainty in source position angle from converged windowed measurement in i-band (ERRTHETAWIN_IMAGE_I) (stat.error)
  e_PAz deg [-90/90] Uncertainty in source position angle from converged windowed measurement in z-band (ERRTHETAWIN_IMAGE_Z) (stat.error)

ALL cols
(n) indicates a possible blank or NULL column(i)indexed column
  e_PAY deg [-90/90] Uncertainty in source position angle from converged windowed measurement in Y-band (ERRTHETAWIN_IMAGE_Y) (stat.error)
  gRe pix [-5e7/7826] Half-light g-band radius for the object (FLUX_RADIUS_G) (phys.size.radius)
  rRe pix Half-light r-band radius for the object (FLUX_RADIUS_R) (phys.size.radius)
  iRe pix Half-light i-band radius for the object (FLUX_RADIUS_I) (phys.size.radius)
  zRe pix Half-light z-band radius for the object (FLUX_RADIUS_Z) (phys.size.radius)
  YRe pix (n) Half-light Y-band radius for the object (FLUX_RADIUS_Y) (phys.size.radius)
  gFWHM pix [-546/2602] g-band FWHM measured from the isophotal area (FWHM_IMAGE_G) (phys.angSize)
  rFWHM pix r-band FWHM measured from the isophotal area (FWHM_IMAGE_R) (phys.angSize)
  iFWHM pix i-band FWHM measured from the isophotal area (FWHM_IMAGE_I) (phys.angSize)
  zFWHM pix z-band FWHM measured from the isophotal area (FWHM_IMAGE_Z) (phys.angSize)
  YFWHM pix Y-band FWHM measured from the isophotal area (FWHM_IMAGE_Y) (phys.angSize)
  gArea pix2 [0/1580183] Isophotal area of the coadded source in g-band (ISOAREA_IMAGE_G) (phys.area)
  rArea pix2 Isophotal area of the coadded source in r-band (ISOAREA_IMAGE_R) (phys.area)

ALL cols
(n) indicates a possible blank or NULL column(i)indexed column
  iArea pix2 Isophotal area of the coadded source in i-band (ISOAREA_IMAGE_I) (phys.area)
  zArea pix2 Isophotal area of the coadded source in z-band (ISOAREA_IMAGE_Z) (phys.area)
  YArea pix2 Isophotal area of the coadded source in Y-band (ISOAREA_IMAGE_Y) (phys.area)
  gBckg mag [-207/1244] g-band (AB) background level by CCD-amplifier (BACKGROUND_G) (instr.background;em.opt.B)
  rBckg mag [-7/691] r-band (AB) background level by CCD-amplifier (BACKGROUND_R) (instr.background;em.opt.R)
  iBckg mag [-40/437] i-band (AB) background level by CCD-amplifier (BACKGROUND_I) (instr.background;em.opt.I)
  zBckg mag [-31/556] z-band (AB) background level by CCD-amplifier (BACKGROUND_Z) (instr.background;em.opt.I)
  YBckg mag [-26/6110] Y-band (AB) background level by CCD-amplifier (BACKGROUND_Y) (instr.background;em.IR)
  Ng   [0/1000] Number of iterations in model fitting g-band photometric measurements (NITER_MODEL_G) (meta.number)
  Nr  Number of iterations in model fitting r-band photometric measurements (NITER_MODEL_R) (meta.number)
  Ni  Number of iterations in model fitting i-band photometric measurements (NITER_MODEL_I) (meta.number)
  Nz  Number of iterations in model fitting z-band photometric measurements (NITER_MODEL_Z) (meta.number)
  NY  Number of iterations in model fitting Y-band photometric measurements (NITER_MODEL_Y) (meta.number)

ALL cols
(n) indicates a possible blank or NULL column(i)indexed column
  KRadg pix [0/50.3] Kron radius measured from coadded image in g-band (KRON_RADIUS_G) (phys.angSize)
  KRadr pix Kron radius measured from coadded image in r-band (KRON_RADIUS_R) (phys.angSize)
  KRadi pix Kron radius measured from coadded image in i-band (KRON_RADIUS_I) (phys.angSize)
  KRadz pix Kron radius measured from coadded image in z-band (KRON_RADIUS_Z) (phys.angSize)
  KRadY pix Kron radius measured from coadded image in Y-band (KRON_RADIUS_Y) (phys.angSize)
  gmag mag (n)(i) [7.29/] g-band (AB) magnitude estimation (MAG_AUTO_G) (Note 2)   (phot.mag;em.opt.B)
  rmag mag (n)(i) [7/] r-band (AB) magnitude estimation (MAG_AUTO_R) (Note 2)   (phot.mag;em.opt.R)
  imag mag (n)(i) [7.8/] i-band (AB) magnitude estimation (MAG_AUTO_I) (Note 2)   (phot.mag;em.opt.I)
  zmag mag (n)(i) [6.6/] z-band (AB) magnitude estimation (MAG_AUTO_Z) (Note 2)   (phot.mag;em.opt.I)
  Ymag mag (n)(i) [4.9/] Y-band (AB) magnitude estimation (MAG_AUTO_Y) (Note 2)   (phot.mag;em.IR.J)
  e_gmag mag (n) [/100] gmag uncertainty (MAGERR_AUTO_G) (Note 2)   (stat.error;phot.mag)
  e_rmag mag (n) [/100] rmag uncertainty (MAGERR_AUTO_R) (Note 2)   (stat.error;phot.mag)
  e_imag mag (n) [/100] imag uncertainty (MAGERR_AUTO_I) (Note 2)   (stat.error;phot.mag)

ALL cols
(n) indicates a possible blank or NULL column(i)indexed column
  e_zmag mag (n) [/100] zmag uncertainty (MAGERR_AUTO_Z) (Note 2)   (stat.error;phot.mag)
  e_Ymag mag (n) [/100] Ymag uncertainty (MAGERR_AUTO_Y) (Note 2)   (stat.error;phot.mag;em.IR)
  gmagPSF mag (n) [-42/28.1] Weighted average g-band (AB) magnitude of PSF fit single epoch detections (WAVG_MAG_PSF_G) (phot.mag;em.opt.B)
  rmagPSF mag (n) [-45/28] Weighted average r-band (AB) magnitude of PSF fit single epoch detections (WAVG_MAG_PSF_R) (phot.mag;em.opt.R)
  imagPSF mag (n) [-41/27] Weighted average i-band (AB) magnitude of PSF fit single epoch detections (WAVG_MAG_PSF_I) (phot.mag;em.opt.I)
  zmagPSF mag (n) [-42/26] Weighted average z-band (AB) magnitude of PSF fit single epoch detections (WAVG_MAG_PSF_Z) (phot.mag;em.opt.I)
  YmagPSF mag (n) [-44/25] Weighted average Y-band (AB) magnitude of PSF fit single epoch detections (WAVG_MAG_PSF_Y) (phot.mag;em.IR.J)
  e_gmagPSF mag (n) [/14] gmagPSF uncertainty (WAVG_MAGERR_PSF_G) (stat.error)
  e_rmagPSF mag (n) [/18] rmagPSF uncertainty (WAVG_MAGERR_PSF_R) (stat.error)
  e_imagPSF mag (n) [/21] imagPSF uncertainty (WAVG_MAGERR_PSF_I) (stat.error)
  e_zmagPSF mag (n) [/2.2] zmagPSF uncertainty (WAVG_MAGERR_PSF_Z) (stat.error)
  e_YmagPSF mag (n) [/1.1] YmagPSF uncertainty (WAVG_MAGERR_PSF_Y) (stat.error;phot.mag;em.IR)
  gFlux   [-3.8e7/1.3e9] g-band flux measurement for an elliptical model based on the Kron radius in ADU units (FLUX_AUTO_G) (phot.flux.density;em.opt.B)

ALL cols
(n) indicates a possible blank or NULL column(i)indexed column
  rFlux  r-band flux measurement for an elliptical model based on the Kron radius in ADU units (FLUX_AUTO_R) (phot.flux.density;em.opt.R)
  iFlux  i-band flux measurement for an elliptical model based on the Kron radius in ADU units (FLUX_AUTO_I) (phot.flux.density;em.opt.I)
  zFlux  z-band flux measurement for an elliptical model based on the Kron radius in ADU units (FLUX_AUTO_Z) (phot.flux.density;em.opt.I)
  YFlux  (n) Y-band flux measurement for an elliptical model based on the Kron radius in ADU units (FLUX_AUTO_Y) (phot.flux.density;em.IR.J)
  e_gFlux   [0/14971] gFlux uncertainty (FLUXERR_AUTO_G) (stat.error)
  e_rFlux  rFlux uncertainty (FLUXERR_AUTO_R) (stat.error)
  e_iFlux  iFlux uncertainty (FLUXERR_AUTO_I) (stat.error)
  e_zFlux  zFlux uncertainty (FLUXERR_AUTO_Z) (stat.error)
  e_YFlux  YFlux uncertainty (FLUXERR_AUTO_Y) (stat.error)
  gFluxPSF  (n) [5.9/4.3e28] Weighted averaged g-band flux of PSF fit single epoch detections in ADU units (WAVG_FLUX_PSF_G) (phot.flux.density;em.opt.B)
  rFluxPSF  (n) Weighted averaged r-band flux of PSF fit single epoch detections in ADU units (WAVG_FLUX_PSF_R) (phot.flux.density;em.opt.R)
  iFluxPSF  (n) Weighted averaged i-band flux of PSF fit single epoch detections in ADU units (WAVG_FLUX_PSF_I) (phot.flux.density;em.opt.I)
  zFluxPSF  (n) Weighted averaged z-band flux of PSF fit single epoch detections in ADU units (WAVG_FLUX_PSF_Z) (phot.flux.density;em.opt.I)

ALL cols
(n) indicates a possible blank or NULL column(i)indexed column
  YFluxPSF  (n) Weighted averaged Y-band flux of PSF fit single epoch detections in ADU units (WAVG_FLUX_PSF_Y) (phot.flux.density;em.IR.J)
  e_gFluxPSF  (n) [9/1.4e27] gFluxPSF uncertainty (WAVG_FLUXERR_PSF_G) (stat.error)
  e_rFluxPSF  (n) rFluxPSF uncertainty (WAVG_FLUXERR_PSF_R) (stat.error)
  e_iFluxPSF  (n) iFluxPSF uncertainty (WAVG_FLUXERR_PSF_I) (stat.error)
  e_zFluxPSF  (n) zFluxPSF uncertainty (WAVG_FLUXERR_PSF_Z) (stat.error)
  e_YFluxPSF  (n) YFluxPSF uncertainty (WAVG_FLUXERR_PSF_Y) (stat.error)
  S/Gg  Extended source flag (0=galaxy; 1=star) (CLASS_STAR_G) (src.class.starGalaxy)
  S/Gr  Extended source flag (0=galaxy; 1=star) (CLASS_STAR_R) (src.class.starGalaxy)
  S/Gi  Extended source flag (0=galaxy; 1=star) (CLASS_STAR_I) (src.class.starGalaxy)
  S/Gz  Extended source flag (0=galaxy; 1=star) (CLASS_STAR_Z) (src.class.starGalaxy)
  S/GY  Extended source flag (0=galaxy; 1=star) (CLASS_STAR_Y) (src.class.starGalaxy)
  Exg  (n) [-3.2/2.4e12] Morphology based classifier in g-band (0=star; larger values=galaxy) (SPRAD_MODEL_G) (src.class.starGalaxy)
  Exr  (n) Morphology based classifier in r-band (0=star; larger values=galaxy) (SPREAD_MODEL_R) (src.class.starGalaxy)

ALL cols
(n) indicates a possible blank or NULL column(i)indexed column
  Exi  Morphology based classifier in i-band (0=star; larger values=galaxy) (SPREAD_MODEL_I) (src.class.starGalaxy)
  Exz  (n) Morphology based classifier in z-band (0=star; larger values=galaxy) (SPREAD_MODEL_Z) (src.class.starGalaxy)
  ExY  (n) Morphology based classifier in Y-band (0=star; larger values=galaxy) (SPREAD_MODEL_Y) (src.class.starGalaxy)
  SModg  (n) [-39.1/1] SPREAD MODEL using the weighted averaged g-band values from single epoch detections (WAVG_SPREAD_MODEL_G) (Note 3)   (src.class.starGalaxy)
  SModr  (n) SPREAD MODEL using the weighted averaged r-band values from single epoch detections (WAVG_SPREAD_MODEL_R) (Note 3)   (src.class.starGalaxy)
  SModi  (n) SPREAD MODEL using the weighted averaged i-band values from single epoch detections (WAVG_SPREAD_MODEL_I) (src.class.starGalaxy)
  SModz  (n) [-0.4/2.4] SPREAD MODEL using the weighted averaged z-band values from single epoch detections (WAVG_SPREAD_MODEL_Z) (src.class.starGalaxy)
  SModY  (n) [-0.6/0.2] SPREAD MODEL using the weighted averaged Y-band values from single epoch detections (WAVG_SPREAD_MODEL_Y) (src.class.starGalaxy)
  e_Exg   [0/3.5e13] Exg uncertainty (SPREADERR_MODEL_G) (stat.error)
  e_Exr  Exr uncertainty (SPREADERR_MODEL_R) (stat.error)
  e_Exi  Exi uncertainty (SPREADERR_MODEL_I) (stat.error)
  e_Exz  Exz uncertainty (SPREADERR_MODEL_Z) (stat.error)
  e_ExY  ExY uncertainty (SPREADERR_MODEL_Y) (stat.error)
  e_SModg  (n) [0/5.9e7] SModg uncertainty (WAVG_SPREADERR_MODEL_G) (stat.error)
  e_SModr  (n) SModr uncertainty (WAVG_SPREADERR_MODEL_R) (stat.error)
  e_SModi  (n) SModi uncertainty (WAVG_SPREADERR_MODEL_I) (stat.error)
  e_SModz  (n) SModz uncertainty (WAVG_SPREADERR_MODEL_Z) (stat.error)
  e_SModY  (n) SModY uncertainty (WAVG_SPREADERR_MODEL_Y) (stat.error)

ALL cols
(n) indicates a possible blank or NULL column(i)indexed column
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elapse time 6