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  Nobeyama molecular line survey of SCUBA-2 cores (Kim+, 2020)
    J/ApJS/249/33/table1(c)Information of 207 SCUBA-2 cores embedded in Planck Galactic Cold Clumps (207 rows)
    J/ApJS/249/33/table3Properties of 82GHz CCS, 94GHz CCS, HC3N, and N2H+ lines (121 rows)
    J/ApJS/249/33/table4Properties of c-C3H2, DNC, HN13C, and N2D+ lines (229 rows)
    J/ApJS/249/33/table5Column density, column density ratio, Mach number, and integrated intensity ratio of N2D+, N2H+, DNC, HN13C, CCS, and HC3N molecules (229 rows)

       (c)  indicates tables which contain celestial coordinates 
elapse time 1