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  Light curves of KELT-16 (Mancini+, 2022)
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1.J/MNRAS/509/1447/table1Details of the transit observations presented in this work[timeSerie] (36 rows)

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  recno  Record number assigned by the VizieR team. Should Not be used for identification. (meta.record)
  LC  Show the light curve (meta.ref.url)
  Tel (char) Telescope (;
  Date s (n)Date of first observation (time.epoch)
  TimeS "h:m:s" (n)Start time (UT) (time.start)
  TimeE "h:m:s" (n)End time (UT) (time.end)
  Nobs  Number of observations (meta.number)
  Texp1 s Exposure time (time.duration;obs.exposure)
  Texp2 s (n) Exposure time (time.duration;obs.exposure)
  Tobs1 s Observation cadence (time;arith.diff)
  Tobs2 s (n) Observation cadence (time;arith.diff)
  Filter (char) Filter (;instr.filter)
  Airmass (char) VizieR added column, not part of original data (obs.airMass)
  Moon % Geocentric fractional illumination of the Moon at midnight (ut) (phys.composition.massLightRatio)
  Rap1 pix Aperture radius (Note 1)   (
  Rap2 pix Aperture radius (Note 1)   (
  Rap3 pix Aperture radius (Note 1)   (
  Scatter mmag rms scatter of the data versus a fitted model (stat.stdev)
  Sim (char) [yes/no ] Specifies if the transit was simultaneously observed by more than one telescope (meta.code)
  FileName (char) Name of the ligth curve file in subdirectory lc (;meta.file)

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