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  VizieR META catalogue
Describes the Catalogues and Tables accessible via VizieR (also called ReferenceDirectory)
    METAcatCatalogues (one catalogue = set of tables); PK=catid (1 rows)
    METAtabContains details of all tables; PK=(catid,tabid) (44 rows)
    METAcolColumn Description: PK=(catid,tabid,colid) (219 rows)
    METAbbrThe view with EXPLICIT abbreviations used for Catalogues
    METAkeywordsThe view with EXPLICIT assigned keywords
    METAdbaDescription of how to access a database (12 rows)
    METAfamAstronomical families (1family = 1set of parameters) (1430 rows)
    METAtypesTable explaining all Data Types (23 rows)
    METAcroNames & aliases of each catalogue
    METAkwcatTable explaining the Keyword Categories (4 rows)
    METAkwdefTable with all available keywords (118 rows)
    ADCkwdefMapping ADC_Keywords to METAkwds (305 rows)
    METAkwdRelation catalogues / keywords (2 rows)
    METAstatJust keep some statistics on the number of calls (7 rows)
    METAkeylistThe view with EXPLICIT list of keywords
    METAnotContains details of Notes (to columns / tables)
    METAmorContains details of Anchor Generation (29 rows)
    METAflagContains Definitions of Flags used in METAcol (21 rows)
    METAqinDescription of otuput of Query Program PK=(catid,tabid,colid)
    METAhstDescription of Allowed Hosts for VizieR Queries (17 rows)
    METAhitPopularity of catalog on time/host
    METAdigList of (%g) items in Dictionary of Nomenclature
    METAobj(c)Objects listed in ReadMe files
    ReadMeObj(c)Objects listed in 'ReadMe' files
    METAladinLists related to Aladin Usage
    METAdicLists of Column Names which can be used for Links (related to Dic)
    METAucdUCD1+ Unified Content Descriptor (515 rows)
    UCDsThe view with Column 'UCDs'
    METAsedWhich column contains magnitudes in which filters
    ElementsAtomic Symbols, just for use in some other files... (109 rows)
    METAphotTable of Photometric Systems, in connection with METAfltr
    METAfltrDetails on filters in a photometry, used in connection with METAphot
    METAfilterThe view with METAphot METAfltr
    METApopPopularity of catalog including all clones
    METAlafInstructions for AladinFilters
    METAauthSpecial authorization table
    METAkohKohonen values (85 rows)
    METAcolaThe view with METAcol + METAsed (columns with associated bandwidth)
    DICucdUCD dictionnary
    STATucdUCD statistics
    METAoriginCatalogue collection origin table
    METAtimeSystemGeneral Time System table; PK=timesystid
    METAtimeScaleRefTime scale reference table; PK=timescaleid
    METAtimeFrameRefTime Frame position reference table; PK=timeframeid
    METAtimeRepstRefTime Representation reference table; PK=timerepid
    METAtimeColTime table applied to columns
    METAtimeRelRelated time columns
    METAtimeSystTime System view
    METAtimeTime catalogue view
    METAuatUAT references
    METAuatcatLink catalogues with UATs
    METAuatadcUAT ADC mapping
    METAvolinksAssociated data added by CDS or coming from author (1 rows)
    METAcell00List of objects in Coo Cells, level ≤ 6
    METAcell02List of objects in Coo Cells, level = 7
    METAcell03List of objects in Coo Cells, level = 7
    METAcell09List of objects in Coo Cells, level = 8
    METAcell0aList of objects in Coo Cells, level = 8
    METAcell0bList of objects in Coo Cells, level = 8
    METAcell0cList of objects in Coo Cells, level = 8
    METAcell0dList of objects in Coo Cells, level = 8
    METAcell0eList of objects in Coo Cells, level = 8

       (c)  indicates tables which contain celestial coordinates 
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