We propose an ISO target of Opportunity observation of the BL Lacartae object BL Lac, which is currently undergoing a major outburst at optical energies. According to many current theories of the emission processes in blazars, the far-IR continuum provides the seed photons for inverse Compton X- and gamma rays, so a gamma-ray outburst should be accompanied (and preceeded) by a optical and far-IR outburst, and (ii) in the inhomogeneous jet models, an outburst starts at optical/UV wavelengths and propagates to the longer IR wavelengths on timescales of days to weeks.Since the launch of ISO, only one optical blazar outburst (3C279) has been observed by ISO, and that in PV phase where quality of the ISO data are less than optimum. This may represent the only chance with ISO to investigate any far IR/optical correlation in flaring blazars. An accurate measurement of the IR continuum during the current outburst will yield major diagnostics of the physical processes in the emission region of these enigmatic objects.