We propose to use the ISO Long Wavelength Spectrometer to measure the [C II] 158 micron and [N II] 122 micron emission from a sample of low mass Virgo Cluster spiral galaxies. These galaxies have high star formation rates relative to their CO luminosities, compared to Galactic star formation regions and high mass spirals. This effect may be caused by either higher star formation efficiencies (SFR/M(H2)) in the lower mass galaxies, or higher N(H2)/I(CO) ratios relative to the Galactic conversion factor, due to low metallicity and dust content. If this second possibility holds, we expect to find high [C II]/CO ratios in these galaxies, relative to high mass galaxies and to Galactic star forming regions, as has been found for dwarf irregular galaxies. The [N II] observations will be used to distinguish between [C II] emission from neutral and ionized gas.