This proposal is devoted to complete 2.5-45 micron spectroscopy, using SWS01, of a sample of IR sources embedded in molecular clouds. These sources are proposed because (i) ground-based observations detect a deep water ice band at 3.07 micron (ii) they have not been previously observed at wavelengths inaccessible to ground-based observations and (iii) existing ISO observations of these sources only cover very specific SWS06 ranges. With SWS01, the resolution is well adapted to solid state features and we aim at detecting H2O, CO, CO2, CH4 plus other less abundant molecules. Our spectra will be compared with laboratory spectra of various ices in order to derive solid state molecular abundances, in simple molecules as well as in the silicate bands. As a byproduct we hope to measure the absorption expected from polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons so as to provide a means of deriving their abundance.