SUMMARY OF SCIENTIFIC GOAL We propose to carry out a major survey with ISO in open time, surveying 25 square degrees of sky at 90, 15 and 6.7 mu. This represents in increase in survey area of a factor of 10 at 90 m and 100 at 15 and 6.7 mu, compared with the ISO Central Programme. We predict that about 30,000 sources will be detected in this survey. The prime scientific goals are: (i) to explore star formation in spiral galaxies to high redshifts (ii) to study the phenomenon of ultraluminous and hyperluminous infrared galaxies and find examples at high redshifts (iii) to test rival scenarios for the formation of elliptical galaxies and spheroids, and to detect proto-spheroids at high redshift (iv) to detect the emission from dust tori around AGN and quasars out to high redshifts and to test unified models for AGN (v) to study dust emission in normal galaxies out to cosmologically significant distances (vi) to study circumstellar dust emission in Galactic halo stars (vii) to test decisively whether the dark halo of our Galaxy is in the form of brown dwarfs (viii) to find new classes of Galactic and extragalactic object (ix) to provide a major legacy from ISO, which will, like the IRAS surveys, stimulate follow-up studies in radio continuum, molecular line, submillimetre, ground-based mid and near infrared, optical, uv and X-rays