An intensive study of the IRAS photometry of a wide sample of PNe and PPNe has shown that a clear correlation exists between the IRAS colors and the mass and age of PNe and PPNe. However, this correlation is affected in many cases by the presence of strong emission lines and a detailed analysis of the far infrared energy distribution is needed to model their evolutionary tracks through the IRAS two-color diagram. We propose to obtain full range spectra (SWS and LWS) of a well defined sample of PNe and PPNe in order to determine the contribution of these emission lines to the original IRAS fluxes. The analysis of the emission lines will be used to derive the chemical abundances and physical conditions of those PNe showing strong features, while the underlying continuum, basically due to dust emission, will be used to reconstruct their mass loss history and study the properties of the dust as a function of the position of the source in the IRAS two-color diagram, the mass of the progenitor star and evolutionary stage.