In this proposal, more time is being requested for SCOLGAN.GRTANNIL We propose 3 by 3 point maps of [OI] (63 microns) and [CII] (158 microns) emission, a 9 position map of [SiII] (35 microns), measurement of the [FeII] (26 microns), OH (119 microns), and [OI] (146 microns) lines, and the 43-170 micron continuum spectrum at the central position of the variable X-ray source GRS1758-258. We also propose to complete our 3 by 3 point map of [OI] (63 microns) from 1E1740.7-2942. Both are black hole candidates and the latter is the purported compact, variable source of gamma-ray annihilation emission in the galactic center region. The purpose of these measurements is to determine the state of the ISM surrounding these objects and to test whether Bondi-Hoyle accretion onto an isolated compact object or a binary system could power the observed X-ray and gamma-ray emission. We will accomplish this by probing the effect of the hard (1-100 keV) X-rays on the adjacent gas through measurement of the gas temperature, density, and chemical abundances.