Our proposal is to observe 8 symbiotic stars with the SWS. In 5 of these cases, the data will be used to determine the line contribution to 5 to 60 micron broad band photometry taken with PHT-P within the GT programme NOVAE. This will allow an accurate estimate of the cool dust continuum variation with wavelength, enabling us to fit the distribution with an emissivity weighted black-body, and derive physical parameters such as temperature and dust grain crystallinity (from the beta index). In addition we will be able to identify the lines which are clearly influencing the PHT-P results, and so draw conclusions about the abundances and chemistry of the emitting regions. In the 3 remaining cases, we are concentrating on lines already detected in SWS01 observations. Observations of the 10 micron silicate profile in each star will allow us to determine the degree of crystallinity or amorphousness of the silicate grains. High-resolution scans of a number of unidentified lines (thought to be Ne, O, and H recombination) will enable an unambigous identification using the profile shapes and line ratios, and provide information on the velocity distribution of the emitting gas.